Questions tagged [differential-topology]

The study of differentiable manifolds and differentiable maps. One fundamental problem is that of classifying manifolds up to diffeomorphism. Differential topology is what Poincaré understood as topology or “analysis situs”.

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62 votes
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Are there periodicity phenomena in manifold topology with odd period?

The study of $n$-manifolds has some well-known periodicities in $n$ with period a power of $2$: $n \bmod 2$ is important. Poincaré duality implies that odd-dimensional compact oriented manifolds ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
33 votes
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Do there exist exotic 4-tori?

More precisely: are there known manifolds which are homeomorphic, but not diffeomorphic to the standard 4-torus? Are there any nice invariants distinguishing such manifolds? Related: if such a ...
Jan Jitse Venselaar's user avatar
28 votes
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Nontrivial tangent bundle that is diffeomorphic to the trivial bundle

Is there an example of a smooth $n$-manifold $M$ whose tangent bundle is nontrivial as a bundle but is nonetheless (abstractly) diffeomorphic to the trivial bundle $M \times \mathbb{R}^n$? (This ...
Faisal's user avatar
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23 votes
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Do most manifolds have symmetries? or not?

Let us say that a (closed, connected) manifold has a symmetry if it admits a non-trivial action by a finite group. Note that I am not asking the action to be free. So for example rotating the 2-sphere ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
21 votes
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Is the mapping class group of $\Bbb{CP}^n$ known?

In his paper "Concordance spaces, higher simple homotopy theory, and applications", Hatcher calcuates the smooth, PL, and topological mapping class groups of the $n$-torus $T^n$. This requires an ...
mme's user avatar
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18 votes
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Homotopy groups of spheres and differential forms

The only infinite homotopy groups of spheres are $\pi_n(\mathbb{S}^n)$ and $\pi_{4n-1}(\mathbb{S}^{2n})$. This is a well known result of Serre. In both cases the nontriviality of these groups can be ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
18 votes
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Perturbation of a smooth manifold and transversality

Let $M$ be a compact smooth manifold and $N$ be a compact smooth submanifold of $M$. The usual transversality theorem claims that for a generic diffeomorphism $f$ of $M$, the submanifolds $N$ and $f(N)...
user119986's user avatar
18 votes
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What do tangles teach us about braids?

A braid is a smooth level-preserving embedding $f\colon\, \{1,2,\ldots,n\}\times[0,1]\hookrightarrow \mathbb{R}^2 \times [0,1]$ such that $f(k,0)=(k,0)$ and $f(k,1) \in \{1,2,\ldots,n\} \times \{1\}$....
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
17 votes
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Are there two non-equivalent exotic structures on $\mathbb{R}^4$ coming from topologically slice, non-slice knots?

For a knot $K \subset S^3$, which is topologically slice but not slice (in a smooth way), there's a four manifold $\mathbb{R}^4_K$, homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to standard euclidean $\mathbb{R}^...
Saman Habibi Esfahani's user avatar
17 votes
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On manifolds which do not admit (smooth) actions of finite groups

Question: Assume a smooth manifold $M$ does not admit any effective smooth group actions of finite groups $G \neq 1$, does it follow that $M$ also admits no continuous effective group actions of ...
Abenthy's user avatar
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Is the oriented bordism ring generated by homogeneous spaces?

I am trying to find a Riemannian geometrically well-understood set of generators of the oriented bordism ring, including the torsion parts. By a set of generators, I mean that the set generates the ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
16 votes
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Reference request: Milnor rank of spheres

Milnor defines the rank of a smooth manifold $M$ as the maximum cardinality of a linearly independent set of vector fields on $M$ whose elements are pair wise commuting. In other words, the rank of $M$...
Douglas Finamore's user avatar
16 votes
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Do TQFTs give a complete set of invariants of manifolds?

An $n$-dimensional TQFT is a representation of the category $n$Cob of $n$-dimensional cobordisms. TQFTs are important sources of invariants of manifolds, and such invariants are highly computable by ...
Henry's user avatar
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Survey of known results on equivariant transversality

Most basic differential topology theorems carry over to the equivariant case with mild modifications; see for instance Wasserman's paper. One thing that fails (more or less obviously) is equivariant ...
mme's user avatar
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15 votes
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Topological description of a blow up of a manifold along a submanifold

There's a very nice topological description of blow ups of complex manifolds at a point as connected sum with projective space. The following is an attmept to understand whether there's a higher ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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15 votes
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Diffeomorphisms of $\mathbf R^n$

Let $G={\rm Diff}_0^c(\mathbf R^n)$, $n\geq 1$, be the group of compactly supported diffeomorphisms isotopic to the identity through compactly supported isotopies. Question: Is there an example to ...
Jarek Kędra's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalence vs weak homotopy equivalence in Gromov's h-principle

My question concerns Gromov's h-principle for open diffeomorphism-invariant partial differential relations on open manifolds; see e.g. Eliashberg/Mishachev: Introduction to the h-principle, §6.2.A and ...
Marc Nardmann's user avatar
14 votes
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Nonsmoothable 4-manifolds

Does there exist a closed connected nonsmoothable 4-manifold $M$ such that: $\kappa(M)=0$ (Kirby-Siebenmann invariant vanishes, hence, there is no "classical" obstruction to smoothability) ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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strong topologies on $C_c^\infty$

UPDATE (27/08/2020): I realized after a comment from Jochen Wengenroth that there was at least one false premise behind my question, owing to the fact that analysts sometimes use the words "...
Chris Wendl's user avatar
14 votes
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Are there exotic twisted doubles of 4-manifolds?

