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Questions tagged [ds.dynamical-systems]

Dynamics of flows and maps (continuous and discrete time), including infinite-dimensional dynamics, Hamiltonian dynamics, ergodic theory.

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Spectral properties of Ruelle transfer operator

Consider a compact metric space $(X,d)$, a continuous surjective map $T:X \to X$ of finite degree and the space of continuous functions $C(X)$ equipped with the supremum norm. Also, consider only (for ...
Curious's user avatar
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Convergence of a recursively defined sequence (discrete selector mutator equation)

Let $\beta \in (0,1)$ and let $(u_n(k))_{n,k \geq 0}$ be recursively defined by $u_0(k) = \mathbf 1_{k=0}$ and, for $n, k \geq 0$ : $$u_{n+1}(k) = \beta u_n(k-1) \mathbf 1_{k \geq 1} + (1-\beta) \...
Olivier's user avatar
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Shub Conjecture and polynomial entropy

The Shub conjecture on topological entropy $h(f)$ of self map f on manifold M says that the topological entropy is greater (or equal) than (to) the log of maximum absolute values of the ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Cocycles and the Collatz problem?

Let $T(n) = n+R(n)$, where $R(n) = -n/2 $ if $n\equiv 0 \mod 2$ else $R(n) = \frac{n+1}{2}$. $R(n)$ is the Cantor ordering of the integers: In the Collatz problem, one is ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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Morse Theory for Time-Periodic Constrained Path Spaces

Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth, compact Riemannian manifold of dimension $n \geq 2$. Define a time-periodic constraint field $\Phi: M \times \mathbb{R} \to \{0,1\}$ with period $T > 0$, where $\Phi(x,t) = ...
LLeytonAussie's user avatar
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Recognizability of a substitution implies aperiodicity

Is there a good reference, aside from the book of "Tilings and Patterns" by Grunbaum and Shephard, on the fact that recognizability\unique-composition of a tiling implies aperiodicity? I ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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coupled discrete dynamical system -- bifurcation analysis

Suppose you have the following coupled discrete dynamical system: \begin{align*} e_{k+1}&=e_k - 2~\alpha~e_k~\lambda^2~\alpha_k^2 + \alpha^2~e_k^2~\lambda^3 \alpha_k^3\\ \alpha_{k+1}&= \...
Kcafe's user avatar
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Nature of unbounded initials in polynomial symplectic maps

Is the following statement true? How it can be proved/rejected? Initial conditions that correspond to unbounded orbits in polynomial symplectic mappings, which exhibit chaotic behavior (exponential ...
I.M.'s user avatar
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Exact approximation in $p$ adic

Given a non increasing function $\psi$ the $\psi$ approximable points in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is defined as $W(\psi)=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^n:|qx-p|<\psi(q)\}$ for infinitely many $(q,p)\in \mathbb{Z}^m\times\...
User5's user avatar
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A technical lemma in the lecture notes of Yoccoz on interval exchange maps

I'm reading the elegantly written lecture notes "Continued Fraction Algorithms for Interval Exchange Maps" of Yoccoz, available through the link <
Xueping's user avatar
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The relay use of invariant set theory

For a dynamical system, set $A$ is an invariant set with a function $V_1$, whose derivative is semi negative definite on $A$, and the region where the derivative is $0$ is the set $B$, which is also ...
ya g's user avatar
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Proving Hopf bifurcations for 3D system

I am working with a 3D continuous system of ODEs. I have found Hopf bifurcation numerically for a certain value of parameter. However, I want prove it analytically. Is it enough to show that the ...
SHR's user avatar
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Estimate for the length of a partial orbit for a shift map for which its delta neighbourhood covers an interval

Consider $f:[0,2\pi) \to [0,2\pi )$ given by $f(x) = (x + 1) \bmod 2\pi$ for all $x\in [0,2\pi )$, i.e. a shift map on the unit circle with anti-clockwise shift of $1$. Denote the sequence $\{ x_n \}$ ...
JCM's user avatar
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How to control the angles of Kuramoto model by controlling its order parameter?

Consider Homogenous Kuramoto model in this paper. In theorem 3.1, the author derive condition on $A$ such that all second-order critical points of $E(\theta)$ are in two opposite quadrants, by saying ...
happyle's user avatar
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How to show that the map $ R $ here is measure-preserving

Assume that $ (X,\mathcal{B},m,T) $ is a measure-preserving dynamical system, where $ (X,\mathcal{B},m) $ is a probability space, $ \mathcal{B} $ denotes all the measurable sets in $ X $, $ m $ is the ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Role of basins of attraction in the Morse decomposition

Let $M$ be a differentiable manifold and $F \in \mathcal{X}(M)$. We define a DS by $$\dot{x}=F(x(t))$$ An ordered collection $\mathcal{M}=\left\{M_{1}, \ldots, M_{l}\right\}$ of compact subsets of ...
NicAG's user avatar
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Proof that a first integral is not a constant function

