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Explicit form for hermitian structure $h$ with respect to $\omega$

Let $(M,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold. and $\pi:L\to M$ be a complex line bundle , we denote $h$ as hermitian structure,i.e. if $s,s'$ are smooth sections of $L$ and if $X$ is a vector field on $M$...
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motivation for multiplier ideal sheaves

What is the origin of multiplier ideal sheaves?It was introduced ny Nadel.Yum Tong Siu,his advisor in his plenary lecture in 2002 icm mentions some thing that it arose in pde.Can anyone kindly ...
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Holomorphic Sard's theorem?

I have originally posted this question on math.SE, but it received little attention, so I repost it here. Let $U\subset \mathbb{C}^{n}$ and $V\subset \mathbb{C}^{m}$ be open and connected. Let $\Phi:...
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