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Identifying bifurcation

[![enter image description here]] 1]1I am trying to analyze the bifurcation of a 3D continuous model. For a certain range of parameter values, the origin is always an unstable point, whereas the ...
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Is there an equivalent to the logistic map for a nonlinear path through some of the other nodules of the Mandelbrot set?

The logistic map can be related to the real axis of the Mandelbrot set, looking at the different cycle lengths as you pass through all the various nodules along the real axis. But there are other ...
Bollinger David Curtis's user avatar
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Identifying Saddle-node bifurcation of a 3D system of ODEs

I am trying to understand and prove the results shown in the following article. However, I am stuck at a point where it is stated that saddle-node bifurcation of periodic orbits occurs at ...
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Periodic Orbit without Complex Eigenvalues

I am studying the following ODE system, representing a simple excitable circuit: $$ \dot{V}_m = I_{app} - (V_m - \alpha_f PL(V_m) + \alpha_s PL(V_s)) $$ $$ \tau_s \dot{V}_s = V_m - V_s $$ where $$ PL(...
Yoni Maltsman's user avatar
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Reason behind the names of sub and supercritical bifurcations

What is the reasoning behind the names sub- and super-critical bifurcations that occur in the context of pitchfork and Hopf bifurcations? Textbooks seem to introduce this terminology without any ...
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Proving Hopf bifurcations for 3D system

I am working with a 3D continuous system of ODEs. I have found Hopf bifurcation numerically for a certain value of parameter. However, I want prove it analytically. Is it enough to show that the ...
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