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28 votes
5 answers

Summation methods for divergent series

There are many methods for assigning a value to a series that diverges, e.g. zeta function regularization, Abel summation, Cesaro summation, etc. From all of the examples I've found, two methods ...
Eric O. Korman's user avatar
15 votes
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Generalizations of summation methods of divergence series

If one looks at the "summation proofs" of divergent series such as Grandi's series, one might see a pattern that most of the computation rely on linearity and comparability with the shift ...
Serge the Toaster's user avatar
4 votes
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Reference request: Rigorously solving ODEs using divergent asymptotic series

In my research I have come across a divergent asymptotic series $\sum_{n =0}^\infty a_n f_n(x)$ that formally solves a certain fairly simple nonlinear second-order ODE but does not seem to correspond ...
tmh's user avatar
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Did anyone ever propose the distinction between "divergent to infinity" as opposed to "divergent but with finite average"?

There are different regularization methods that allow us to ascribe finite values to divergent integrals, series or sequences. Still, in my view there is fundamental difference between divergent ...
Anixx's user avatar
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