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Spectrum of a linear elliptic operator

In the paper in quantum fields theory by Gribov,V.; (1978) "Quantization of non-Abelian gauge theories". Nuclear Physics B. 139: 1–19; in Section 3 the author makes the following claim from PDE and ...
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Parabolic PDE Long Time Asymptotics and Elliptic Operator Spectrum

How does one show directly that the solution following parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) of $p(t,v)$ approaches its stationary solution which is a solution of an elliptic partial ...
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Parabolic PDE Long Time Asymptotics and Elliptic Operator Spectrum II

This is a follow-up on a previous question. Now the parabolic PDE of $P(t,x,v)$ has two spatial dimensions. $$ \partial_t P = L^* P \tag1 $$ $$L^*P = \frac12\left(\kappa^2\frac{\partial^2}{\partial v^...
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