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How to write the division values of $\operatorname{sn}(u;k)$ as rational functions of theta functions with zero argument?

Define the "thetanulls" (theta functions ( with one argument equal to zero) as follows: $$\vartheta_{00}(w) = \prod_{n = 1}^{\infty} (1-w^{2n})(1+w^{2n-1})^2,$$ $$\...
Nomas2's user avatar
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What is the surface area of the finite part of the Cayley nodal cubic surface?

The Cayley nodal surface is defined by the equation $x^2+y^2+z^2-2xyz=1$. The finite part of the surface is the tetrahedral part bounded by the 4 nodes $(1,1,1)$, $(1,-1,-1)$, $(-1,1,-1)$, $(-1,-1,1)$....
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Approximation of Incomplete elliptic integral of first kind

How can we represent F(x,m) in the infinte polynominal of x,m? (Note that F(x,m) is the incomplete elliptical integral of the first kind, and I used its representation in the wikipedia) More ...
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Are traditional notations for elliptic integrals/functions in Latin or Greek letters?

I am doing some calculation involving elliptic integrals/functions, and find the notations confusing. In Wittaker-Watson, the "Jacobi's earlier notation" H(u) is called the Eta-function, so the "H" ...
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