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5 votes
0 answers

Was an index theorem for manifold with local boundary condition proven?

I would like to ask a question on the bibliography of the index theorems on manifold with boundary. Before my bibliographical research my understanding of the field was that for manifold with boundary,...
7 votes
0 answers

Applications of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer eta-function $\eta(s)$

The eta function of a differential operator was used by Atiyah, Patodi and Singer to derive their famous index theorem, and is given by $$ \eta(s)=\sum_{\lambda\neq 0}(\mathrm{sign}\lambda)|\lambda|^...
13 votes
1 answer

Can a PDE constrain the degree of a $C^\infty$ map germ?

Let $\pi:E\to M$ be a smooth vector bundle over a smooth manifold, with $\text{rank}(E)=\text{dim}(M)$. For a section $\sigma$ of $E$ with a zero at $p\in M$, define the degree of the zero at $p$ to ...
4 votes
1 answer

Lifting a differential operator

Let $D$ be a differential operator acting between the spaces of smooth sections of two vector bundles $E,F$ over compact manifold $M$. If $M$ is not simply connected one can construct the universal ...
10 votes
2 answers

Atiyah Singer index theorem and Hodge de Rham operator

When I read about Atiyah Singer index theorem I met the following example: let $M$ is (orientable closed smooth) Riemannian manifold and consider Hodge-de Rham Dirac operator defined by $d+d^*$ (...
2 votes
0 answers

A Generalized De Rham cohomology

Edit According to the comment of Alex Degtyarev, I deleted the last part of the previous version. Let $E$ be a real vector space. The complex valued $k$- tensors on $E$ is denoted by $L_{\mathbb{C}}^{...