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how to use the sobolev inequality to obtain the embedding theorem

I am reading Luca Capogna's article An Embedding theorem and the Harnack inequalitiy for nonlinear subelliptic equations. In this article, the authors proved the following theorem (Theorem 2.3) Let ...
pxchg1200's user avatar
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Is the trace of the heat kernel always finite?

consider any smooth Riemannian manifold $(N,g)$, an open subset $U\subset N$ and the Dirichlet heat kernel $p(t;x,y)$ for $U$. I am wondering, if it is true that $\int_U p(t;x,x)dx <\infty$ for any ...
Denilson Orr's user avatar
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heat kernel for powers of some degenerate elliptic operators

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded open domain in $R^{n}$ with smooth boundary and $X=(X_{1},X_{2},\cdots,X_{m})$ be a system of real smooth vector fields defined on $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^{n}$. If $X$ ...
pxchg1200's user avatar
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Is a space with p-norm a Finsler manifold?

Suppose $\mathbb{R}^n$ is equipped with the p-norm $\left\Vert x \right\Vert_p$. Let $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$ and let $y$ be in a neighborhood of $x$. The distance between $x$ and $y$ can be defined as $\...
Klock's user avatar
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Cauchy-Riemann Operators and Selberg Zeta Function

The determinant of hyperbolic Maaß-Laplacian operator on arbitrary tensors and spinors can be written in terms of Selberg zeta function. Is there a corresponding formula for the determinant of the ...
QGravity's user avatar
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Right inverse of the Seiberg-Witten functional

For closed 4 manifold X, we consider the derivative of the Seiberg-Witten functional, i.e. $$\Omega^1_2(X;\sqrt{-1}\mathbb R)\oplus\Gamma_2(S^+)\overset{D}{\to}\Omega^2_{+,1}(X;\sqrt{-1}\mathbb R)\...
DLIN's user avatar
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Hodge decomposition on open manifold

For the open manifold like $X\times \mathbb R$ or $X\times \mathbb R^+$, where $X$ is a closed manifold. Is there any decomposition like (Hodge Decomposition) of the Differential forms on it.
DLIN's user avatar
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Gauge Fixing Problem on Cylindrical

For Cylindrical $Y\times\mathbb R$, where $Y$ is a closed oriented 3-manifold. If it is necessary, we could consider the $b_1(Y)=0$ case. Fix a Line bundle $L\to Y\times \mathbb R$ and a Hermitian ...
DLIN's user avatar
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Heat kernel upper bounds on a complete Riemannian manifold

Let $M$ be a complete Riemannian manifold, and $p(t, x, y)$ denotes its heat kernel. I am trying to find sufficient conditions for when the following holds: $$ p(t, x, y) \leq Ct^{-n/2}, \forall x, y, ...
user91989's user avatar
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Gaussian bounds on Dirichlet heat kernel

Let $(M, g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold and let $p(t, x , y)$ be the heat kernel of $M$. Then there exist constants $c, C > 0 $ such that $$\frac{c}{t^{n/2}} e^{-\frac{1}{4t}d(x, y)^2} \leq ...
user94178's user avatar
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Covering rough boundaries of closed sets in manifolds by charts

This question is a little vague, I'm afraid, because I'm not sure I expect there to be a complete answer; but there should be some sort of situations where it is possible. Consider a Riemannian ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Donnelly-Fefferman growth of eigenfunctions

Let $(M, g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold, and let $\lambda^2$, $\varphi_\lambda$ represent eigenvalues and eigenfunctions respectively of the Laplacian $\Delta$, that is, $-\Delta \varphi_\lambda ...
user91752's user avatar
7 votes
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intuitive connection between The KdV equations and the Virasoro bott group

I posted this on stack exchange but had no joy, perhaps someone here can answer : The Euler Arnold equation expresses equations (usually from mathematical physics) as geodesic equations on a Lie group....
R Mary's user avatar
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Eigenfunction basis of Laplacian on a manifold

It is a well known result that for $\Omega$ bounded open set in $\mathbb{R}^n$, there exists a basis of $C^\infty$ eigenfunctions of the Laplacian for $L^2(\Omega)$. It is also known that there exists ...
Batman's user avatar
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Extension of functions from geodesically convex compact sets in a Riemannian manifold

In the paper Extension operators for spaces of infinite differentiable Whitney jets (J. reine angew. Math. 602 (2007), 123—154, DOI:10.1515/crelle.2007.005) by Leonhard Frerick, a convenient condition ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Finding a specific Global Smooth Function

Any help with this problem would be appreciated. Thanks Suppose $(M^3,g)$ is a smooth compact Riemannian manifold with smooth boundary and $\gamma$ is a simple smooth orientable curve in $M$. Does ...
Ali's user avatar
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The minimum value of a energy integral

