Questions tagged [discrete-geometry]

Finite or discrete collections of geometric objects. Packings, tilings, polyhedra, polytopes, intersection, arrangements, rigidity.

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Which rectangles can be cut into finitely many rectangles all with same perimeter and different areas?

Ref 1: dividing a square into unique rectangles with the same perimeter Ref 1 asks if a square can be cut into some finite number of rectangles ...
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Convex 3d bodies for which all planar sections with max diameter have same diameter

Ref: 1. A claim on planar sections of 3D convex bodies On convex 3d bodies whose shadows are all of constant diameter Given a 3D convex body $C$ and a specified direction $n$, we consider the planar ...
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On convex 3d bodies whose shadows are all of constant diameter [closed]

We add a bit to More on shadows of 3D convex bodies By a shadow of a 3D body, we mean the orthogonal projection of it onto a 2D plane. If all shadows of a convex 3D body have the same diameter, will ...
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A projective plane in the Euclidean plane

Problem. Is there a subset $X$ in the Euclidean plane such that $X$ is not contained in a line and for any points $a,b,c,d\in X$ with $a\ne b$ and $c\ne d$, the intersection $X\cap\overline{ab}$ is ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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On largest convex m-gons contained in a given convex n-gon where m < n

This post is the inside-out variant of On smallest convex m-gons that contain a given n-gon where m<n Given a convex n-gon region P, and an m less than n, how to find the max area convex m-gon Q ...
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The number of incidences between points and parabolas on $\mathbb{R}^2$

I was reading Adam Sheffer's book "Polynomial Methods and Incidence Theory" and I tried to solve the following exercise: Exercise 1.1 Construct a set $\mathcal{P}$ of $m$ points and a set $\...
RFZ's user avatar
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On smallest convex m-gons that contain a given n-gon where m<n

Given a convex n-gon region P, and an m less than n, will the least area convex m-gon Q that contains P be such that an edge of Q coincides with an edge of P (in other words Q cannot be such that P ...
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On points in the interior of planar convex regions and inscribed triangles

Given any planar convex region C, it is easy to show that every point in the interior C is the mid point of at least one chord of C. Likewise, Question: Is every point in the interior of C the ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Locality and restriction properties for self-avoiding and loop-erasing random walks

This question has been cross-posted from : I ...
Testcase's user avatar
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A variant of the corners problem

Question: What is the size of the largest subset of $[n]^2$ containing no three point configurations of the form $(x,y), (x,y+d), (x+d,y')$ with $d \neq 0$? In particular, is it at most $O(n)$? Recall ...
Kevin's user avatar
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When do the centers of mass of a uniform convex planar region as a whole and of its boundary alone coincide?

Given a uniform planar convex region C, let us consider 2 centers of mass - the center of mass of the region as a whole and the center of mass of its boundary alone (assuming its boundary to have ...
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Equivalent formulation of Szemerédi-Trotter theorem

I am reading the first chapter of Adam Sheffer's book "Polynomial Methods and Incidence Theory" and in Lemma 1.15 he proves an equivalent formulation of Szemerédi-Trotter theorem. Before ...
RFZ's user avatar
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Have the affine simplicial line arrangments been enumerated?

I am looking for a classification (or attempt at enumeration) of affine simplicial line arrangements. A line arrangment is a family of straight lines in $\Bbb R^2$. It is simplicial if all regions are ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Continuous point map for spherical domains

Consider the space $J$ of Jordan domains on the sphere $\textbf{S}^2$, i.e., continuous injective maps from the unit disk into $\textbf{S}^2$ modulo homeomorphisms of the disk. How can one construct a ...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
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Planar convex region maximizing the difference in 'orientation' between its smallest containing rectangle and largest contained rectangle

We say a rectangle has orientation $\theta$ if the vector from its center to the middle of its shortest side (parallel to the longest side) has some angle $\theta$ with X axis. Consider a planar ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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To optimally wrap convex laminae with paper

Ref: On folding a polygonal sheet, Multi-layered wrapping of polyhedra Basic intent: to wrap a given convex planar lamina with a convex sheet of non-stretchable paper (such that every point on both ...
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What does it mean "parallel"?

