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3 answers

A manifold whose tangent space is a sum of line bundles and higher rank vector bundles

I am looking for an example of the following situation. Let $M$ be a connected (if possible compact) manifold such that its tangent bundle $T(M)$ admits a vector bundle decomposition $$ T(M) = A \...
Bobby-John Wilson's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is the Moebius strip Riemannian homogeneous?

Let $ M $ be the Moebius band. In other words, the total space of the nontrivial line bundle over the circle. Can we equip $ M $ with a metric such the the isometry group acts transitively? My ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

noncompact Riemannian homogeneous is trivial vector bundle over compact homogeneous

Is it true that a manifold $ E $ admits a metric with respect to which the isometry group is transitive ($ E $ is Riemannian homogeneous) if and only if $ E $ is the total space of a $ K $ equivariant ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar