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Inequalities involving entropy: quantum discord and mutual information

My question is inspired by the following paper of Olivier and Żurek but for this question to be self-contained I will recall all the necessary definitions: for a quantum state $\rho$ we define the ...
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$q$-deformations of fundamental equation of information and entropies

Classical information theory: fundamental equation of information In classical information theory, the information $I(A)$ of an event $A$ (any element of the $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal F$ of a given ...
Avitus's user avatar
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Is there a known generalization of the Schmidt decomposition based on a maximal set of "locally orthogonal" vectors?

I came across the following unusual generalization of the Schmidt decomposition in my work, which I describe below. I would like to know if this structure has been studied before so I can read more ...
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