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effective descent of coherent sheaves

I am new to stacks and algebraic spaces. I have the following question: Let $X$ be a scheme and $G$ be a group scheme action on $X$. Then $X/G$ exists as an algebraic space. Let $\pi: X \to X/G$ be ...
KAK's user avatar
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Weil restriction of a bunch of points or more general disjoint unions

$\DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec}$For a finite extension of fields $k'/k$, let $R_{k'/k}$ denote the Weil restriction functor from quasiprojective $k'$-schemes to quasiprojective $k$-schemes, defined ...
Yifeng Huang's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of Artin gluing for quasicoherent sheaves?

Given a topological space or locale $X$ and an open $j : U \hookrightarrow X$ with closed complement $i : K \hookrightarrow X$, the inverse image functor $\langle i^*, j^* \rangle : \textbf{Sh} (X) \...
Zhen Lin's user avatar
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Gluing together the moduli stacks of elliptic curves over Z[1/2] and Z[1/3]?

I have a long-running desire to understand what is the "global" moduli stack of elliptic curves, as a stack over $\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})$. Recently I was pointed to Katz and Mazur's book, ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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2 votes
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Gluing data for modules over a ring with idempotents

Let $A$ be a ring. If $e$ is an idempotent, then there is an abelian recollement involving the categories $A\text{-}\mathrm{Mod}$ and $eAe\text{-}\mathrm{Mod}$. This is Example 2.7 in Homological ...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
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Using comonadicity to prove faithfully flat descent

I have heard many times that faithfully flat descent could be reinterpreted via Beck's monadicity theorem; Deligne's paper "Catégories tannakiennes" even explains in section 4 how to do this ...
Michael Barz's user avatar
7 votes
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Faithfully flat descent in complex analytic geometry

A common technique for constructing objects (sheaves) and morphisms in algebraic geometry is faithfully flat descent. Roughly speaking this consists on constructing an object or a morphism "...
G. Gallego's user avatar
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Question regarding Galois descent of sections of a vector bundle

Let $\pi: Y\rightarrow X$ be a finite 'etale Galois morphism between two smooth projective varieties with Galois group $G$. Let $\mathcal{E}$ be a vector bundle on $X$. Then $\pi^*\mathcal{E}$ is a $G$...
Hajime_Saito's user avatar
9 votes
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Non-trivial automorphisms and descent

In this expository paper by Low it says: Roughly speaking, a topos in the sense of Grothendieck is the category of sheaves on a kind of generalised space whose “points” may have non-trivial ...
user481494's user avatar
4 votes
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An analogy of product formula for homogeneous space?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Sel{Sel}$Let $E$ be an elliptic curve defined over a number field $K$ with full $2$-torsion. The classical complete $2$-descent method tells that the $2$-Selmer group $\Sel_2(E/K)...
Shenxing Zhang's user avatar
6 votes
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Examples of descent in basic algebraic geometry

I'm studying descent theory and I recall that there were multiple instances before where I heard something like "we can prove this as follows, but this is just descent applied to [...]". ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Ind-etale vs weakly etale

In this article Bhatt and Scholze consider ind-etale and weakly etale maps of affine schemes. We have two (easy) statements, proven in Prop.2.3.3(1) and (5): -- any ind-etale map is weakly etale, -- ...
AlexIvanov's user avatar
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Category of coherent sheaves on blow-ups or resolution of singularities

Let $X$ be a scheme and $Y$ a closed subscheme. I would like to know if there is a good relation between the category of coherent sheaves on $X$ and the category of coherent sheaves on the blow-up $\...
curious math guy's user avatar
7 votes
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Does a field extension define an effective descent morphism for locally ringed spaces?

Let $K'/K$ be an extension of fields and set $X=\operatorname{Spec}(K)$ and $X'=\operatorname{Spec}(K')$. As the category of locally ringed spaces has fibre products (see arXiv:1103.2139 or here) we ...
Michael's user avatar
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fppf/ etale Cohomology calculate with Cech cohomology

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with one and $S$ commutative faithfully flat $R$-algebra (that is there is a faithfully flat ring map let $\phi: R \to S$). Then the so called Amitsur complex $R \to S^{\...
user267839's user avatar
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If $M\otimes_S T$ is an $A$-module, is $M$ an $A$-module?

Let $\mathbb{C}$ be the field of the complex numbers. Let $R=\mathbb{C}[x]$, $T=\mathbb{C}\langle x\rangle$ be the ring of entire series with convergence radius at least $1$, and let $S=\mathbb{C}\...
Stabilo's user avatar
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Does isomorphism on local rings imply the global isomorphism for the sheaf of spectra?