I am thinking on a strict definition of the notion of parallel affine sets in a linear space and came to the following Definition 1: An affine set $A$ is parallel to an affine set $B$ in a linear ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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3 answers

Alternating Sum Involving Catalan Numbers

I was wondering if anyone knew how to obtain a simpler closed form of the following sum(or had any other insights regarding it): $$\sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^k{n \choose k} C_{2n-2-k} $$ Here $C_n = \frac{1}{n+...
interstice's user avatar
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Membership test of convex set

Let $K$ be a compact convex subset of $R^n$ which has some positive gaussian measure, say at least 1/2. For each nonzero vector $u \in R^n$, we define another compact convex set $K * u$ in the ...
Sandra's user avatar
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A claim on planar sections of 3D convex bodies

Ref: More on shadows of 3D convex bodies, Shadows and planar sections of polyhedra Given a 3D convex body C, we define a maximal area (perimeter) section of C with respect to any specified direction $...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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More on shadows of 3D convex bodies

Ref: Shadows and planar sections of polyhedra By shadow we mean the orthogonal projection of a convex 3D body C onto a 2D plane, for example, the shadow on the xy-plane, with C above (z>0) that ...
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Beating trivial bound for $k$-AP-free sets in characteristic $k$

Given integers $k,n\ge 1$, I shall write $\Bbb{Z}_k^n := (\Bbb{Z}/k\Bbb{Z})^n$. Fix $k\ge 3$. Let $r_k(\Bbb{Z}_k^n)$ denote the cardinality of the largest $A\subset \Bbb{Z}_k^n$, such that $A$ does ...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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On convex solids with all plane sections affine congruent

Question: How many (classes of) convex 3D solids are there such that all non-degenerate planar sections of the solid are mutually affine congruent? Further question: Same as above with 'projective' ...
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Calculating a relaxed Delaunay Triangulation

The triangles of a planar Delaunay Triangulations are essentially characterized by the property that no triangle's corner is inside another triangle's circumcircle; Delaunay Triangulations can be ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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A claim on concurrency of 'Width Bisectors' of planar convex regions

We add a bit to A claim on the concurrency of area bisectors of planar convex regions Define a width of a planar convex region $C$ as the distance between two parallel lines that just touch $C$. A ...
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Real-isability of a (relatively small) subconfiguration of the Klein configuration

The Klein configuration consists of $60$ points and $60$ planes in $\mathbb C\mathbf P^3$, each point lying on $15$ of the planes and each plane containing $15$ of the points. It appears, among many ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Intercept theorem in $\mathbb R^n$

The celebrated intercept theorem(also known as Thales's theorem) provides the ratios between the line segments created when two parallel lines are intercepted by two intersecting lines. I'm looking ...
Bobby Miraftab's user avatar
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On partitioning convex polygonal regions in area ratio $t : (1-t)$ where $0<t<1/2$ with least length of cut

Question: Given a convex n-gon P. How can we efficiently find the partition of P into 2 pieces with areas in the some given ratio $t : (1-t)$ where $0<t<1/2$ such that the length of cut is ...
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Are there variants of Euclidean Steiner Tree problem that are known to be in P?

Question: The Euclidean Steiner Tree problem ( is NP hard. Are there non-trivial (constrained) variants of this question that are known to have ...
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Three-dimensional triangulations with fixed number of vertices

My question is the following: Are there triangulations of $S^3$ which (a) are non-degenerate, (b) have four vertices, and (c) have no edges of degree two? A side question: If one represents this ...
Kregnach's user avatar
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Pigeonholing for Slopes

I am reading arxiv from Rudnev and Stevens I am stucked in the proof of proposition 1. First, they prove we cannot have $Q_B\leq N^2\tau^2/8$ for at least $50$% ...
Laurence PW's user avatar
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Which simplicial complexes are completely determined by the 1-skeleton of their dual polyhedral complexes?

Consider the following line of reasoning that shows certain simplicial complexes (of arbitrary dimension) are completely determined by corresponding graphs: The facet complex of any simplicial ...
hasManyStupidQuestions's user avatar
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Discreteness of $D^{-1}D$ given that $D$ is uniformly discrete

Let $G$ be a topological group with unit element $e$. We say that $D\subseteq G$ is discrete if for all $x\in D$ there is a unit-neighborhood $U\subseteq G$ such that $x^{-1}D\cap U=\{e\}$. We say ...
mathemagician99's user avatar
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Is every triangulation the projection of a convex hull

Question: given the triangulation $T$ of a set $P$ of $n$ points $p_1,\dots,p_n$ in the euclidean plane whose convex hull is a triangle, can we always find a set $Q$ of $n+1$ points $q_0,q_1,\dots,q_n$...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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On families of lines that cut the boundary of a planar convex region in a specified ratio

