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19 votes
4 answers

What are your favorite finite non-commutative rings?

When you are checking a conjecture or working through a proof, it is nice to have a collection of examples on hand. There are many convenient examples of commutative rings, both finite and infinite, ...
12 votes
1 answer

Tensor products and two-sided faithful flatness

Let $f: R \to S$ be a morphism of Noetherian rings (or more generally $S$ can just be an $R-R$ bimodule with a bimodule morphism $R \to S$). Suppose $f$ is faithfully flat on both sides, so $M \to M \...
David Loeffler's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Finding non-inner derivations of simple $\mathbb Q$-algebras

What's a good example of a simple algebra over a field of characteristic $0$ which has a non-inner derivation but also has the invariant basis number property (IBN)? I'm under the impression that when ...
rschwieb's user avatar
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