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Approximating solutions of non-linear differential equations

I have met a system of non-linear equations as follows, $$\frac{\mathbb{d}y_k}{\mathbb{d}t}=-(1-\alpha)y_k\sum_s{s^az_s}-\alpha y_kz_k,$$ $$\frac{\mathbb{d}z_k}{\mathbb{d}t}=(1-\alpha)y_k\sum_s{s^az_s}...
zenos's user avatar
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Bessel functions in wave propagation and scattering

Is there a way to scale $J_n(\cdot)$ (Bessel of first kind) and $H_n(\cdot)$ (Bessel of third kind or Hankel)? I am having computer problems with higher orders (higher values of n) and small arguments....
Chad's user avatar
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(Approximate) analytic solutions to the Mathieu equation

I'm trying to solve the driven Mathieu equation $x''+\beta x'+(a-2q\cos{\Omega t})\frac{\Omega^2}{4}x=f(t)$ for both zero and non-zero $\beta$. I can write down an analytic solution using the ...
SimonW's user avatar
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Planar polynomial vector field for a harmonic pair of polynomials

Has the system of ODEs $$\frac{dx}{dt}=P(x,y)\\ \frac{dy}{dt}=Q(x,y) $$ been studied for the special case of the polynomials $P$ and $Q$ being a harmonic pair, i.e. the real and imaginary part of ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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A vector field $X$ on $\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{R})$ with $\begin{cases} X.\mathrm{trace}=\mathrm{Det} \\X.\mathrm{Det}=-\mathrm{trace} \end{cases}$

Is there a vector field $X$ on $\operatorname{M}_n(\mathbb{R})$ or $\operatorname{GL}(n,\mathbb{R})$ with the following condition: $$\begin{cases} X\cdot \operatorname{trace}=\operatorname{Det} \\X\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Is autonomous dynamical system equivalent to one single higher-order ode?

We know that a higher-order ode can be converted to dynamical system by replacing each higher-order derivative by a new variable. What about inverse problem? Does a dynamical system convert to a ...
Shuchang's user avatar
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What conditions on the rate matrix $Q$ ensure unique convergence in continuous-time Markov chains?

In the study of discrete-time Markov chains, the conditions under which all initial distributions converge to a unique stationary distribution are well-understood. Specifically, if the transition ...
Zhang Yuhan's user avatar
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Global first integral for certain $3$ dimensional system

A physicist colleague asks me the following question. I have no idea to answer him. Your answer is very appreciated. Is there a global first integral on $\mathbb{R}^3$ for the following vector field? ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Lotka Volterra existence of Caratheodory solution

I strive to prove that the following system of differential equations: $$\begin{cases} x'=x-u(t)xy\\ y'= -y+u(t)xy \\ x(0)=x_0>0\\ y(0)=y_0>0 \end{cases}$$ has a unique Caratheodory solution ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Making a system of second-order ODEs chaotic

Consider a system of N linear 2nd-order OEDs, describing a system of coupled one-dimensional harmonic oscillators, with couplings given by matrix A and positions $X = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_N)$, we have $...
yourquantummechanicguynextdoor's user avatar
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Dynamical system described by coupled nonlinear differential equations

Suppose a dynamical system is described by two variables, $x$ and $y$, and they change over time according to the following two coupled nonlinear differential equations: \begin{equation} \begin{split} ...
Mr. Gentleman's user avatar
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Seeking a Lyapunov function for a SIR model with immunity loss

We add the immunity loss to the SIR model and obtain the following autonomous system. $$ \begin{align} s' &= -is+\alpha r \\ i' &= i s - \gamma i\\ r' &= \gamma i-\alpha r \end{align} \...
Hans's user avatar
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A special oscillatory orbit in space

Edit: According to the comment of Prof. Eremenko I revise the question. 19 years ago, I have heard the following problem from a specialist of dynamical system. During these 19 years, I was in contact ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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On local attractivity of a coupled non-linear differential equation

Consider a dynamical system described by the following coupled non-linear differential equation \begin{align} \dot{x}_1(t) &= v + a_{12}\sin(x_2(t)-x_1(t)) + a_{13}\sin(x_3(t)-x_1(t))\\ \dot{x}_2(...
Ludwig's user avatar
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The number of limit cycles of a quadratic vector field with a unique singularity

Is there a uniform upper bound for the number of limit cycles of a quadratic vector field which has a unique singular point in the plane?
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Differential inequalities for a strictly diagonal dominant system of linear ODEs

Let $A$ be a real $d\times d$ matrix. The diagonal elements are strictly negative ($a_{ii}<0$) and the off-diagonal elements are non-negative ($a_{ij}\geq 0$ for $i\neq j$). $A$ is strictly column ...
Antony's user avatar
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The type of a Riemann surface arising from a polynomial vector field

Consider the planar polynomial vector field $$\begin{cases} \dot x=P(x,y)\\ \dot y=Q(x,y)\end{cases}$$ It defines a singular foliation on $\mathbb{C}P^{2}$. Assume that a complex leaf contains ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Linear dynamical systems: interpretation of Frobenius eigenvector

Consider a positive linear dynamical system. $\frac{dx}{dt}=Ax$, where $A$ is a quasipositive/Metzler/essentially nonnegative matrix. By its properties, the vector $x$ will remain positive for all ...
Sultan's user avatar
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Can a chaotic trajectory solve an algebraic equation?

