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Functional-analytic proof of the existence of non-symmetric random variables with vanishing odd moments

It is known that a random variable $X$ which is symmetric about $0$ (i.e $X$ and $-X$ have the same distribution) must have all its odd moments (when they exist!) equal to zero. The converse is a ...
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Average number of pieces of a random piecewise-linear function

Let $I$ be a (nonempty) compact interval in $\mathbb R$ and $a_1,b_1,\ldots,a_L,b_L \in \mathbb R$. Let $\varphi$ be a piecewise function with $T \ge 2$ pieces(for example $T=2$ for the choice $\...
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Bounds for $\sum_{t=1}^Tn_t(s_t)^{-\alpha}\mu(s_t)$ where $n_t(s) = \sum_{1 \le t' \le t} 1_{\{s_{t'}=s\}}$ for $s \in [k]$ and $\mu \in \Delta_k$

Disclaimer: I'm not certain this is the right venue for this post, but I'll give it a try... So trying prove some bounds in my ongoing work in theoretical reinforcement learning, I encountered the ...
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Can I get away without using Arzela-Ascoli?

I am currently thinking of function-valued random variables. In order to prove a result, I need to approximate by (function-valued) step functions. This naturally leads to the idea of chopping up the ...
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Verification of a certain computation of VC dimension

Disclaimer: I'm not very familiar with the concept of VC dimensions and how to manipulate such objects. I'd be grateful if expects on the subject (learning theory, probability), could kindly proof ...
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