Questions tagged [euclidean-lattices]

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On shortest vector problem

Assume we have an oracle which gives the length of the shortest vector in a lattice. Given this oracle can we find the shortest vector in polynomial time?
Turbo's user avatar
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Random walk to visible lattice points

Consider a random walk from the $\mathbb{Z}^2$ origin $(0,0)$ to visible (not blocked) lattice points $p$, with a parameter $r$ a given radius of a circle centered on $p$. With $p$ the previous point, ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Illumination from visible lattice points with inverse square intensity

It is well known that the number of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ lattice points visible from the origin is $6/\pi^2$, about $61$%. See, e.g., What fraction of the integer lattice can be seen from the origin?. I am ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Does $2$ variable linear Diophantine equation in $NC$ imply $2$ dimensional shortest vector is in $NC$?

Consider the Linear Diophantine in known $a,b,c\in\mathbb Z$ $$ax+by=c.$$ Above can be solve by Extended Euclidean which is not in $NC$ as far as we know. It is clear if Extended Euclidean is in $NC$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Existence of some lattice path connecting all given lattice paths

My daily work concerns analysis on metric spaces and some time ago it turned out that the problem I am dealing with boils down to a certain combinatorial problem. I've checked a lot of examples and it ...
elsnar's user avatar
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a counting problem on lattice

In $d$-dimensional lattice, we define a set $S_0$ be the zero point. At step $i\geq 1$: For each point $p\in S_{i-1}$, we can choose a single point $q$ who is a neighbour of $p$, and add $q$ into $s_{...
gondolf's user avatar
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Mistake in Rogers' paper: "number of lattice points in a set" for the case $n=2$?

Let $f:\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R$ be a nonnegative Borel measurable function, and let $f^*$ be the function obtained from $f$ by spherical symmetrization (see Rogers' paper: number of lattice points in ...
taylor's user avatar
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How large is the set of unimodular lattices whose sucesssive minima cannot be attained by a basis of lattice?

Recall that the $i$-th successive minimum of $L\in \mathcal L$ (space of full rank lattices in $\mathbb R^d$), denoted $\lambda_i(L)$ is the infimum of the radii of the balls containing $i$-linearly ...
taylor's user avatar
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Proof of generalized Siegel's mean value formula in geometry of numbers

Let $\mu$ be the Haar measure defined on the space of unimodular lattices, identified with $\text{SL}(d,\mathbb R)/\text{SL}(d,\mathbb Z)$. The classical Siegel's formula in geometry of numbers states ...
taylor's user avatar
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Successive minima and the basis of lattice

I am able to prove the following two propositions: Recall that the $i$-th successive minimum of $L\in \mathcal L$, denoted $\lambda_i(L)$ is the infimum of the radii of the balls containing $i$-...
taylor's user avatar
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Find the closest point of a lattice $\Lambda$ given the closest point for its union of cosets $\bigcup_i ({\bf r}_i+\Lambda)$

Suppose we have an $n$-dimensional lattice $\Lambda$, and a set of vectors ${\bf r}_i$, we can construct a union of cosets of $\Lambda$, denoted as $L$, as $$ L \equiv \bigcup_i ({\bf r}_i+\Lambda) $$ ...
fagd's user avatar
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How to construct lattices with largest possible number of Voronoi relevant lattice vectors?

Let M be the generator matrix of a $N$ dimensional lattice, and $V$ the set of Voronoi relevant vectors. The Voronoi cell for the origin can be written as $\text{Vor}_{\bf 0}(M)=\left\{{\bf x}: |{\bf ...
fagd's user avatar
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Relation between positive roots of $E_8$ and $\mathbb{F}_2^8 \setminus \{0\}$

There exists an explicit bijection (due to Cayley, that has built up a very nice table to describe this) between the positive roots of the lattice $E_7$ and $\mathbb{F}_2^6 \setminus \{0\}$ (where $\...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Lattices and stable homotopy groups of spheres

The number $65520$ arises in two very different scenarios: It occurs in the formula for the theta series of the Leech lattice: $$ \Theta_{\Lambda_{24}}(q) = 1 + \sum\limits_{m=1}^{\infty} \dfrac{...
Adam P. Goucher's user avatar
2 votes
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The range of each of successive minima for all unimodular lattices

Let $\mathcal L$ be the space of unimodular (covolume one) lattices in $\mathbb R^d$. The $i$-th successive minimum of $L\in \mathcal L$, denoted $\lambda_i(L)$ is the infimum of the radii of the ...
No One's user avatar
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Relationships among lattices U14, C2xG23, A15+ and their Delaunay polytopes

Do you have any references explaining the relationships among the lattices U14, C2xG23 aka Q14, and A15+? Do you have any references explaining the relationships among these lattices and the 7D ...
Dan Haxton's user avatar
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Standard Gram matrices for lattices

I would like to define standard Gram matrices, and use them to help me understand the symmetries of lattices. I define "standard Gram matrix" as the Gram matrix g that minimizes the ...
Dan Haxton's user avatar
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Intersecting lattices with surfaces in R^d

