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PageRank in directed graphs: equivalence of iterative and eigenvalue methods

Given a directed graph $ G $ with $ n $ nodes, we can represent this graph using an adjacency matrix $ A $. The stochastic matrix $ S $ can be derived from the adjacency matrix using the following ...
ABB's user avatar
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A class of directed graph, when their minimal polynomial of the adjacency matrix matches the characteristic polynomial

We consider an unweighted directed simple graph, $G$, with a Hamiltonian cycle. Q. Assume that the adjacency matrix of $G$ is non-singular. Do the characteristic and minimal polynomials of the ...
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Topology of directed graph $G$ with non-singular adjacency matrix

Given a directed graph $G$ with non-singular adjacency matrix, Q. Is there a directed subgraph $H$ in $G$ that can be represented as the union of disjoint cycles such that $H$ contains all nodes of $...
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Eigenvalues of directed graph with one outward edge for each vertex

I am concerned with unweighted directed graphs where each node contains exactly one edge pointing to another node, which could be itself. In other words, each row of the adjacency matrix contains one ...
user3433489's user avatar
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Digraphs with unique walk of length $k$ between any two vertices

Let $G$ be a digraph such that there is an unique directed walk of length $k$ between any two vertices. Equivalently, if $A$ is the adjacency matrix of $G$, then $A^k$ is the matrix with all entries $...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
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Digraphs with same number of semiwalks

This is a follow-up question to Characterisation of walk-equivalent digraphs. Question: Do there exists two directed graphs $G$ and $H$ consisting of the same number ($n$) of vertices, such that \...
Sirolf's user avatar
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Characterisation of walk-equivalent digraphs

Setting Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph. A walk $\pi$ in $G$ of length $k$ is a sequence of $k+1$ vertices $v_1,\ldots,v_{k+1}$ such that for each $i\in[1,k]$, $\{v_i,v_{i+1}\}\in E$. Let $H=(W,F)...
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Two cospectral (normal) digraphs which are not orthogonal similar

Preliminaries A complex matrix $A$ is normal when $A$ and $A^*$ commute. A real matrix $A$ is normal when $A$ and $A^t$ commute. Two complex matrices $A$ and $B$ are said to be unitary similar if ...
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Minimum negative eigenvalue of zero-one matrices

The following question must have been answered decades ago. For $n$ fixed, what is the most negative eigenvalue among all trace zero zero-one matrices (that is, all entries are either zero or one, ...
David Handelman's user avatar