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Determinant inequality involving Hermitian, positive definite matrices

Let $A,B,C\in M_{n}(\mathbb C)$ be Hermitian and positive-definite matrices such that $A+B+C=I_{n}$. Show that $$\det\left(6(A^3+B^3+C^3)+I_{n}\right)\ge 5^n\det(A^2+B^2+C^2)$$ This question has been ...
Krokop's user avatar
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More mysterious properties of Gram matrix

This is another question related to the mysterious properties of the Gram matrix in dimension $4$. Here's the previous question. The following fact could be extracted from 0402087: For any $a_i\...
Daniil Rudenko's user avatar
10 votes
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Generalized eigen property of a matrix

Given a $n \times n$ invertible matrix $A$, I am interested in the set $$ \mathcal{S}(A) = \{ D \textrm{ diagonal matrix } \mid \det(D - A) = 0 \}. $$ Thus, for all eigenvalues $\lambda_i$, we have $...
Jiro's user avatar
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Nonzero subdeterminants conjecture: has anybody seen this anywhere?

I already posted this question on Mathematics StackExchange. A user there suggested that I rather post it on mathoverflow, since it is a research question. So here it is. Let $m\geq2$, $n\geq1$ be ...
chizhek's user avatar
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Strange determinant inequality $\det(C+ xA) \det(C-xA) \le (\det C)^2$

Let $A$ be an all-one $3$-by-$3$ matrix, let $C$ be a $3$-by-$3$ matrix, and let $x$ be a real number. How might one prove the following inequality? $$\det(C+ xA) \det(C-xA) \le (\det C)^2$$
Martin's user avatar
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A generalization of matrix minors to non-integer values

I am interested to know if there exist a notion of $k$-minors of a real square matrix, for non-integer positive values of $k$ One approach I thought of was to use the fact that the $k$-minors are (...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Divisibility properties of minors of matrices

Let $A$ be an $m\times n$ matrix with integer entries. Let $d_i(A)$ be the greatest common divisor of all $i\times i$ minors of $A$, and define $d_0(A)=1$. Whenever $i\leq j$, one has that $d_i(A)$ ...
Joel Louwsma's user avatar
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Monomial base change and the Vandermonde

Denote the falling factorials by $(x)_k=x(x-1)\cdots(x-k+1)$. The Vandermonde determinant is given by $\det\left[x_i^{j-1}\right]_1^n=\prod_{i<j}(x_j-x_i)$. It is well-known that in as much as ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Determinant of Hankel matrix with $a_n=(n!)^2$

Consider a Hankel matrix of the form $H_n(a_0(n))=\begin{pmatrix} a_0(n) & (1!)^2 & (2!)^2 & \cdots & (n!)^2\\ (1!)^2 & (2!)^2 & (3!)^2& \cdots & ((n+1)!)^2\\ (2!)^2 &...
fs98's user avatar
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Is there a matrix with this specific quadratic determinant?

We have $\det M=(a+b)(c+d)$ where $M=\begin{bmatrix} a& 0& -1& 0\\ 0& c& 0& -1\\ b& 0& 1& 0\\ 0& d& 0& 1 \end{bmatrix}$ and $\det M'=(a'+b')(c'+d')$...
Turbo's user avatar
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Is there a method to simultaneously block-diagonalize a set of group matrices?

Assume that you are explicitly given the representation matrices of a group. How does one go about finding that common basis which will find the irreducible components of all of them simultaneously? ...
user6818's user avatar
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How to prove the following equation (which involves binomials and determinant of 2×2 matrices)?

I have tried many ways to prove the following equation, such as the method of induction and expanding all the terms in the summation,but things got more complicated.I could not find an appropriate ...
tongjun's user avatar
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Minimal set generators ideal submaximal minors

Let $I$ an ideal of $\mathbb{C}[X_1, \ldots X_n]$ and define the arithmetical rank of $I$ as: $$ ark(I) = \textrm{min} \left\{m \in \mathbb{N}, \exists f_1, \ldots, f_m \in \mathbb{C}[X_1, \ldots X_n]...
Libli's user avatar
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Bessel in matrix?

Let $M_n$ be the matrix $$M_n=\begin{pmatrix} 1&\binom{1}{1}\binom{1-1}{1-1} &0 &0\qquad \qquad \dots &0\\ 1&\binom{2}{1}\binom{2-1}{1-1} &\binom{2}{2}\binom{2-1}{2-1} &0 \...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Are extremal tournament matrices always circulant or 'almost circulant'?