Let $U$ be an (open) set in $\mathbb{R}^n$. And we are given a set of $m$ basis functions $$B=\{\psi_i(x): U \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\mid i=1,\ldots,m \}$$ such that all of them are differentiable and ...
NicAG's user avatar
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A direct proof for non-zero limit points of weighted backward shifts

Fix a sequence $(w_1,w_2,\ldots)$ of positive reals such that the linear operator $T: \ell_2\to \ell_2$ given by $$ T(x_1,x_2,x_3,....)=(w_2x_2,w_3x_3,\ldots) \text{ for all sequences in } \ell_2 $$ ...
Paolo Leonetti's user avatar
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Numerical detection of Cantori

It is known that as parameters vary in Hamiltonian system, KAM tori can break [1,2]. How to construct numerically the breaking tori? The most relevant paper that I could find is [3,4]. But it uses ...
0x11111's user avatar
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Example of DS with a dense trajectory in the whole state space

Let $U \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be an open and connected set. We assume there is a vector field $F \in \mathcal{C}^1(\overline{U})$ giving rise to a DS ($\overline{U}$ denotes the closure) $$\dot{\mathbf{...
NicAG's user avatar
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Intuitive perspective on evolution of densities in dynamical systems

I am trying to understand the intuitive derivation of the Frobenius-Perron (FP) operator in the monograph: Lasota, Andrzej, and Michael C. Mackey. Chaos, fractals, and noise: stochastic aspects of ...
user18784993's user avatar
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Linear dynamics in a function space

I posted the same question to Math Stackexchange earlier without much luck, so I am posting here. I am dealing with a time-dependent model, which can be expressed as a function. $f$ is dependent on ...
CWC's user avatar
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How to prove that pseudo entropy and topological entropy are the same with only Markov inequality and continuity?

Let $(X,\rho)$ be a compact metric space and $f:X\to X$ a homeomorphism. We say $(x_1,\ldots,x_{n})\in X^n$ is a partial $n$ orbit if $f(x_i)=x_{i+1}$. Let $Sep_{\epsilon}(X,\rho_n)$ be the maximal ...
Bruno Seefeld's user avatar
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A 1 dimensional foliation which is Riemannian foliation with respect to no Riemannian metric

What is an example of a non vanishing smooth vector field on a manifold $M$ whose corresponding foliation is a Riemannian foliation with respect to no Riemannian metric on $M$
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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A closed leaf with two different index with respect to two different Riemannian metrics

Inspired by this question about Jacobi equation. conjugate points and limit cycle theory we ask the following question: Is there a geodesible 1 dimensional foliation $\mathcal{F}$ on a manifold $M$, ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Growing gliders under rule 110

I found a glider in the evolution space of rule 110 that grows constantly in size. Normal gliders live in the so-called ether, e.g. the so-called E-glider: Other – often complex – gliders exist in an ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Polynomial / quadratic autonomous system of ODEs – proving monotonicity / convexity

Problem: Consider the autonomous ODE system \begin{align*} \dot{x} &= (1-x) (z-xy)\\ \dot{y} &= \tfrac 1 2 y^2 - (a+xy)(1-y) \\ \dot{z} &= \tfrac 1 2 z^2 - \tfrac 1 2 y^2 + (a+xy)z \end{...
Pavel Kocourek's user avatar
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Relation between symbolic substitution and cellular automata

I recently asked this on Math Stackexchange recently in this thread. I was told that there is a relation between symbolic substitutions and cellular automata. I'm vaguely familiar with Cobham's ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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Approximate range of Radon-Nikodym derivative in a dynamical system

Suppose $(X, G, \Omega, \mu)$ is a dynamical system where $(X, \Omega, \mu)$ is a Borel measure space and $G$ is acting on $X$ such that each group action $x\mapsto g\cdot x$ defines a measurable ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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A measure on the group of homeomorphisms of $\mathbb T^2$

Let us consider the group of measure-preserving homeomorphisms of $\mathbb T^2$ (with transformations identified if they agree almost everywhere) called $G[\mathbb T^2, \mathcal L^2]$. We shall ...
user490373's user avatar
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Distortion estimates to control Hausdorff measure of a curve

I am studying the paper Blumenthal - Statistical properties for compositions of standard maps with increasing coefficent. I have a problem to understand how the distortion estimates are used. The ...
Giuseppe Tenaglia's user avatar
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Persistence of planar trajectory converging to a node / focus

I consider a planar system $\dot u =F(u,p)$ where p is a scalar parameter. Suppose that the flow $\phi^t(u_0; 0)$ from $u_0$ converges to a stable node / focus $x^{eq}_0$ for the parameter value $p=0$....
herve's user avatar
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Show that two matrices are strongly shift equivalent

The following question is from Introduction to dynamical systems, written by Michael Brin and Garrett Stuclk. Given two non-negative integer square matrices $A, B$, we say $A, B$ are elementarily ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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The closure of the subgroup generated by a vector field may not be compact

Suppose $X$ is a vector field on a manifold $M$, consider the one parameter group: $$L=\left\{\phi^t_X: t\in\mathbb{R}\right\}$$ where $\phi^t_X$ is the flow of the vector field $X$, which sends $p\in ...
Z. Liu's user avatar
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How are synchrony and stability conceptually related in complex systems?