Take a smooth 4-manifold $X$ whose boundary has a diffeomorphism $\tau: \partial X \to \partial X$ that extends to a homeomorphism but not a diffeomorphism of $X$. (By Matveyev and Curtis-Freedman-...
Kyle Hayden's user avatar
14 votes
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Homotopy type of spaces of functions with few critical points

Given a closed manifold $M$ and an integer $k\geq 0$, let $G_k(M)$ denote the space of smooth functions $f:M\to\mathbb R$ with at most $k$ critical points. To what extend has the topology of the ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Is the group $\operatorname{Diff}^1_0(\mathbb R^d)$ connected?

Is the group $$ \operatorname{Diff}^1_0(\mathbb R^d) = \operatorname{Diff}^1(\mathbb R^d) \cap \big(\operatorname{Id}_{\mathbb R^d} + C^1_0(\mathbb R^d,\mathbb R^d)\big) $$ connected? Here $$ C^1_0(\...
Martins Bruveris's user avatar
14 votes
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Best metrics on exotic R^4

What is known about the existence of complete metrics with good properties (e.g., Einstein, constant scalar curvature, etc...) on exotic ${\bf R}^4$s? Note, that some exotic ${\bf R}^4$s have non-...
680's user avatar
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13 votes
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Structures between PL and smooth

Let $X$ be a topological manifold of dimension at least five. The Kirby-Siebenmann invariant $ks(X)\in H^4(X,\mathbb{Z}_2)$ is an obstruction to the existence of a PL structure on $X$. If it vanishes, ...
Philip Engel's user avatar
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Varieties isomorphic $\mathrm{mod}\:p$ are diffeomorphic

If two smooth proper varieties over $\mathbb{Q}$ have isomorphic smooth reductions modulo some prime (for some choice of integral models) are they diffeomorphic after tensoring with $\mathbb{C}$?
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13 votes
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Is there a Handle Approximation theorem?

The cellular approximation theorem states that given a continuous map between two CW complexes $f : X \to Y$, then $f$ is homotopic to a cellular map - that is some map $f'$ with $f'(X_n) \subset Y_n$ ...
user101010's user avatar
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Topological type of Brieskorn manifolds

Let us consider the complex hypersurface and suppose that $n\geq 3$: $$F(d,n)=\{(z_0,\ldots,z_n)\in \mathbb{C}^{n+1}:z_0^d+z_1^d+\ldots+z_n^d=0\}$$ and the link $V(d,n)=F(d,n)\cap S^{2n+1}_{\epsilon}$ ...
David C's user avatar
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Is there an analogue of Steenrod's problem for $p>2$?

An element $\alpha \in H_k(X; \mathbb{Z})$ is said to be realisable if there is a $k$-dimensional connected, closed, orientable $k$-dimensional submanifold $Y$ such that $\alpha = i_*[Y]$. The ...
Crash Bandicoot's user avatar
12 votes
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Is the Lipschitz structure on $\mathbb{S}^4$ unique?

Sullivan [S] proved that on any $n$-dimensional, $n\neq 4$, topological manifold there is a unique Lipschitz structure. Although it is generally accepted result, it seems that the proof lacks some ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
12 votes
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Smooth dual cell structure

Let us consider a closed oriented smooth manifold M. It is well known that a smooth combinatorial triangulation can be constructed for it. That is to say, a homeomorphism from the geometric ...
Anibal Medina's user avatar
12 votes
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Topologies of level sets of nearby functions

Suppose we have two smooth, real valued functions $\Phi$ and $\hat{\Phi}$ on a manifold $M$. Suppose $\Phi$ and $\Phi$ are close under some function space topology like $L^2$ or $L^\infty$. I am ...
maxematician's user avatar
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Does cohomology ring determine a compact symmetric space?