Define an antisymmetric 1-x-matrix as an $n\times n$ matrix $M=(m_{ij})$ with $m_{ii}=0$ and $\{m_{ij},m_{ji}\}=\{1,x\}$ for all $1\le i<j\le n$. Call their set $\mathcal A_n$. The setup is as ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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determinant of fibonacci-sum graphs

We have a simple graph with vertices $\{v_1, v_2, ... v_n\}$. The adjacency matrix of this graph is $A= (a_{ij})$ so that $a_{ij}=1$ if $i+j$ belongs to the Fibonacci sequence; $a_{ij}=0$ ...
zoha's user avatar
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Generalized matrix determinant lemma for pseudo-determinant of symmetric matrix

The pseudo-determinant of a square matrix $A$ is the product of its nonzero eigenvalues. Consider the generalized matrix determinant lemma $$\det(A+UWV^\top) = \det A\det W\det(W^{-1} + V^\top A^{-1}U)...
Giacomo Petrillo's user avatar
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Decomposition of a determinant

Let $M$ be a $4\times 4$ symmetric matrix whose entries $m_{i,j}$ for $i,j =1,\dots,4$ are homogeneous polynomials of degree $2$ in $3$ variables. Assume that $m_{1,1} = 0$. Does there exist a ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Rank relation to maximum subpermanent and subdeterminant?

Given a $\pm1$ matrix $M$ of rank $r$ let the largest subdeterminant be $d$ and let the largest subpermanent be $p$. Are there relations/bounds that connect $r$, $d$ and $p$? Are there geometric and ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Matrices with only two different entries and maximal determinant

Define $\mathcal M_n$ as the set of all $n\times n$ matrices of full rank with each entry either 1 or $x$. I am interested in how big the determinant of such a matrix can be. For this, we define in a ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Jacobi formula for matrices: variations

Jacobi’s formula says: $\frac{d}{dt}\text{det}(A(t))=\text{det}(A(t)) \cdot \text{tr}(\text{Ad}(A(t))\cdot\frac{d}{dt}(A(t))$. Exists maybe a variation of the Jacobi’s formula where $\text{det}(\frac{...
Fynn13's user avatar
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Applying 1D integral to matrix integral

In the proof for finding an analytic solution to the propagation of a Hermite-Gaussian beam though a paraxial system given in the paper "The elliptical Hermite–Gaussian beam and its propagation ...
Alex's user avatar
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What is the distribution of determinant of multi multiplication of some Gaussian matrices?

I have a square matric $H = (ABC)(ABC)^H$ where $A$ and $C$ are complex Gaussian matrices with some correlation matrices and $B$ is a diagonal matrix with entries $e^{j \theta}$ on the diagonal such ...
Mahdi Eskandari's user avatar
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For the following class of matrices, are the determinants invariant under permutations?

I want to ask a question regarding the invariance of determinants under permutation. The following matrix is the one I want to discuss here. (It's just a symmetric block tridiagonal matrix with non-...
Charles Cao's user avatar
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Pfaffian generalization

The identity $$\left| \begin{array}{cccc} x & y_1 & y_2 & y_3 \\ z_1 & 0 & a & b \\ z_2 & -a & 0 & c \\ z_3 & -b & -c & 0 \\ \end{array} \right|=\...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
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Roots of determinant of matrix with polynomial entries — a generalization

For $1 \le i, j \le k$, consider $\rho_{ij}$ which are equal to either zero or one such that $\rho_{ii}=1$ and $\rho_{ij}=0$ if and only if $\rho_{ji}=0$. How to find the zeros of the determinant of ...
GA316's user avatar
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On the determinant of incidence matrices (of graphs and other geometries)

Let $\Gamma = (P,L,I)$ be a point-line geometry (here, $P$ is the point set, $L$ the line set, and $I$ is the symmetric incidence relation). (As an example, $\Gamma$ could be a graph.) I suppose $\...
THC's user avatar
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An (open?) problem about a sequence of nested principal sub-matrices and their determinants

Problem: Let $A$ be a $n \times n$ integer matrix, $\det(A) = \pm 1$. Under which conditions there exist a nested sequence of principal submatrices of size $n$ such that they all have determinant $\pm ...
teide4's user avatar
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Does this permanent have a closed form?