Given a polynomial ODE in $n$-dimensions of maximal degree $d$ $$\dot{x}_j=f_j(x)=\sum_{i_{1},\dots,i_{n}=1}^{d}a_{i_{1},\dots,i_{n}}^{j}x_{1}^{i_{1}}\dots x_{n}^{i_{n}} \quad \forall j=1,...,n$$ we ...
NicAG's user avatar
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Keeping track of limit cycles via certain second order differential operator

Inspired by the two posts which are linked bellow we ask the following question: Question: For a vector field $X$ on the plane we define the differential operator $D$ on $C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^2)$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Isochronization of quadratic vector fields with center

What is a classification of all quadratic vector fields $$\begin{cases} x'=P(x,y)\\ y'=Q(x,y) \end{cases}\qquad (V)$$ with a center at origin such that $$\left(\frac{x^2+y^2}{yP(x,y)-xQ(x,y)}\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Boundedness of particle motion with time-varying force

Consider the differential equation $$ m \ddot{x} + k \dot{x} = - W_t x $$ where $m$ and $k$ are nonnegative. $x_t \in \mathbb{R}^n$ $W_t$ is a matrix that satisfies $$ \alpha I \succeq W_t \...
Michael S.'s user avatar
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Hopf bifurcation for systems where the dynamics is homogeneous of degree 1

Consider dynamical system in dimension 3 $$x'(t)=f(x(t),d)$$ where the dynamics f is homogeneous of degree 1 and there is exactly one line of equilibrium points. This line is independent of the ...
Fausto Gozzi's user avatar
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Non-linear 1st order difference equation

I have been trying to solve the following difference equation for some time now : $$u^3(n+1) = a - b\cdot u^2(n) + u^3(n), \qquad a \ne 0 \ne b$$ I have tried various substitutions, simplifications ...
user88595's user avatar
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Progess on conjectures of Palis

I came across a "A Global Perspective for Non-Conservative Dynamics" by Palis. He has some conjectures "Global Conjecture: There is a dense set $D$ of dynamics such that any element of ...
NicAG's user avatar
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On bounded solutions of a given fourth-order linear ODE

Consider the fourth-order linear ODE $$ \label{eq1} v^{(4)} + \frac{-C_2 - 2\alpha \phi}{C_4}v'' + \frac{4\alpha \phi'}{C_4}v' + \frac{k_1 + 3k_3\phi^2 -2\alpha \phi''}{C_4}v = 0. $$ Without getting ...
Milen Ivanov's user avatar
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Why were these constants picked in this Lyapunov function and how did the author arrive at the final form of the Lyapunov function?

Consider the following paper: "A note on global stability for a tuberculosis model" by Gao and Huang: The methodology is understood in this paper ...
Math's user avatar
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Stability test for LTV systems by differential Lyapunov inequalities

Consider a linear time-varying system: \begin{equation} \dot x(t) = A(t) x(t), \tag{$*$} \end{equation} where $A(t)$ is a time-varying block matrix defined as $$ A(t) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & I\\ -\...
Evan's user avatar
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Gronwall-type bound for a mix-effect inequality?

This popped up in my research: we have the following mix-effect inequality that $\forall T \geq 1$ \begin{equation}\tag{*} Y(T) - \frac{1}{100T^2}\int_1^T[\alpha^2 + e^{-(T - t)}]Y(t)dt \lesssim \...
Nikolayevich's user avatar
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Understand the condition of transcritical bifurcation (Crandall-Robinowitz) geometrically

Consider the dynamical system $\dot{x}=F(x,\lambda), x\in\mathbb{R^n}$, and let $F(0,\lambda)=0$ for some neighborhood of $\lambda_{0}$, the transcritical bifurcation arises if we have $w\frac{\...
89085731's user avatar
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Global solution of second order ODE defined on riemannian manifold

Consider the differential equation $\nabla \dot X + \frac{3}{t} \dot X + gradf(X) =0$, defined on a riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ ($ \nabla$ is the Levi-Civita connection and $gradf(X)$ is the ...
Foivos's user avatar
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Can a local extremum of a function be an asymptotically stable equilibrium of corresponding gradient dynamics?

