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Van der Pol's identity for the sum of divisors and a quartic polynomial equation for odd perfect numbers

In Touchard (1953) it is mentioned that the sum of divisors $\sigma(n)$ satisfies the following recurrence relation ($n>1$): $$n^2(n-1) = \frac{6}{\sigma(n)} \sum_{k=1}^{n-1}(3n^2-10k^2)\sigma(k)\...
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gcd of polynomial values

Suppose that $f$ and $g$ are two coprime polynomials in $\mathbb Z[x]$. I'm interested in any sort of upper bound on $gcd(f(a),g(a))$, in terms of the integer $a$. Are there any results of this type?...
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On the $\mathsf{LCM}$ of a set of integers defined by moduli of powers

For integers $a,b,t$ define $$\mathcal R_t(a,b)=\{q\in\mathbb Z\cap[1,\min(a^t,b^t)]: a^t\equiv b^t\bmod q\}$$ and $\mathsf{LCM}(\mathcal R_t(a,b))$ to be $\mathsf{LCM}$ of all entries in $\mathcal ...
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