Let's assume we have a sheaf of spectra on some scheme. As an example I will assume that we are working with the $K$-theory sheaf. There are certain local to global spectral sequences, like descent ...
user127776's user avatar
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23 votes
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What is Barr-Beck?

This is a question about a naming convention. The Barr-Beck theorem (or simply Barr-Beck) is used a lot in descent theory over the past 30 years, almost invariably without a reference, like folklore. ...
Friedrich Knop's user avatar
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Zariski descent of algebraic $K$-theory on formal schemes

This question is highly related to some other questions that I've previously asked, especially to this one. In this problem we have a scheme $X$ and a closed subscheme $Z$ the formal completion $X_Z$. ...
user127776's user avatar
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Characterization of effective descent morphism

A faithfully flat morphism of commutative rings $A \rightarrow B$ is an effective descent morphism. So is a regular monomorphism (right?). What is a characterization of effective descent morphisms? ...
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4 votes
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Projective after fpqc base change

Let $S$ be a Noetherian affine scheme. Let $S'\to S$ be a flat surjective morphism of affine schemes. Let $X\to S$ be a morphism such that $X_{S'}\to S'$ is projective. Is $X\to S$ projective? It is ...
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Fundamental group of a smooth projective curve of char $0$

In this note of Akhil MATHEW, when he proves the fundamental group of a smooth projective curve over a algebraic closed field $k$ of characteristic $0$ admits $2g$ topological generators, there are ...
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Reducing the stack condition (descent condition) over an fpqc site to the case of single coverings

This is the lemma 4.25 of Vistoli's note Let $S$ be a scheme, $\mathscr{F} \to \mathscr{S}ch/S$ a fibred category. Then $\mathscr{F}$ is a stack over the fpqc site on $S$ iff (1) $\mathscr{F}$ ...
k.j.'s user avatar
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Is nefness preserved under base change

Let $f:X \rightarrow Y$ be a morphism between (geometrically normal) varieties over a field $k$, $\bar{k}$ be the algebraic closure of $k$ and $B$ be a Cartier divisor on $X$ which is $f$-nef, that is ...
Carot's user avatar
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Local question and descent category for a quasi-coherent sheaf on $\mathbb{G}_m$-gerbe

Update: I removed what I thought was unecessary and tried to be more straightforward in the hope to get an answer. Context: Suppose I have a $\mathbb{G}_m$-gerbe $\mathcal{G}$ over a scheme $X$ with ...
FelixBB's user avatar
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Notions of algebraic/differential geometry of scheme/manifolds extended to algebraic/differential stacks

Given a manifold, one can associate a stack over the category of manifolds, which is a differential geometric stack. This gives a functor $\text{Man}\rightarrow \text{D.Stacks}$. This is an embedding....
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Completion in the non-noetherian case

Let $A$ be a non-noetherian, commutative $\mathbb{C}$-algebra and $X, Y$ be noetherian affine $\mathbb{C}$-schemes. Denote by $X_A:=X \times_{\mathbb{C}} \mbox{Spec}(A)$ and $Y_A:=Y \times_{\mathbb{C}}...
Ron's user avatar
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Homotopy colimit description of stacks

Let $F$ be an Artin stack. If $p: X \to F$ is an atlas for $F$, can we express $F$, in the $\infty$-category ${\rm Shv}^{\acute{et}}(k)$ of higher stacks, as a homotopy colimit over the simplicial ...
user237334's user avatar
7 votes
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Infinite Galois descent for finitely generated commutative algebras over a field

Let $k_0$ be a field of characteristic 0, and let $k$ is a fixed algebraic closure of $k_0$. Write $G={\rm Gal}(k/k_0)$. Let $A_0$ be a finitely generated commutative $k_0$-algebra with a unit. Then ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
4 votes
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Descent of isomorphisms between irreducible closed subschemes

Let $S$ be an affine scheme, $X$ be a projective $S$-scheme, $W,Z\to X$ two reduced, irreducible closed $S$-subschemes, flat over $S$. Let $S'\to S$ be a faithfully flat map, with $S'$ affine. Assume ...
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Representable $\text{Hom}$ functors

Let $X, Y, S$ be noetherian schemes, $X$ flat and quasi-projective over $S$, $Y$ projective over $S$. Is the hom-functor $T\mapsto\text{Hom}_T(X_T, Y_T)$ representable? If $X$ is flat and projective,...
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Descent along purely inseparable morphisms

What properties of $\mathbf{F}_p$-algebras descent along powers of the absolute Frobenius? What properties of morphisms of $\mathbf{F}_p$-algebras descent along powers of the absolute Frobenius? Is ...
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Does being big for a line bundle satisfy fpqc descent

