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Reasons behind different conventions for symbol of operator

I've come across two slightly different conventions for the symbol of a differential operator $D$ (let's say on $\mathbb{R}^n$) and haven't thought much about the motivation behind them until now. The ...
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Propagation of Singularities

I'm following the book "Elementary Introduction To The Theory Of Pseudodifferential Operators" by X. S. Raymond and the Joshi Lectures Notes - - to prove the ...
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PDE on an open ball with prescribed value on some open subsets

Suppose that we have a $r$-order differential operator $L:C^r(B^n, \mathbb{R})\to C^0(B^n,\mathbb{R})$ where $B^n $ is the open unitary ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$ (we can assume for simplicity that it ...
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Recursive formula for symbol of resolvent on noncompact manifold

On a compact Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ without boundary it was shown (by R. Seeley) how to define the complex power of an elliptic classical pseudodifferential operator $A$ of positive order $m$: ...
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