We proceed from A claim on the concurrency of area bisectors of planar convex regions This question is somewhat broad. Background: 'Mathematical Omnibus' by Fuchs and Tabachnikov, Lecture 11 describes ...
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Partitioning polygons into obtuse isosceles triangles

Ref: Partitioning polygons into acute isosceles triangles Partition of polygons into 'strongly acute' and 'strongly obtuse' triangles
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Worst margin when halving a hypercube with a hyperplane

Consider the $n$-cube $C_n=\lbrace-1,1\rbrace^n$ and the problem of partitioning it into halves with hyperplanes through the origin that avoid all its points. We can parameterize the hyperplanes by ...
Veit Elser's user avatar
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Sequence of numbers related to line-segment intersections

Question: what is known about the sequence $\mathbb{X}\subset \mathbb{N}_0$ such that for each $k\in \mathbb{X}$ there exists a set of $n$ points in general position in the Euclidean plane such that ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Decidability of completing Penrose tilings

Is the following problem known to be un/decidable? Problem: Given a finite configuration of Penrose tiles in the plane, determine if there is an extension of the configuration tiling the whole plane.
interstice's user avatar
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Piecewise affine-isometric maps of polytopal graphs into the plane

There are well-known "relatively faithful" representations of the polytopal metric subgraphs $C^n\subseteq\mathbb R^n$ (with the euclidean distance, for all $n\geq 0$) of hypercubes into the ...
plm's user avatar
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Convolutions of (m)-associahedra and (m)-noncrossing partition polynomials--combinatorial proofs?

I'm looking for combinatorial proofs of the convolutional identity COP below and its specializations I) and II). (Edit 6/2/2023: A combinatorial proof is sketched in a blog post by Mike Spivey of a ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Centralness of planar convex regions - behavior under projective transformations

Background: For a planar convex region $C$ and an interior point $P$ we define: the centralness ratio at $P$ is $$\min\left(\frac{\text{shorter portion of }\chi}{\text{longer portion of }\chi}:\chi\...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Cutting convex polygons into affine-equivalent quadrilaterals

We continue from Tiling the plane with quadrilaterals that are mutually non-congruent and affine equivalent Question: Can any convex polygon $C$ be partitioned into some finite number $m$ of ...
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Tiling the plane with quadrilaterals that are mutually non-congruent and affine equivalent

Question: Can the plane be tiled with convex quadrilaterals that are (1) mutually non-congruent in a Euclidean sense and (2) mutually affine-equivalent? Remark: Every trapezoid is affine equivalent to ...
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Reference on high dimensional polytopes with E8 symmetry

I'm starting to work with high dimensional polytopes. I am interested in uniform polytopes of 16-dimension and of 8-dimension (especially Elte and Gosset polytopes that have E8 symmetry). ...
Dac0's user avatar
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Trapezoid-free subsets of the plane obtained by deleting lines

Let $A,B,C \subseteq \mathbb{Z}_n$. Suppose that for any $a' \in A, b' \in B, c' \in C$, \begin{align*} |(A+b') \cap (B+a') \cap -C| &\le 1,\\ |(A+c') \cap -B \cap (C+a')| &\le 1,\\ |-\hspace{-...
Kevin's user avatar
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Areas of triangles induced by $n$ points on $\mathbb{S}^1$

Suppose we are given $n$ distinct points $x_1, \dots, x_n \in \mathbb{S}^1$ on the unit circle in $\mathbb{R}^2$. Any three points induce a triangle $\Delta(x_i, x_j, x_k)$ and a total of $\sim n^3/6$ ...
Stefan Steinerberger's user avatar
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Find at least one square-boxed subcontinuum

Recall that a plane continuum is a closed, bounded, connected subset of the plane. It is non-degenerate if it contains at least two points. (We may sometimes just say "continuum" even if we ...
Mirko's user avatar
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Covering a unit square with odd number of equal area triangles - optimally

We add a bit to this post: Cutting off odd numbers of equal area triangles from a unit square Question: Given an odd integer n, how does one cover the unit square completely with n equal area ...
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Covering triangles with mutually congruent planar regions - optimally

We continue from this old post: From a given triangle, to cut 2 mutually congruent convex pieces that together 'use' maximum area of the triangle and go from partitioning to covering. Given ...
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