What is the closed form of this permanent? (similar to the Cauchy determinant) \begin{aligned} f(z_1,z_2,\cdots,z_N,w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_N)=\left[ \small{\begin{matrix} \frac{1}{(z_1-w_1)^2} && \...
Ali's user avatar
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When does a matrix with high rank have a minor with disjoint rows and columns and high rank?

This is a somewhat open-ended followup question to Does an antisymmetric matrix with high rank have a minor with disjoint rows and columns and high rank? and Does a non-singular matrix have a large ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Non-trivial ways for generating matrices $A$ for which $A + A^T$ is positive-definite?

Disclaimer: This might be an SE question, but I'm not quite sure... Thanks in advance! Setup So, it is known (see Proposition 5.2) that if $A + A^T$ is positive-definite then $A$ must be a $P$-...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Decomposition of Determinant of Sub-Matrices of a Matrix

Consider an $n \times n$ matrix $\bf A$ over a field. Let $\bf A$ is constructed by the product of $n \times n$ matrices $B_i$, for $1\leq i \leq m$ which means $$ {\bf A}=\prod_{i=1}^m\, {\bf B}_i\, ...
user0410's user avatar
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Is there a way to simplify this apparently huge characteristic polynomial calculation?

Say I am given the $0/1$ adjacency matrix of an undirected graph. Also I am given a representation $\rho$ of some group $G$ and an orientation has been arbitrarily chosen along each edge. Let $E^{...
user6818's user avatar
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range of the difference-of-two-qubit-$4 \times 4$-density-matrix-determinants

The determinant of a two-qubit $4 \times 4$ density matrix--that is, a Hermitian, nonnegative definite matrix with unit trace--lies between $0$ and $(\frac{1}{2})^8$. (A "pure state" has determinant ...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
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Special determinant formula

Consider two column vectors $\textbf{a}$ and $\textbf{b}$ of length $k$ and $m$ respectively, $km$ variables denoted $y_{i,j}$ (i=1 to k, j=1 to m), and a quadratic form $\textbf{y}^{T}\mathbb{M}\...
Honza's user avatar
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Degree of determinant of a (non-monic) matrix polynomial

Let $n=2, 3, \dots$ and consider the matrix polynomial $L(\lambda)=\sum_{k=0}^{\ell}A_k\lambda^k$, where $A_k \in \mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$. In the so-called monic case (or that can be made monic by ...
94thomas's user avatar
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Eliminating nullity for enhanced non-singularity

If we have an $n\times n$ matrix $A$ with entries either $0$ or $1$, where all diagonal entries are $0$ and the rank is $k<n$, can we reach full rank by changing exactly $n-k$ zero off-diagonal ...
ABB's user avatar
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Conditions on symmetric $3 \times 3$ matrices to satisfy the convex equality for cofactor and determinant

Given any $3\times 3$ finite set of symmetric matrices $A_i$ and positive real $a_i$ such that $\sum_ia_i=1.$ Is there any equivalent condition to the existence of skew symmetric matrices $X_i$ such ...
user519646's user avatar
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Finding the matrix for a given determinant

In my previous question asking about the co-intersection of three circles, a degree six polynomial in twelve variables was found for a special case. This polynomial has precisely 720 terms, of which ...
Thomas Blok's user avatar
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Pfaffian minors of skew symmetric matrix under perturbation

Suppose $A$ be a skew-symmetric matrix whose entries are positive numbers. A perturbation of $A$, $A'$, is obtained by adding another skew-symmetric matrix whose entries are positive integers. My ...
SiOn's user avatar
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The effect of channel error on the determinant of transmitted matrix

Assume the following matrix $$ E:=\left( \begin{array}{ccccc} e_1 & e_2 & \cdots & e_{p-1} & e_{p}\\ e_{p+1} & e_{p+2} & \cdots & e_{2p-1} & e_{2p} \\ \...
Amin235's user avatar
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Finding a "special" non singular submatrix

Given a square integer matrix $A \in M_n(Z)$ and two subsets $I, J \subset \{ 1, \ldots, n\}$, we define $A_{I,J}$ as the sub-matrix of $A$ containing the rows (resp. columns) whose index is in $I$ (...
teide4's user avatar
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