Let $D \subset {\mathbb{R}^3}$ a simple connected open domain with volume $\int_{\bar D} {dV = 1} $. $\varphi :{\mathbb{R}^3} \to \mathbb{R}$ is ${C^1}$, $\varphi (\infty ) = 0 $ and $${\nabla ^2}\...
jacktang1996's user avatar
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Modify the jump set of $BV$ function

Let $u\in BV(\Omega)$ be a function of bounded variation where $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^N$ is open bounded with smooth boundary. We use $Du$ to denote the weak derivative of $u$. (So $Du$ is a Radon ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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Heat kernel asymptotics for small distances

I heard a talk where the speaker said that on a Riemannian manifold, for small values of $\text{dist }(x, y)$, the heat kernel $p_t(x, y)$ satisfies $$p_t(x, y) = \frac{1}{(4\pi t)^{n/2}}e^{-\frac{\...
user85970's user avatar
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Concentration compactness on a compact setting

Consider a compact Riemannian manifold $M$ of dimension $n$ and a sequence of positive functions $\{\varphi_k\}_k \in C^\infty(M)$ such that $\{\varphi_k\}_k$ satisfy the basic concentration ...
SMS's user avatar
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Gaussian heat kernel bounds on Riemannian manifolds [duplicate]

I wish to know if we have Gaussian lower and upper bounds for the heat kernel,i.e. $$ t^{-n/2}e^{-\frac{\rho(x,y)^2}{C_1t}} \lesssim p_t(x,y) \lesssim t^{-n/2}e^{-\frac{\rho(x,y)^2}{C_2t}}, $$ on a ...
user84944's user avatar
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A clarification regarding analytic perturbation of metrics and Laplacian

This question is in reference to the following Mathoverflow question and the accepted answer to it. It seems to me that it is taken for granted that if the metric $g_t$ perturbs real analytically in ...
Guest's user avatar
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Smooth perturbation of a positive self-adjoint operator with compact resolvent

Consider a one-parameter family $A_t$ of unbounded positive self-adjoint operators with discrete spectrum (for example, one can consider a one-parameter family of Laplacians on a compact Riemannian ...
user82891's user avatar
10 votes
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Optimal exponent in the Lojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequality

Lojasiewicz's theorem asserts that if $F: \mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}$ is a real-analytic function in a neighborhood of its critical point $0$, then there exist constants $\theta\in (0,1/2]$, $\gamma\...
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Norm on space of metrics

I recently heard a differential geometry talk where the speaker constructed a one-parameter family of metrics $g(t)$ on a smooth manifold and said that $g(t)$ is real analytic in the Banach space $BC(...
student's user avatar
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Is a manifold generically real analytic (with generic real analytic metric)?

I have heard it said in some differential geometry talks that "the generic situation in such and such case is real analytic". My question is, is the generic smooth manifold also real analytic in some ...
Guest's user avatar
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Osculating ellipsoids

Let $K$ be a given smooth, origin-symmetric, strictly convex body in $n$ dimensional euclidean space. At every point $x$ on the boundary of $K$ there exists an origin-symmetric ellipsoid $E_x$ that ...
K. P's user avatar
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$C^k$ one-parameter family of metrics

Consider a smooth Riemannian manifold $M$ and a $C^k$ one-parameter family of Riemannian metrics $g_t$ on $M$. Here $k$ could be any integer, $k$ could be infinity, when the one-parameter family $g_t$ ...
SMS's user avatar
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Lebesgue differentiation theorem holds on locally doubling space?

It's known that for a metric space with doubling measure $(X,\mu)$, the Lebesgue differentiation theorem holds , i.e. If $f:X\to \mathbb{R}$ is a locally integrable function, then $\mu$-a.e. points ...
mafan's user avatar
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Zeta-Determinant Theorem

Recently, someone asked on MO about lecture notes from Graeme Segal's "Stanford lectures" on TQFT, and the answer was to check here. When scrolling over the notes, I stumpled of Prop. 2.8.2 in ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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Changing frames of the tangent bundle with Schwartz functions [closed]

Let's consider two global frames $\{v_{1},....v_{N}\}$ and $\{u_{1},....u_{N}\}$ of the tangent bundle $T\mathbb{R}^N$. Now consider the matrix $\{f_{i,j}\}$that change the frame $\{v_k\}$ to $\{u_k\...
Coffee's user avatar
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Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on singular spaces

Consider a compact manifold $M$ with boundary and corner. As an example, we could have the cube $\{(x_1, x_2,..x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n : x_i \in [0,1]\}$. We could very well define the Laplacian $\Delta$...
guest's user avatar
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Comparing Dirichlet energy and area of a Surface-immersion

Let $(F,g)$ be a closed Surface, $(M,h)$ a Riemannian 3-Manifold and $f: F \to M$ a smooth immersion. Denote by $f^*(h)$ the pullback metric on $TF$ induced by $f$ and let $dV_g$ and $dV_{f^*(h)}$ be ...
H1ghfiv3's user avatar
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Vector Fields in a Riemannian Manifold

