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6 votes
2 answers

Is the exterior algebra intrinsically formal?

Following 4.6 and 4.7 of this paper by Seidel and Thomas, a graded algebra $A$ is called intrinsically formal if any two dgas with cohomology $A$ are quasi-isomorphic. There is a sufficient condition ...
5 votes
1 answer

Morphisms of Hochschild (or cyclic) homology induced by homotopic maps

Let $f$ and $g$ be two maps between DG algebras $A$ and $B$, and assume that $f$ and $g$ are homotopic as chain maps, hence they induce the same map on the level of homology. Moreover, $f$ and $g$ ...
1 vote
0 answers

Universal bimodule for homotopy biderivations

Recall the commutative story: for a commutative algebra $A$, its module of differentials $\Omega (A)$ is characterized by the universal property that any derivation $\delta \colon A \to M$ is in a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Wrong way Poincare duality for Calabi-Yau dg-algebras?

Let $A$ be a smooth compact Calabi-Yau dg $k$-algebra of dimension $w$. It is widely known (e.g. Atsusi Takahashi proposition 2.4) that in such situation we have non canonical isomorphism of $A^{en}$-...