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Does the Hodge *-operator act on the tangent space at 0 to the space of integral (n-1)-cycles in a conformal manifold of dimension d=2n?

Suppose $M$ is a compact, oriented conformal manifold of even dimension $d=2n$. Write ${\cal D}^{\mathit{int}}_{k}(M)$ for the space of integral $k$-currents in $M$ and write ${\cal D}^{\mathit{int}}...
Daniel Friedan's user avatar
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Besicovitch's covering theorem for ellipsoids and shadows

The usual Besicovitch's covering theorem concerns closed balls in $\mathbb{R}^d$. It relies on a property called "directionally limited metric space": the principal ingredient is to say that there can'...
Alvaro's user avatar
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Bounding the area of the image of a set by product of maximum of lengths

Let $F:[0,1]\times[0,1]\to \mathbb {R}^2$ be a smooth function. Given $x\in [0,1]$, let $\ell_x:=\{x\}\times [0,1]$, and given $y\in [0,1]$, let $\ell_y:=[0,1]\times \{y\}$. My question feels ...
JustSomeGuy's user avatar
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Compact connected Riemannian manifolds are Ahlfors regular metric space

Let $(M,g)$ be a compact connected $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold; let $(X,d)$ denote its associated metric (length) space. A comment on the original formulation of this post mentioned that $(X,...
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