Let's first describe the setup: we consider a(say smooth enough) function $f: \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$ and write it as $(x,y) \to f(x,y)$, where $x \in \mathbb{R}^{d_x}$, $y \in \mathbb{R}^{d_y}$ ...
Markus Holzleitner's user avatar
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Bifurcations due to a nonlinearity parameter

Suppose we want to analyze the behavior of the system $$\dot{\mathbf{x}}=\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x},t;\varepsilon),\quad \mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^n,\quad t\in\mathbb{R}^+,\quad\varepsilon\in\mathbb{R}^+, $$ ...
garserdt216's user avatar
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Lemma 4.5.1 on page 77 in the book Averaging Methods in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

I have a query regarding two equalities in the lemma in the book. But first I'll provide two definitions that one needs for this lemma. Definition 4.2.4: Consider the vector field $f(x,t)$ with $f:\...
Alan's user avatar
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Stability of ODEs with exponentials in the vector field

What is known about fine stability properties of ODEs of the following kind? $$ \dot{x} = Ax + b + \phi(x),\quad x\in \mathbb{R}^d ,$$ where $d\geq 1$; $A$ is a constant matrix with all e.v. having ...
demitau's user avatar
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Region of attraction of simple ODE with perturbation

Consider the following simplest example: $$\dot{x} = x(x-1)(x+1)$$ $[-1,1]$ is the ROA. Now consider the two dimensional case: \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &\dot{x} = x(x-1)(x+1)\\ &...
sleeve chen's user avatar
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Does a smooth dynamical system always come with a metric

Warning: My education in formal mathematics is very weak so I apologize for any confusions/errors in the following, please don't hesitate to correct me. Question: Consider a smooth dynamical system $...
Sujaan's user avatar
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A cubic system with two nested limit cycles with opposite orientations(2)

The second part of Hilbert's 16th problem not only concerns "The number of limit cycles of a polynomial vector field", but also the position and configuration of of those limit cycles with respect to ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Geometric ergodicity of dynamical system

I'm working with dynamical systems defined by ODEs and SDEs, in this latter case gradient systems in particular, a special case of Ito diffusions. I've read that under reasonable assumptions this ...
nabla's user avatar
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Is the interpolating Hamiltonian flow of an exact near-identity symplectic map globally defined?

It is well-known that an analytic near-identity map $\bar{x} = F_{\epsilon}(x) = x + \epsilon f(x) + O(\epsilon^{2})$ may be embedded into the flow of a differential equation, and if that map is ...
Vitaly's user avatar
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A particular case of of the higher dimensional Poincare Bendixson theorem

We consider the planar polynomial vector field $$(*) \;\;\;\begin{cases} \dot x= P(x,y) \newline \dot y =Q(x,y)\end{cases}$$ We replace the real variables $x,y$ with complex variables $x:=x_{1}+...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Geometric properties of solutions of Hamiltonian system

Context : We are interested in the following dynamic with state $(q,\varphi)$ $$ \dot q = \varepsilon F(q,\varphi), \quad \dot \varphi = \omega(q) + \varepsilon G(q,\varphi) $$ ($\varepsilon >0$ ...
Smilia's user avatar
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Uniqueness of analytic center manifold

In a book, i have read a remark which says that the center manifold of an equilibrium point of a differential equation is not unique in general but is unique in the class of analytic manifold. The ...
aristote's user avatar
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Lifting a quadratic system to a non-vanishing vector field on $S^{3}$ or $T^{1} S^{2}$

Let $P:S^{3}\to S^{2}$ be the Hopf fibration. For a vector field $X$ on $S^{2}$ there is a non-vanishing vector field $\tilde{X}$ on $S^{3}$ such that $DP(\tilde{X})=X$. It is constructed in ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Global Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations

Background Let $f: [0, \infty) \times {\mathbb R}^n \rightarrow {\mathbb R}^n$ be a jointly measurable function satisfying, $f(t, \cdot)$ is locally Lipschitz for every $t \geqslant 0$, for every ...
orlandoweber's user avatar
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Rotation number of perturbated equation

I have a differential equation on torus $(t,x)$ and well studied it's Arnold tongues for Poincare map of the circle $x(t=0) \to x(t=2\pi)$. The question is how changes rotation number when I add small ...
Mathemage's user avatar
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Two questions related to $TS^{2}$ as a holomorphic manifold

We consider $TS^{2}$ as a 2 dimensional holomorphic manifold and fix an explicit holomorphic structure on $TS^{2}$ as it is indicated in the answer of Mike Usher to the following question. ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Behavior of a non-linear differential equation

Let us consider the following differential equation $$ \dot{x}(t)=a - b\sin(x(t)), \quad a,b\in\mathbb{R}. $$ My question. Suppose $a>|b|$ and $x(0)=x_0\in\mathbb{R}$. Can the solution to the ...
Ludwig's user avatar
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Is there an entire solution for the Van der pol equation?

Is there a non constant entire function $\gamma(t)=(x(t),y(t)): \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}^{2}$ which satisfy the following Vander pol dififferential equation? $$\begin{cases}\dot{x}=y-x^{3}\\\dot y=-...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Two limit cycles which lie on the same leaf

Edit 1: For a related discussion see this MSE post I apologize in advance, if this question is obvious: 1)What is an example of a polynomial vector field on $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ with at least two ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar