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4 votes
1 answer

Practical way to check for geometric convergence

Target distribution is multimodal, 24 dimensions, continuous state space. For MCMC integration (MH sampler) I use a manually tuned proposal distribution. When I measure the convergence rate ...
5 votes
1 answer

Stationary, ergodic measures from the structuralist point of view

Stationary, ergodic measures are a class of objects very familiar to probabilists. In a sense, these are the weakest generalization of the classic case of independent, identically distributed random ...
6 votes
0 answers

Generating stationary, ergodic random fields on a homogeneous space

Consider a homogeneous space $M$, which for the sake of concreteness, let's take to be $M = \mathbb R^d$. Fix some space $A$, and consider the space of functions $X = C(M,A)$, along with its Borel $\...
1 vote
0 answers

Entropy of Bernoulli walks on semi-groups.

Consider the Fibonacci semi-group $<L,R|LRR=RLL>$ with a Bernoulli walk $P(R)=p, P(L)=1-p$. Is the entropy $H(p)$ an unimodal function with maximum at p=0.5? Is this true for all finitely ...
8 votes
3 answers

non-integrable subadditive ergodic theorem

Dear MO_World, I have (another) question about relaxing the assumptions in the sub-additive ergodic theorem. Apologies if this is something I should know already... There are a number of statements ...
0 votes
0 answers

What is the mean-value of a particular exponential sum related to the non-trivial zeros of Riemann's zeta function?

This question arose from an earlier one and the MO user's useful answers there: What are the values of the derivative of Riemann's zeta function at the known non-trivial zeros? (which is not a ...
5 votes
1 answer

Subadditive Kingmans theorem for lattices.

I am looking for a multidimensional version of Kingman's subadditive theorem. I found this but it is not exactely what I need. I would rather have something like that: Let us consider $\mathbb{Z}^...
13 votes
2 answers

Non-integrable ergodic theory

Can anyone help me out with proofs/counterexamples? I'm working on an operator-valued multiplicative ergodic theorem and need what may(?) be a well-known fact. This fact (if true) would help me get ...
6 votes
1 answer

Ergodicity of Convoluted White Noise

I have a question regarding ergodicity in infinite dimensional spaces. Let $\mathcal{D}$ be the space of distributions on a Schwartz space, and let $\mu$ be the white noise process which exists by ...
2 votes
1 answer

Given a probability \mu, can we always find a transformation T s.t. \mu is T-invariant?

It is true that, under some conditions, given a measure-preserving transformation $T$, we can always construct a $T$-invariant probability. I am wondering whether we can do a converse. See Parry's ...
3 votes
1 answer

Finitarily Markovian Finite Factors of Bernoulli Schemes

By processes, I mean discrete, stationary stochastic processes, that is $(X,\mathcal{U},\mu,T)$ where $X$ is the set of doubly infinite sequences of some alphabet $A$, $\mathcal{U}$ is the $\sigma$-...
6 votes
1 answer

Birkhoff ergodic theorem for dynamical systems driven by a Wiener process

At the risk of asking a stupid question I have the following problem. Suppose I have a measure preserving dynamical system $(X, \mathcal{F}, \mu, T_s)$, where $X$ is a set $\mathcal{F}$ is a sigma-...
7 votes
0 answers

Is there a continuous-time version of Kingman's subadditive decomposition theorem?

Kingman's subadditive ergodic theorem (see this article) states that if $x_{m,n}$ is a real valued process indexed on the set of pairs of non-negative integers $m < n$ satisfying: $x_{l,n} \le x_{...
2 votes
1 answer

exactness of the Gauss transformation

Dear all, I would like to know if the Gauss transformation T(x) = fractional part of 1/x, x in (0,1) (with the Gauss invariant probability measure) is an exact endomorphism (in the sense of Rokhlin). ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is the average first return time of a partitioned ergodic transformation just the number of elements in the partition?

For some reason my thinking is very fuzzy today, so I apologize for the following rather silly question below... Let $T$ be an ergodic transformation of $(X,\Omega, \mathbb{P})$ and let $X$ be ...

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