Suppose that $M_1, M_2$ are compact connected symmetric spaces with isomorphic integer cohomology rings. Does it follow that $M_1$ is diffeomorphic to $M_2$? The only result I am aware of is this ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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12 votes
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Books on exotic structures

The second half of the XX-th century has witnessed an explosion of results on the existence of smooth structures on topological manifolds. Following various sources in Wikipedia, a rough timeline goes ...
Andrea Ferretti's user avatar
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An unpublished paper of Thurston about diffeomorphism groups

William Thurston has done many contributions in the field of diffeomorphism groups. But it seems that one of his papers entitled "On the Structure of the Group of Volume Preserving Diffeomorphisms" ...
XIII's user avatar
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Intrepreting Spin(3) as a certain configuration space

Let $\mathcal{C}$ denote the space of great circles in $\mathbb{S}^2\subset \mathbb{R}^3$. It's pretty easy to see that any element $\mathcal{C}$ can be identified uniquely with the axial line (in $\...
RBega2's user avatar
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Understanding a certain algebraic set arising in Deep Learning

I'm not a professional geometer. Thanks in advance for your patience. So, let $n$, $k$, $p_0,\ldots,p_{k}$ be positive integers. Let $X$ (resp. $Y$) be an $p_0$-by-$n$ (resp. an $p_{k}$-by-$n$) real ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Two ways a manifold can have little symmetry

Let $M$ be a closed connected smooth oriented manifold. The following two properties - that $M$ can either enjoy or not - intuitively both mean that $M$ has very little symmetry: (a) Every self-map $...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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When does a leaf space admit a (non-Hausdorff) manifold structure?

If $f:M \to N$ is a submersion with connected fibers, then the fibers of $f$ foliate $M$. This is called a simple foliation of $M$ and the leaf space can be identified with $N$. Suppose that a ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
12 votes
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Embedding of the product of two Grassmannians into a Grassmannian

Consider an embedding $$\Phi: G_{k_1}(R^{n_1})\times G_{k_2}(R^{n_2})\rightarrow G_k(R^n)$$ of the product of two Grassmannians $G_{k_1}(R^{n_1})\times G_{k_2}(R^{n_2})$ into $G_k(R^n)$, where $G_k(...
user81500's user avatar
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3 manifolds with diffeomorphic unit tangent bundles

What can one say about two closed oriented 3-manifolds $M_1$ and $M_2$ such that $S^2 \times M_1$ is diffeomorphic to $S^2 \times M_2$?
Murat Saglam's user avatar
12 votes
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Exotic smoothness and Parallelizability

Regarding the parallelizability of the Milnor's seven dimensional exotic spheres: Parallelizability of the Milnor's exotic spheres in dimension 7 The following question naturally arises: Suppose ...
Hamed's user avatar
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11 votes
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Almost isometric manifolds are diffeomorphic

I am looking for a reference to the following statement. (It should be known --- I saw it before, don't remember where; search by keywords did not help.) Let $f\colon M\to N$ be a homeomorphism ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
11 votes
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Triangulation of manifolds with corners

Let's begin with some definitions: A (smooth) manifold with corners is a Hausdroff (and second countable if you want) space that can be covered by open sets homeomorphic to $\mathbb R^{n-m} \times \...
D1811994's user avatar
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Null-homotopies in the space of framed functions on a surface

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. Morse functions on $M$ are smooth functions $M \to \mathbb{R}$ with only very nice singularities. Fact: The space of Morse functions on $M$ is not, in general, ...
Adam Saltz's user avatar
11 votes
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Third cohomology of symplectic $6$-manifolds

Suppose that $A$ is a finitely generated abelian group with even rank and without $2$-torsion. Does there exist a compact symplectic $6$-manifold $(M,\omega)$ such that $A$ Is isormorphic to $H^{3}(M,\...
Nick L's user avatar
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Generalization of Dwork's Derivation of the Picard-Fuchs equation

Background: Let $V_\lambda$ be the elliptic curve $x^3+y^3+z^3 - \lambda xyz=0$. Then, when we consider $\omega_\lambda \in H^1_{dR}(V_\lambda)$, since $H^1_{dR}(V_\lambda)$ is only 2-dimensional, ...
Catherine Ray's user avatar
11 votes
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Do homology classes have "special" representatives?

Recall that, according to Hodge, de-Rham cohomology classes of "nice enough" manifolds have "special" representatives - namely, harmonic forms. Now, how does one choose a "special" one among ...
Michael's user avatar
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Detecting invertible elements in group rings by their images for finite quotients of the group

Let $G$ be a "nice" infinite group: at least finitely presented and residually finite, maybe also linear and right-orderable (or even bi-orderable, or residually free nilpotent). Consider an element ...
Jean-Claude Sikorav's user avatar
10 votes
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Isotopy on embedded 3-manifolds in 4-manifolds

Suppose that $X$ be an oriented, closed four-manifold. Suppose that $Y$ is an oriented, closed three-manifold smoothly embedded in $X$. Suppose also that $f:X \to X$ is a diffeomorphism that fixes $Y$...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
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A minimal $\mathbb Z/2$-invariant Morse function on $U(n)$

Consider the group $U(2n)$ of unitary matrices. This has two standard and important homomorphic involutions. The most famous one $A \mapsto \overline A$ is complex conjugation, with fixed-set $O(2n)$, ...
mme's user avatar
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