Consider two models. Firstly, a set of $n$ variables which satisfy a set of differential equations $$ \frac{d \mathbf{x}}{d t} = \mathbf{A x} $$ where $\mathbf{x}$ is an $n \times 1$ column vector, ...
apg's user avatar
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Cyclicity of composition operators

Let $E=C([0,1]^m,\mathbb{R}^n)$ where $K=[0,1]^m$ where $E$ has the compact convergence topology. Recall that for a function $f:[0,1]^m\rightarrow [0,1]^m$ the associated composition operator $C_f$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Convergence of ODE solutions almost everywhere to a stable equilibrium point

Theorem: Suppose ${\bf g} :\mathbb{R}^n \mapsto \mathbb{R}^n$ is continuously differentiable, there exists a set $\mathcal{A} \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $\bf g$ is uniformly Lipschitz on $\...
RLip2's user avatar
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Decidability of choosing delay in Takens' theorem

In Dynamical systems theory, Takens' embedding theorem is as follows: Suppose that a measured time series $y(1), y(2), \ldots, y(N)$ lies on a $D$-dimensional attractor of an $n$th-order ...
Vahid Shams's user avatar
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$\mathbb{R}^n$-flow, cross-section and Whitney theorem

For a $\mathbb{R}$-flow (X, $\Phi_{\mathbb{R}}$), the (local) cross-section is well defined (recall that a subset $S\subset X$ is a cross section of time $\xi>0$ if $S\cap \Phi_{[-\xi, \xi]}(x)=\{x\...
user119197's user avatar
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Statistical characteristics of low complexity subshifts

I am looking for calculations of statistical characteristics (variance, entropy, etc.) of the $n$-dimensional distributions of the invariant measures of low complexity subshifts (e.g., the Sturmian or ...
R W's user avatar
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Ergodic action on product spaces

Let $(X_1 \times X_2,d\mu)$ be a measure space with $X_2$ compact. Suppose that we have a continuous (diagonal) action of a topological group $G$ on $X=X_1 \times X_2$. I know that the action of $G$ ...
Osheaga's user avatar
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Homoclinically related hyperbolic periodic points gives the same pesin homoclinic class up to null sets

In MINIMALITY AND STABLE BERNOULLINESS IN DIMENSION 3 by Nunez and Hertz, the first paragraph in the proof of Corollary 2.4 says the above statement follows by using a "$\lambda$-lemma". ...
monell20's user avatar
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Solve $(A(x).\nabla)u+cu=0$

ِDoes the equation $y\partial_x u(x,y)-x\partial_y u(x,y)+cu=0$ have complex-valued compact-supported or vanishing-at-infinity $C^1$ solution defined on the whole plane without any singularity? Here $...
E.Akrami's user avatar
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Measure concentrated on the $\omega$-limit set

Let $(X,F)$ be a dynamical system with $X$ a compact metric space and $F: X\to X$ continuous. By $\omega$-limit set of a subset $A\subset X$ I mean: $$\omega(A):= \bigcap_{n=0}^\infty \left(\overline{\...
Alessandro Della Corte's user avatar
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The solutions of a system of differential equations

Let $P(x,y) = \frac{x}{y}^{\frac{x^2}{y-x}}$ for $x \neq y$ and using the proper limits $P(x,y)=e^{-x}$ for $x=y $, $P(x,y)=0$ for $x\neq0, y=0,$ and $P(x,y)=1$ for $x=0, y\neq0.$ Consider this system ...
moonlight's user avatar
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Li-Yorke sensitivity Vs Li-Yorke dense chaos

Let $X$ be a compact metric space, $X*X$ its cartesian product, and $A$ a subset of $X*X$. Are the following two properties the same, or e.g. one is stronger than the other? $A$ is dense and residual ...
Lo Scrondo's user avatar
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a lemma on interval translation map

Consider the map $S:T^1 \to T^1$ where $x \mapsto x+c_j$ , mod 1 where $c_j$'s are real numbers. We represent $T^1$ as a union of disjoint subsegments $M_j=[t_j,t_{j+1})$, $j=0 , \cdots ,n , t_0=t_n$....
Reza Yaghmaeian's user avatar
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Implications for a simple deterministic chaos definition

Among many others, one definition of deterministic chaos terms "chaotic" a classical dynamical system that satisfies the following three properties: sensitive dependence to initial ...
Lo Scrondo's user avatar
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Reference for matrix Lyapunov function / matrix dynamic system / stability

We usually consider $\dot{x} = f(x)$, where $x$ is a vector. Now, I want to consider $$\dot{X}=f(X,U),$$ where $X$ is a square matrix $\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ state, $U$ is a square matrix variable $\...
Denny's user avatar
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A general proof for the first digit problem

Consider two sequences {$a_n$} and {$b_n$}. The former is defined as {$2^n: n = 0 \text{ to } \infty$} and the latter as { first digit (from the left) of each element in the first sequence}. The first ...
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