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19 votes
3 answers

A generalization of the triangle counting problem for simple weighted graphs

One nice identity is that $$\operatorname{tr}(A^3)/6$$ counts the number of triangles of a graph with adjacency matrix $A$. It also implies that triangle counting in a graph can be performed in sub-...
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Non-isomorphic graphs of given order.

It is well discussed in many graph theory texts that it is somewhat hard to distinguish non-isomorphic graphs with large order. But as to the construction of all the non-isomorphic graphs of any given ...
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Estimate size of graph by taking random walks

Let $G$ be a connected, finite graph and let $v_0$ be a vertex of $G$. I'm interested in methods of estimating the number of vertices in $G$, based on local exploration only. What I have in mind is: ...
tuna's user avatar
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Counting $n$-edge directed graphs

I would like to count the $n$-edge directed graphs. The graphs might contain self-loops (edges connecting a vertex to itself) and multiple edges (multiple edges connecting the same pair of vertices). ...
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