Suppose $(M,g)$ is a Riemannian manifold. Is there a way to classify manifolds where there exists a vector field that commutes with the laplace beltrami operator? Thanks
Ali's user avatar
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Reference for the Banach Manifold structure of $C^k(M,N)$

I'm completely new to the subject of banach manifolds and I'm looking for a reference of the following: Let $M$,$N$ be smooth (=$C^\infty$) finite-dimensional compact manifolds. Consider the set $C^...
uro's user avatar
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Survey papers on the role played by PDE in mathematics

There are already several questions on MathOverflow that inquire about the many diverse relationships between PDE and several other 'areas' of mathematics (e.g., algebraic and differential geometry ...
3 votes
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Reference request: $\mathcal{C}^\infty_c(M)$ is a topological vector space with the Whitney topology

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold and let $\mathcal{C}^\infty(M)$ be the space of all smooth real valued functions with the (strong) Whitney topology. This space is a topological vector space iff $M$ is ...
WhitneyTopology's user avatar
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Differential Operators On A Curve And On Osculating Circle

Given a 1D Riemannian manifold $\Gamma$ embedded in 2D Euclidean space (e.g. a parametric curve on a plane $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ ), and point $x_{0}\in \Gamma$, we denote $S^{1}(x_{0})$ the circle ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Spherical harmonics and ellipticity of the Laplacian

Let us consider the sphere $S^n$ and the Laplacian $-\Delta$ on it. Let $L^2(S^n) = \bigoplus_k V_k$, where $V_k$ represents the eigenspace of the Laplacian with eigenvalue $k(k + n - 1)$. We know ...
SMS's user avatar
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Norm equivalent to Sobolev norm? [closed]

On the hyperbolic space $\mathbb{H}^n$, it is known that the spectrum of the Laplacian satisfies $\text{Spec}(-\Delta) \subset [\frac{(n - 1)^2}{4}, \infty)$. Consider the operator $P = -\Delta + a$, ...
rook's user avatar
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The existence of differential operator of the form $AB=0$

We define $\mathcal A$ is a differential operator of order $n$ with variable coefficients if $$ \mathcal A:=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n}A_\alpha (x) D^\alpha $$ where $\alpha$ is an muti-index and $A_\alpha(...
JumpJump's user avatar
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Is the space of smooth maps $C^{\infty}(M,N)$ with the Whitney $C^{\infty}$ topology locally compact, if $M$ is compact

The title says it all: Let $M$ be a compact manifold and $N$ a (possible non compact) manifold. Equip the space of smooth functions $C^{\infty}(M,N)$ with the Whitney $C^{\infty}$ topology. (The ...
Kathrin L.'s user avatar
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Sobolev embedding on warped product

Consider the warped product $X = M \times \mathbb{R}$, with the metric $g = dr^2 + \varphi(r) g_M$, where $M$ is a compact manifold. Consider the Sobolev space $H^1(X)$ and let $H^1_{rad}(X)$ denote ...
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7 votes
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Is there a nice "synthetic" way for doing differential geometry on infinite dimensional vector spaces?

If $V$ is an infinite dimensional vector space, for example the space of smooth functions on $\mathbb{R}$, we can introduce some differential geometry concepts by choosing a topology on $V$ and doing ...
Alex Zorn's user avatar
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Sard's Theorem For Banach Spaces

Given a smooth map from $\phi: B \rightarrow M$ where $B$ is a Banach Space and $M$ is a finite dimensional smooth manifold (for example, the end point map for a control system), what is the strongest ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Quantitative estimate of heat dispersion - off diagonal estimates

Consider the heat equation $\partial_t u - \Delta u = 0$ on a compact manifold $M$ (if $M$ has a smooth boundary, then we assume either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition). Consider $u_0 (x) = u(...
anonymous's user avatar
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Constant rank theorem for Banach spaces

Is there a similar statement to the constant rank theorem for finite dimensional real smooth manifolds which holds for a smooth map $F:B \rightarrow M$ where $B$ is an infinite (countable) dimensional ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Diffusion semigroup generated by Laplacian

Let $M$ be a complete Riemannian manifold and $\Delta$ denote the Laplacian on it. Also assume that the spectrum of $-\Delta$ lies inside $[a, \infty)$. Let $P_t, t > 0$ denote the diffusion ...
anonymos's user avatar
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Rigorous justification that overdetermined systems do not have a solution

There is the following well known and very useful heuristic principle: Assume one has a natural map from the space of $k$-tuples of functions in $n$ variables into the space of $K$-tuples of functions ...
asv's user avatar
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Boundary values of boundary value problems

Let $M$ be a manifold with smooth boundary. We can consider the Dirichlet or the Neumann problem on $M$. Let $(\phi_k)$ be an orthonormal basis of eigenfunctions to the Dirichlet problem and let $(\...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar

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