Let us fix some bounded surface $S\subset \mathbb{R}^d$. Let $x_1,\ldots, x_m$ be some non-zero vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$. I am interested is the maximum number of points that the lattice $L_m=\{\sum ...
TOM's user avatar
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How to determine sublattices S of a root lattice R

Let $R$ be a root lattice of a irreducible root system $\Phi$. Suppose $W$ is a Weyl group of $\Phi$ and $S$ is a sublattice of $R$ which is $W$-stable and satisfies $|R/S|<\infty$. For example, ...
Fuutorider's user avatar
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Structure of the permutation groups acting on the root systems of Niemeier lattices of type $A_{k}^n$

I have been doing research on the Niemeier lattices with root systems of type, $A_{k}^n$ and I am particularly interested in the finite groups permuting the constituent root systems. These groups ...
Sean Miller's user avatar
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Tri-coloring of E8 lattice? Why is the Gram matrix of E8 not unique?

This question is about euclidean lattices, regular arrays of points in $\mathbb R^N$. Why are there 3 Gram matrices for the E8 lattice? They are not related by a similarity transformation; they have ...
Dan Haxton's user avatar
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On the shortest vectors of lattices generated by powers of generator matrices

Let $B\in\mathbb Z^{n\times n}$ generate a rank-$r$ lattice $\mathcal L_1\subseteq\mathbb Z^n$ and let $B^k\in\mathbb Z^{n\times n}$ generate lattice $\mathcal L_k\subseteq\mathbb Z^n$ assuming $\...
Turbo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Lattices containing $A_n$ and $D_n$

How many lattices are there which contain both the $A_n$ and $D_n$ lattices of the same dimension as sublattices? So far, I’ve found examples in 1D, 3D, 8D, and 24D.
Daniel Sebald's user avatar
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Minimal volume of fundamental domains of lattices

Consider a full rank integer lattice in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $v_1$ be the shortest non-zero vector in the lattice, $v_2$ be the shortest one among those not parallel to $v_1$, $v_3$ be the shortest one ...
Yuhang Liu's user avatar
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Deep Holes of the tensor product of two lattices

Let $L_0, L_1$ be Euclidean lattices (say full rank) of dimension $n_i$. Let $\lambda_1(L_i)$ denote the length of the shortest vector of $L_i$, and let $\rho(L_i)$ denote the covering radius of $L_i$:...
Mark Schultz-Wu's user avatar
7 votes
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what is the number of paths returning to 0 on the hexagonal lattice

I am looking for an estimation of the number of paths of length $n$ going from 0 to 0 on the hexagonal (or honeycomb) lattice. I can find plenty on references on self avoiding paths, but I am looking ...
kaleidoscop's user avatar
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What other lattices are obtainable from this noncommutative ring?

Here I will regard $SU(2)$ as the multiplicative group of unit quaternions. There are just three conjugacy classes of finite subgroups $G < SU(2)$ where $[G:C] > 2$ for all cyclic subgroups $C &...
DavidLHarden's user avatar
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Alternating 1D lattice sum

Are there any equivalent representations of the following (real valued) sum, in particular that are suitable for evaluation as $z\rightarrow0$ ? $$ S=\sum_{k=-\infty}^\infty \frac{i^k(z-2ik)}{(\rho^2+(...
Matt Majic's user avatar
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Closed cobounded additive submonoid of $\mathbb{R}^n$

Let $M$ be a closed additive submonoid of $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $n\geq1$. Suppose also that there exists $r>0$ such that every ball of radius $r$ intersects $M$. I wonder if we can obtain more ...
phdstud's user avatar
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Selfsimilar lattices in $\mathbb R^d$

Let $\Lambda\subset \mathbb R^d$ a discrete subgroup, up to diminishing $d$ we assume it is of the form $A\mathbb Z^d$ with $A\in GL(d)$. Up to dilation we assume that the shortest vector in $\Lambda\...
Mircea's user avatar
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Shortest vectors in tensor product and maximal lattices in tensor product

$\mathcal L$ and $\mathcal L'$ be full rank lattices in $\mathbb R^n$ with shortest vectors $v_1,\dots,v_n$ and $v_1',\dots,v_n'$ respectively where $$\|v_1\|_2\leq\dots\leq\|v_n\|_2$$ $$\|v_1'\|_2\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Can we count the number of integer lattice points in this case?

