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Schubert calculus and the representation ring of the general linear algebra

Schubert calculus studies the structural constants of the standard basis of the cohomology ring of the quantum Grassmannians. It is well known that it is isomorphic to the fusion ring of the category ...
Didier de Montblazon's user avatar
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Conjectures and open problems in representation theory [closed]

Are there very famous open problems or conjectures in representation theory, or in enumerative geometry, like the volume conjecture in topology?
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Diagonal operator and infinite wedge space formalism

Let $\bigwedge^{\infty /2}V$ denote semiinfinte wedge space. The followin article section 2 gives a good description about the space and the operator on it. ...
GGT's user avatar
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Proving Positivity for Schubert Calculus

In study of the cohomology ring of the Grassmannians, which is usually known as Schubert calculus, one usually deals with a distinguished basis known as the Schubert basis $\{\sigma_\lambda\}$. One of ...
Pierre Dubois's user avatar