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122 votes
7 answers

Topology and the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics

I was very happy to learn that the work which led to the award of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics (shared between David J. Thouless, F. Duncan M. Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz) uses Topology. In ...
35 votes
8 answers

Modern mathematical books on general relativity

I am looking for a mathematical precise introductory book on general relativity. Such a reference request has already been posted in the physics stackexchange here. However, I'm not sure whether some ...
Werner Thumann's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

Supermanifolds — elementary introduction?

I am looking for an elementary but mathematically precise introductory text on supermanifolds in a modern differential geometric setting. Elementary in the sense that there is plenty of motivation for ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Laplacian on manifolds and random matrix theory

Let $M$ be a compact Riemannian manifold with a metric $g$, and consider the spectrum of the Laplacian operator $\Delta$. What is known about the relationship between this spectrum and random matrix ...
Clay Cordova's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

References for classical Yang-Mills theory

I am looking for a reference to study classical (i.e., not quantized) Yang-Mills theory. Most of the sources I find focus on mathematical aspects of the theory, like Bleecker's book Gauge theory and ...
José Navarro's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

General Relativity and Differential Geometry intuitions of Second Bianchi Identity

In General Relativity, one uses the Riemann Tensor in its coordinate form $R_{abcd}$, and proves the Second Bianchi Identity- $R_{abcd;e} + R_{abde;c} + R_{abec;d} = 0$ It is said that ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Reference request: Gauge natural bundles, and calculus of variation via the equivariant bundle approach

Let $P\rightarrow M$ be a principal fibre bundle with structure group $G$, $F$ a manifold and $\alpha: G\times F\rightarrow F$ a smooth left action. There is an associated fibre bundle $E\rightarrow ...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

K.Uhlenbeck's preprint "A priori estimates for Yang-Mills fields"

Does anyone have a copy of the unpublished preprint of Karen Uhlenbeck A priori estimates for Yang-Mills fields from around 1986? It appears to have circulated for some time, and it is quoted in ...
YangMills's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Short examples that are/are not quantum-ergodic

Are there any considerably short examples of manifolds that are/aren't quantum ergodic, or quantum unique ergodic? Note that a (compact) Riemannian manifold is said to be quantum ergodic if almost ...
user48339's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

What’s the limit of a vector bundle?

In geometric measure theory, there’s an answer to the question “what’s the limit of a family of submanifolds”, namely there’s some kind of object called an integral current. In the geometric ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

literature on geometrical viewpoint on calculus of variations for physics

What is a good reference for a geometrical viewpoint on the calculus of variations for physics, using differential forms etc. to derive Yang-Mills equations and other topics of the standard model? ...
user4's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Reference request for instantons

I've been researching instantons lately and I'd like to learn more about them but would like some help finding what to read. I have read about the ADHM equations and their noncommutative analogues. ...
user46348's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Work on an Einstein-Hilbert type action but with the *absolute value* of scalar curvature?

This is only my second question on mathoverflow, so my apologies if this would be more appropriate at a physics site. My question concerns a modification to the Einstein-Hilbert action. The standard ...
Aaron Trout's user avatar
4 votes
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Geometrical proof of Noether Theorem [duplicate]

I am reading a very nice Physics book "The standard model in a nutshell" by D.Goldberg and just read there a mention to Noether Theorem. Of course I knew this outstanding theorem very well from ...
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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3 votes
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Asymptotic Expansion of Seiberg-Witten Differential?

Nekrasov & Okounkov proved ( that the Seiberg-Witten prepotential can be given by \begin{equation} \mathcal{F}(\mathbf{a},\Lambda) = \lim_{\hbar\rightarrow ...
user113988's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Question about Berezin line bundle of odd cotangent bundle of supermanifold $\text{Ber}(\Pi T^*\mathcal N)$

The followings are from Mnev's paper about BV formalism. Example 4.15 (Definition of split supermanifold) Let $E \to M$ be a rank $m$ vector bundle over $n$-manifold $M$, then there exists a ...
Andrews's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Surveys/monographs on the vortex filament equation

Where can I find surveys on the mathematical aspects of the vortex filament equation? In particular, I'm interested in the following topics: physical motivation; notion of solutions and ...
Kei's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Geometrical interpretation of a Schrödinger operator

Consider a $2 \times 2$ Hermitian (or symmetric) matrix-valued function $$g(x) = \{ g_{jk}(x)\}_{j,k=1,2}, \quad x \in \mathbb{R}^{2},$$ such that $0 < m_{-}I \leq g(x) \leq m_{+}I$, for some $m_{-}...
Geno Whirl's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Covariant momenta associated to higher order Lagrangians

Let $\pi:Y\rightarrow X$ be a fibered manifold with fibered coordinates $(U,x^i,y^\rho)$ (whenever local calculations are needed) and $m$ dimensional base $X$ ($\dim X=m$). Suppose that $L\in\Omega^m_{...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Derivation of the vortex filament equation from Euler equation

How can the vortex filament equation $$\partial_t \chi = \partial_s \chi \wedge \partial_{ss} \chi,$$ where $\chi(t,s)$ is a curve in $\mathbb R^3$, be derived from the Euler equation $$\partial_t \...
Kei's user avatar
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0 answers

The hermitian Einstein manifolds

I take an hermitian manifold $(M,g,J)$ and I define from the riemannian curvature $R(X,Y)$ as a $2$-form: $$ Ricc(J)= \sum_i R(J e_i,e_i) $$ with $(e_i)$ an orthonormal basis of the tangent. $$ 2R(J)=...
A.Balan's user avatar
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1 answer

Relationship between the vortex filament equation and the cubic Schrödinger equation

How is the vortex filament equation $$\partial_t \chi = \partial_s \chi \wedge \partial_{ss} \chi,$$ where $\chi(t,s)$ is a curve in $\mathbb R^3$, related to the cubic Schrödinger equation? Note 1. ...
Kei's user avatar
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Relationship between the vortex filament equation and the transport equation

Let us consider the vortex filament equation $$\partial_t \chi = \partial_s \chi \wedge \partial_{ss} \chi,$$ where $\chi(t,s)$ is a curve in $\mathbb R^3$. How is the Cauchy problem for the ...
Kei's user avatar
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