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Minimal volume of 4-manifolds

This question came up in a talk of Dieter Kotschick yesterday. The minimal volume of a manifold is the infimum of volumes of Riemannian metrics on the manifold with sectional curvatures bounded in ...
Ian Agol's user avatar
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16 votes
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Is the oriented bordism ring generated by homogeneous spaces?

I am trying to find a Riemannian geometrically well-understood set of generators of the oriented bordism ring, including the torsion parts. By a set of generators, I mean that the set generates the ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
9 votes
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Nash embedding for 3 manifolds

The Nash embedding theorem tells us that every smooth Riemannian m-manifold can be embedded in $R^n$ for, say, $n = m^2 + 5m + 3$ (edit: 14 is a better bound for compact 3 manifolds thanks @mme). What ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
5 votes
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geometry and connected sum of aspherical closed manifolds

Let $ G $ be a Lie group with finitely many connected components, $ K $ a maximal compact subgroup, and $ \Gamma $ a torsion free cocompact lattice. Then $$ \Gamma \backslash G/K $$ is an aspherical ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Gromov Hausdorff limit and Ricci flow

Let $M$ be a compact, smooth manifold and $\{g(t)\}$ be a family of Riemannian metrics on $M$ evolving under Ricci flow. Suppose the maximal existence time $T$ is finite. To what extent the following ...
Bingo's user avatar
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Integral of second fundamental form

Let us have Riemannian manifold $M$ with boundary $N.$ Let $F$ be an immersion, such that $F:N\to M$ and $B$ be a second fundamental form on $N$ relative to $F.$ And let $f$ be a function on $N.$ ...
Dozzy Cooper's user avatar
3 votes
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Show that continuous maps between smooth manifolds can be approximated by smooth maps WITHOUT using Whitney's embedding theorem

As it is well-known (and for example this question shows) each continuous map between smooth manifolds is homotopically equivalent to a smooth map that can be constructed using the Whitney embedding ...
No-one's user avatar
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A question about index of Dirac operator

Let $\Phi: M\to S^n$ be a map from an even-dimensional, $\dim M=n$, spin manifold $M$ with the boundary $\partial M$ to a unit sphere. And $\Phi$ is locally constant near $\partial M$. If we take a ...
Radeha Longa's user avatar
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Action on a torus

I was asked the following question: suppose that $M= T^{2n}$ a torus of dimension 2n. And let $\mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z} \subset \mathrm{Homeo(M)}$ such that the space of fixed points $N=M^{\mathbf{Z}/2\...
GSM's user avatar
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If the total space of circle bundle over hyperbolic manifold admits Riemannain metric of non-positive sectional curvature?

If the total space of circle bundle over higher genus surface admit Riemannian metric of non-positive sectional curvature? I wish to use the result about the question and find Leeb's work 3-...
Jialong Deng's user avatar
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Two questions regarding flat fibre bundles and the corresponding group action on the fibre

Let $F$, $B$ be smooth, closed manifolds and $\phi:\pi_1(B) \rightarrow Aut(F)$ a smooth group action of the fundamental group of $B$ on $F$. Consider the flat fibre bundle $E_\phi := \widetilde{B} \...
ort96's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is isoperimetric hypersurface unique up to homeomorphism?

Is there a Riemannian structure on $\mathbb{R}^n $with two non homeomorphic compact hypersurfaces $M,N$ such that both satisfy the isoperimetric inequality. I precisely meanthe following: $$\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Foliation of $X$ by once punctured planes without any singularities

Let $n=3.$ Take $X=(0,1)^n.$ Fix points $p,q$ s.t. $\text{dist}_n(p,q)=\sqrt{n}.$ Construct a smooth regular foliation of $X$ with $(n-1)-$dim. leaves which are topologically $(0,\sqrt{n})\times S^{n-...
John McManus's user avatar
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Questions about symmetric spaces

I'm a little confused with the following questions: (1) Why does a symmetric space $M=G/K$ of compact type have $\mathcal{R}^M\geq 0$? (2) Moreover, why does $\chi(M)\neq 0$ if and only if ${\rm rk}\ ...
Radeha Longa's user avatar
2 votes
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Structure of hyperbolic manifolds of finite volume

Let $X$ be a hyperbolic manifold of finite volume. I want to prove that $X$ has ends of the form $N\times \mathbb{R}$ where $N$ has a finite covering by a nilmanifold and $\pi_1N\to \pi_1 X$ is ...
Radeha Longa's user avatar
2 votes
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Can a non-compact manifold become compact by cutting it?

I'm trying to understand a step in a proof, where one starts with a non-compact manifold $V$ containing a trapped (2-sided, closed) surface $\Sigma$ that's non-separating. In order to complete the ...
aceituna's user avatar
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Ricci flow with surgery without the "no locally separating $\Bbb RP^2$" assumption

In many places, Ricci flow with surgery is done with orientable manifolds. Morgan and Tian do not require orientability, but instead they impose the condition that $M^3$ have no embedded $\Bbb RP^2$ ...
Ryan Unger's user avatar
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about codimension two foliation

Are there examples of codimension 2 foliations on closed compact 4-manifolds or 5-manifold I am curious about examples of codimension Are there any previous studies or lecture notes of foliation ...
user473085's user avatar
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A question about Homotopy equivalence (II)

I posted a similar but different question before in the link Now, my new ...
Radeha Longa's user avatar
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characterizing the singularity for a geometric flow

Suppose that $(M,g)$ is a complete Riemannian manifold and let $\Gamma_0$ be a closed hypersurface in $M$. Let $(x^n,x')$ denote the normal coordinate system on $M$ about $\Gamma_0$ with $x^n>0$ ...
Ali's user avatar
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