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Why are solutions to $\sqrt[k]{x_1^k+x_2^k+x_3^k+x_4^k}$ for $k=2,3$ curiously smooth?

Given an integer solution $s_m$ to the system, $$x_1^2+x_2^2+\dots+x_n^2 = y^2$$ $$x_1^3+x_2^3+\dots+x_n^3 = z^3$$ and define the function, $$F(s_m) = x_1+x_2+\dots+x_n$$ For $n\geq3$, using an ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
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Does the diophantine equation $\,\prod_{k=1}^n(p_k^{x_k}-1)=y^2\,$ have always at least a solution for $\,n\gt2\,$?

P.G.Walsh proved in this paper that the diophantine equation $\,(2^{x_1}-1)(3^{x_2}-1)=y^2\,$ has no solution in positive integers $\,x_1$, $\,x_2\,$ and $\,y$. If we generalize the previous equation ...
Augusto Santi's user avatar
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Product of four consecutive primes plus $1$ equals square

Some days ago, I noticed that $3\cdot 5\cdot 7\cdot 11 +1=34^2$. I am almost sure that if we denote four consecutive primes by $p, q, r, s$ then the equation $$p\cdot q\cdot r\cdot s+1=x^2 \quad ...
Konstantinos Gaitanas's user avatar
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On the values of $\prod_{k=1}^{(p-1)/2}(e^{2\pi i/12}-e^{2\pi i k^2/p})$ for primes $p>3$

In a recent preprint, I investigated $$S_p(x):=\prod_{k=1}^{(p-1)/2}(x-e^{2\pi ik^2/p}),$$ where $p$ is an odd prime and $x$ is a root of unity. Motivated by Question 337879 and Question 338325, ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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Can we efficiently factor $n$ given that $n=pq$ where $p,q$ are primes satisfying $p=a^2+b^2, q=2ab+1$ for some $a,b$

Suppose we're given a particular number $n \in \mathbb{N}$. We're also given that $n=pq$ where $p,q$ are unknown primes satisfying $$ p=a^2+b^2 $$ and $$ q=2ab+1 $$ for some $a,b$. Is there an ...
sfmiller940's user avatar
2 votes
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n-ary quadratic forms with $S$-integer values

Let $Q(x_1,\ldots,x_n):=x_1^2+\cdots+x_n^2$ be an $n$-ary quadratic form. Given a finite set of (rational) primes $S$ is there an algorithm or theorem that describes all solutions to $Q(x_1,\ldots,...
Eric Rowell's user avatar
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Is there a known connection between Wieferich primes and the Goormaghtigh conjecture?

I posted this question on SE, and was told I should repost it here. The Goormaghtigh conjecture explores the Diophantine equation of the form $$ \frac{a^b-1}{a-1}=\frac{c^d-1}{c-1}, $$ where $a>c&...
Clyde Kertzer's user avatar
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Write $p^2$ as $x^2+2y^2+3\times 2^z$ with $x,y,z$ nonnegative integers

In April 2018, I noted that the first integer $n>1$ with $n^2\not\in\{x^2+2y^2+3\times 2^z:\ x,y,z=0,1,2,\ldots\}$ is $$5884015571=7\times17\times49445509.$$ Question. Is it true that for each ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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On segments of the series $\sum_p\frac1{p-1}$

Here I ask a question concerning segments of the divergent series $$\sum_p\frac1{p-1}=\sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac1{p_k-1},\tag{$*$}$$ where $p$ runs over all the primes, and $p_k$ denotes the $k$-th prime. ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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The existence of solution for special equation on integer ring

I have a question which belongs to the field of number theory. Can we prove or disprove the following claim: For all prime number $p=24t+1$ and the natural number $n=6t+1$, there is at least, one ...
Meysam Ghahramani's user avatar
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Conjecture about some recurrent primes

I want to know if there are conjectures similar to this one, I know there is the Bell primes conjecture or Gardner conjecture (mentioned in this page, but ...
Abdelhay Benmoussa's user avatar
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The number of solutions of $2^xpx+k=y^2$

Let's consider the family of diophantine equations $$2^xpx+k=y^2$$ being $p\gt2$ a prime and $k$ a positive integer. An example is given by the equation $$2^x\cdot3x+97=y^2$$ that presents, at least, ...
Augusto Santi's user avatar
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Superfluousness of ET-type $I$ for ES-equation (?)

You may consult the following paper by Christian Elsholtz & Terence Tao: A natural solution $\ (p\ x\ y\ z)\ $ of Erdös-Straus equation ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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When is $Pn^2-2an+\frac{a^2-k}{P}$ , with $P$ Prime, $k=a^2 mod P$, a square?

It is easy to show that the following problems are equivalent. a. When is $Pn^2-2an+\frac{a^2-k}{P}$ , with $P$ Prime, $k=a^2 mod P$, and $n$ any integer, a square? and b. When is $X^2-PY^2=k$ ...
Jason Smith's user avatar