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The concept of convex foliation

A $n-1$ dimensional submanifold $N\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ is called a convex submanifold if for every $x\in N$ ,ther is a neighborhood $W$ of $x$ in $N$ such that $W$ entirly lies at one side of $T_x N$...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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When does a submersion have connected fibers?

Can we characterize when a submersion $F:M \to N$ between two smooth manifolds has connected fibers? If this is too hard, what are some sufficient conditions?
David Carchedi's user avatar
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Glueing together functions defined on the leaves of a foliation

Even though my question can be asked for very general types of foliations, I am interesetd only in its answer for Poisson manifolds, which are what I am currently studying. Consider a Poisson ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Non-diffeomorphic smooth structures on the quotient of a manifold by an integrable distribution

In geometric quantization, one of the important ingredients is an integrable distribution $D$ (let's say real) on some manifold $M$ (symplectic, but this is not important). The resulting object is $M/...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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A local transitivity property of the automorphism group of a foliated manifold

Let $(M,\mathcal F)$ be a smooth foliated manifold. An automorphism of $(M,\mathcal F)$ is a diffeomorphism of $M$ that takes leaves of $\mathcal F$ onto leaves. Let now $L$ be a leaf of $\mathcal F$. ...
Łukasz Garncarek's user avatar
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Examples of why conditions for Novikov compact leaf theorem are necessary

Let $M^3$ be a smooth, closed 3-manifold. Given a smooth codimension-one foliation $\mathcal{F}$ of $M$, the Novikov compact leaf theorem asserts that, when the universal cover $\widetilde{M}^3$ of $M^...
Daniel Santiago's user avatar