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Formula for sum involving products of (symplectic) Schur functions

This question is a continuation of a question asked yesterday which had a very nice answer. Consider the summation $$\sum_{\lambda \subset (k)^n} \dim S_{\lambda^t} (\mathbb{C}^k) \cdot \dim S_{[\...
Rellek's user avatar
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Number of semistandard tableaux of all possible shapes fitting within some rectangle

Suppose $n$ and $k$ are two integers. Then I am interested in having a closed form for the sum $$\sum_{\lambda \subset k \times n} S_\lambda (\mathbb{C}^n),$$ where $S_\lambda$ denotes the Schur ...
Rellek's user avatar
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Skewed plane partition with only row fillings reversed

The number of plane partitions in a bounded box is well-studied and dates back to MacMahon, at the start of this paper by Sam Hopkins and Tri Lai, p9, they summarized current results on the ...
Zhi Wang's user avatar
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hook length formula for plane partitions

The hook length formula give a simple product expression for the number of standard Young tableaux of a given shape $\lambda$, where $\lambda$ is an integer partition, or equivalently, the number of ...
Roger Van Peski's user avatar
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Counting integer partitions below some Young diagram

Question: Given positive, coprime integers $m<n$, consider the Young diagram $Y$ formed by the lattice points in the Cartesian plane lying below the line from $(0,0)$ to $(m,n)$ and within the ...
Yly's user avatar
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Addition theorem for Schur function in multivariable

Working with the following problem Expansion in Schur function of negative binomial exponent I need to find the expansion of $$ s_{\lambda}(x_1 + y , x_2 +y, \ldots, x_n +y)$$ in terms of schur ...
GGT's user avatar
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Number of paths to a specific vertex in the Young's lattice

Consider the Young's lattice. What is the number of paths starting from the origin (0) to a specific Young diagram? For instance, the Young diagram corresponding to the integer partition 1+1+1 has 1 ...
TheTwistedSector's user avatar
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LGV scheme: Any situations where the weights shift differently for each path?

In Cylindric partitions, Proposition 1, Gessel and Krattenthaler prove a formula for lattice paths on a cylinder In our particular problem, we again have paths $((P_{1},k_{1}),...,(P_{r},k_{r}))$ but ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Refined reverse plane partition generating function

I have a simple question about the generating function for reverse plane partitions: $$\sum_{\pi \in RPP(\lambda)} z^{|\pi|}= \prod_{s \in \lambda} \frac{1}{1-z^{h_{\lambda}(s)}}$$ There's a ...
Samuel Crew's user avatar
13 votes
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Coincidences between average Catalan tableaux

There are Catalan number $C_n$ of standard Young tableaux of shape $(n,n)$, which we view as $2\times n$ matrices. Denote by $P_n$ the average of these matrices: $$ P_n \, := \, \frac{1}{C_n} \, \...
Igor Pak's user avatar
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How to represent the even signed permutations by Young tableaux?

The well-known RSK correspondence established the connection between table pair (P,Q) and the permutations in symmetry group Sn(Coxeter group of type A). Also, there is a similar correspondence for ...
tony su's user avatar
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Counting the orbits of a set of tabloids under the action of a Young subgroup

Let $\lambda = (\lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2 \geq \cdots \geq \lambda_k)$ and $\mu = (\mu_1 \geq \mu_2 \geq \cdots \geq \mu_\ell)$ be partitions of a positive integer $n$. As in Fulton's book on Young ...
Megumi Harada's user avatar