Questions tagged [dual-pairs]

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57 votes
6 answers

Is the non-triviality of the algebraic dual of an infinite-dimensional vector space equivalent to the axiom of choice?

If $V$ is given to be a vector space that is not finite-dimensional, it doesn't seem to be possible to exhibit an explicit non-zero linear functional on $V$ without further information about $V$. The ...
Konrad Swanepoel's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Howe duality for exceptional algebras

There is a nice tool in representation theory, the Howe duality, which as I know works for certain pairs of classical Lie algebras (the reference to the complete list of Howe dual pairs is appreciated ...
Eugene Starling's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Dual space of the intersection of locally convex vector spaces

Let $S \neq \emptyset$ and let $\big((E_s,\mathcal{T}_s)\big)_{s \in S}$ be a family of locally convex vector subspaces of the same vector space. Denote by $E_s^*$ the dual space of $(E_s,\mathcal{T}...
Henning's user avatar
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