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Method of characteristics for higher order PDEs in more than two variables

I am trying to understand the mathod of characteristics for solving partial differential equations. However, all the examples I found over the internet are for first order PDEs or for second order ...
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Linear dependence of the derivatives of a vector valued function

Let $f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^5$ be an injective smooth function, and consider the function $$ g:\mathbb{R}^5\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^5 $$ given by $$ g(t_1,t_2,t_3,a,b) = f(t_1)+a(f(t_2)-f(t_1))...
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On which subspace $W\subset C^{\infty}[0,1]$ is $(Df)(x)=xf'(x)$ a bounded operator provided all functions in $W$ are flat functions?

I have already asked this question on MSE; now I repeat it on MO. First we ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Analytic functions where all derivatives vanish at infinity and which are bounded

Let $C_0(\mathbb{R})$ denote the analytic functions $f : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. I wonder whether there a functions $f \in C_0(\mathbb{R})$ with $f \neq 0$, such that there is a constant $...
tobias's user avatar
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Analysis of coefficients for quickly vanishing analytic vector field

Let $u = (u_1, u_2, u_3): \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ be a divergence-free analytic vector field for $n =3$ or $n =4$, i.e., $u_i : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ are analytic ...
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Analytic approximations of smooth vector fields

Let $M$ be the set of smooth divergence-free vector fields $u$ on $\mathbb{R}^3$ with $$|\partial_x^{\alpha} u(x)| \leq C_{\alpha K}(1+|x|)^{-K}$$ on $\mathbb{R}^3$ for any $\alpha,K$. Further, we ...
tobias's user avatar
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Controlling a Schwartz kernel near the diagonal

Let $D$ be a first-order elliptic differential operator that is essentially self-adjoint on $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$. Consider the operator $(D+i)^q$ acting on $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$ with domain $C_c^\infty(\...
geometricK's user avatar
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PDE satisfied by projection of a function onto a subspace

Given an open bounded set $D\subset \mathbb R^N$, let $f\in W^{-1,q}(D)$ and let $u$ be a Sobolev function $u\in W_0^{1,p}(D)$ such that $u$ solves the PDE $$ \begin{cases} -\Delta_p u=f\;\text{in $D$}...
Harish's user avatar
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Continuity of image of resolvent operator with respect to resolvent parameter

Suppose $D$ is a first-order differential operator on a manifold $M$ and that the inverse $(D+t)^{-1}:H^0(M)\rightarrow H^1(M)$ exists for all $t > 0$, where $H^i(M)$ is the $i^\text{th}$ Sobolev ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Symbol of the Laplace-Beltrami on $\mathbb{S}^2$

This question is about how the principal part (or symbol) is defined on a manifold?-I assume that the answer is: As in $\mathbb{R}^n$ using local coordinates, i.e. A differential operator $P=\sum_{|\...
BaoLing's user avatar
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Inverse of pseudo differential operator

Let $\operatorname{Op}_h(x,D)(a)$ denote the Weyl-quantisation of a symbol $a$. Is there an explicit way to invert this pseudo-differential operator in an asymptotic series? By this I mean, can we ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Getting out a system of linear ODEs by knowing the Magnus expansion

Assume we are given for a transition between two time points $t_0 = 0$ and $t_1$ a matrix relationship, eventually describing the solution of a system of linear with non-constant coefficients, $$Y(t_1)...
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