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Degree three, codimension one subvarieties lying on a quadratic hypersurface

Let $H$ be an irreducible hypersurface in $\mathbb P^n$ of large-ish degree, say 14. This question is about subvarieties $V$ of $H$ such that $V$ has codimension 1 in $H$ (i.e. $V$ has dimension $n-2$...
Simon L Rydin Myerson's user avatar
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Proofs that the Plücker relations generate the ideal of the Grassmannian

Some context: The $(k,n)$-Grassmannian is the set of $k$-dimensional subspaces of an $n$-dimensional vector space $V$. It can be realized as a projective variety via the Plücker embedding, and the set ...
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