Gauss Circle problem gives the number of lattice points lie within a circle of radius $r$. This question points to a reference that estimates the number of lattice points in a $d−$dimensional ball. $...
Noah16's user avatar
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The Monster Moonshine Module from the engineering or algorithmic point of view

From what I understand (see, e.g., this question), the Monster Moonshine Module is a kind if "third generation" (or "second quantization"?) after the Golay code (with automorphism group $M_{24}$) and ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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11 votes
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Tiling with incommensurate triangles

Say that two triangles are incommensurate if they do not share an edge length or a vertex angle, and their areas differ. Suppose you'd like to tile the plane with pairwise incommensurate triangles. I ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Isomorphism classes of lattices

Suppose we have a $4 \times 6$ matrix $A$ of rank $4$ whose entries are rational numbers. Define $$ V = \{x \in \mathbb R^6 \mid A \cdot x = 0\} $$ and $$ \Lambda = \{x \in \mathbb Z^6 \mid A \cdot ...
Ramin's user avatar
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Counting symmetric convex bodies with no nonzero lattice point in the interior

In order to estimate the size of the torsion in the algebraic $K$-groups of $\mathbb Q$ one needs to understand the homology of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb Z)$, or alternatively, the homology of the space ...
Xandi Tuni's user avatar
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Distance for $GL_n(\mathbb{R})/GL_n(\mathbb{Z})$

One can define the convergence of a sequence $(\Lambda_k)_k$ of full rank lattices as folow : $(\Lambda_k)\underset{k\rightarrow +\infty}{\longrightarrow} \Lambda \iff \forall k\in \mathbb{N} ,\exists ...
Swann 's user avatar
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Existence of linearly indépendants vectors reaching each minima of a lattice

I was wondering : given a full rank lattice $\Lambda$ of $R^n$ (a discrete subgroup spanning $R^n$) the successive minima of $\Lambda$ are for $1\leqslant i \leqslant n$ $\lambda_i= \min\{r>0 \mid \...
Swann 's user avatar
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Fractal covering of a plane with complex-base numeral systems - is periodicity necessary?

Taking a base $z$ positional numeral system with digits $a_k\in \{0,\ldots,n-1\}$: $$s:\left\{(a_k)\in\{0,\ldots,n-1\}^{\mathbb{Z}}: \exists_K \forall_{k>K} \ a_k=0\right \}\to \sum_{k\in\mathbb{...
Jarek Duda's user avatar
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Periodicity of density of laminated lattices

In Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups, Conway and Sloane explore laminated lattices. If we let $X_d$ be the set of $d$-dimensional Euclidean lattices where every pair of points are separated by ...
Adam P. Goucher's user avatar
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Lattice basis reduction over rings of number fields

Can one use lattice basis reduction algorithms, such as LLL over (low-rank) module lattices over rings of number fields of degree greater than 1? Is there any work on lattice reductions over Euclidean ...
terett's user avatar
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On necessary condition for no integer points in polytope

For a convex polytope $\mathcal K$ in $\Bbb R^n$ presented by $O(n^c)$ linear inequalities is it true that for $|\mathcal K\cap \Bbb Z^n|=0$ it is necessary that at least one axis of John's ellipsoid ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Gap in Successive minima on lattice spanned by rational and integer combination of integer vectors

We are given a rank $r$ matrix $B\in\Bbb Z^{k\times n}$ where $0\leq r\leq k\leq n$ holds. We have $$\mathcal L_\Bbb Z=\{uB\in\Bbb Z^n:u\in\Bbb Z^k\}\subseteq\mathcal L_\Bbb Q=\{uB\in\Bbb Z^n:u\in\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Integer points spanned by real, rational and integer combination of integer vectors

We are given a rank $r$ matrix $B\in\Bbb Z^{k\times n}$ where $0\leq r\leq k\leq n$ holds. We have $\mathcal L_\Bbb Z\subseteq \mathcal L_\Bbb Q\subseteq\mathcal L_\Bbb R$ where $$\mathcal L_\Bbb Z=\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Closest vertex in a 3D fcc lattice

The 3D fcc (face-centered-cubic) lattice, which has the same packing ratio as the 3D hexagonal close packed lattice, has the following 12 vectors connecting each vertex with its neighbors: $(1,-1,0),...
user3433489's user avatar
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"Sparse" Theta Series

The number of integer points with a given norm in the integer grid $\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}$ may be calculated via the generating function $$\theta_3(q)^2= \left(\sum_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} q^{n^2}\...
Campello's user avatar
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The lattice handshake number ("nearly kissing" number)?

Update: I'm happy to say that this question has been made essentially obsolete by the breakthrough result of Serge Vlăduţ, who showed that the kissing number is exponentially large:
Noah Stephens-Davidowitz's user avatar
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Densest sphere packing for a given lattice

There is a great deal of fascinating work on the sphere packing problem. I was wondering if there exist methods to find the densest possible packing of a sublattice of a given lattice. In particular, ...
лаетековский чайник's user avatar
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Bound on the fundamental region of a sublattice of a Niemeier Lattice

I am working with an 18 dimensional lattice, $W$ say, primitively embedded into a given Niemeier lattice $\mathcal{N}_i$. I am trying to figure out the following: what is the smallest possible ...
лаетековский чайник's user avatar
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Positive-definite lattice with O(n,n) Gram matrix generated by minimal vectors

Consider a positive-definite $2n$-dimensional lattice with minimum norm $\mu$. It is sometimes possible to find a generating set of minimal vectors for the lattice such that the Gram matrix takes the ...
Chaitanya Murthy's user avatar