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, and let $L/k$ be a field extension. [Assume $k$ and $L$ are algebraically closed if necessary.] Let $X$ be a variety over $k$ and let $\mathcal{L}$ be a ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Algebraic model for the abelian category of descent data for modules in the non-affine case

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a morphism of schemes. I'd like to have a completely algebraic description of the belian category of descent data for modules along $f$. Here's my attempt: The category of quasi-...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Galois descent for schemes over fields

Let $K\subset L$ be a finite galois extension of fields (the case I have in mind is $K=\mathbb{R},L=\mathbb{C}$). Given a scheme $X$ over $K$ by pulling back to $L$ we get a scheme $Y=X\times _K L$ ...
Anonymous Coward's user avatar
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Neat applications of Galois descent?

I'm enjoying reading about Janelidze's categorical Galois theory, which gives as a special case the usual theorems of Galois descent (along torsors). The approach I took was just with covering space ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Descent for Dualizable Modules

It's known that a pure morphism of commutative rings $\phi:A\to B$ is of effective descent for the stack of modules. In other words if $\phi$ is pure one can recover $Mod(A)$ as the 2-limit of a ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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Geometric intuition for the condition of Galois descent

Continuing in my attempts to understand bits and pieces of Borceux and Janelidze's Galois Theories, I've just realized that I don't have any geometric intuition for the most convenient ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Does the Amitsur complex have a universal property?

The question is essentially the title. In other words, is there some universal property that the Amitsur complex for a morphism of rings $\phi:A\to B$ satisfies as a cosimplicial ring, or cosimplicial ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
0 votes
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Existence of $B$-reduction of a $G$-torsor on a curve

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, $X$ a connected smooth curve over $k$, $G$ a connected reductive group over $k$, and $B \subset G$ a Borel subgroup. Given a $G$-torsor $E$ on $X$ in the ...
Sasha's user avatar
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Descent of sheaves under galois covering

Let $\pi: Y\rightarrow X$ be a finite Galois covering between normal projective varieties with Galois group $G$. Let $E$ be a coherent sheaf on $Y$ with a $G$-linearisation, i.e., there are ...
Diego Maradona's user avatar
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Is Carlos Simpson's Descent available online?

I am not sure whether this question is suitable for MO. Is the paper "Descent" by Carlos Simpson in the book "Alexandre Grothendieck: A Mathematical Portrait" page 83-142 (or a similar version of that ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Reinterpreting Galois descent over finite fields

This question is indirectly related to my previous question Is an elliptic curve that is isomorphic to its Frobenius conjugate defined over $\mathbb{F}_p$? Let $\mathbb{F}_{q^n}/\mathbb{F}_q$ be an ...
Lisa S.'s user avatar
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11 votes
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What is descent data (of higher categories), conceptually?

First consider a scheme $X$ with an open cover $\mathcal{U}=\{U_i\}$. An object with descent data on $\mathcal{U}$ is a collection $(\mathcal{E}_i,\phi_{ij})$ where $\mathcal{E}_i$ is a quasi-...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Extending descent data from the special fiber of an extension of DVR's

My question is about the proof of Lemma D.3 on p. 147 of the book "Neron models" by Bosch, Lutkebohmert, and Raynaud. Namely, towards the end of that proof there is the sentence "That $\varphi$ ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Descent datum for a line bundle

Let $\pi:C \to \mathbb P^1$ be a double cover branched at $r$ points. To understand the theory of descent better, I would like, if possible, to construct by hands the descent datum of a line bundle ...
lime's user avatar
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modular forms, invertible sheaves, and quotients

I'm very confused about some contradicatory statements, and I hope someone can help me clarify this. Let $\Gamma$ be a congruence subgroup. It is well known that modular forms of weight $k$ for $\...
Nadim Rustom's user avatar
13 votes
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Descent of functions along finite birational morphisms

Let $A\to B$ be a morphism of (unitary commutative) rings such that $B$ is module-finite over $A$ and there exists $f\in A$ which is a nonzerodivisor in $A$ and in $B$, with $A[1/f]\to B[1/f]$ an ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar
1 vote
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Descend of etale morphism

I am not sure whether the title is appropriate for this question or not. I am sorry if there is anyone who is confused with the title and the contents. What I want to ask is the following: let $k$ be ...
Kevin.lijh's user avatar
8 votes
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Pure morphisms which are not faithfully flat

Joyal and Tierney proved that morphisms of rings which are of effective descent are exactly those morphisms $\phi:R\to S$ such that $\phi$ presents $S$ as a pure $R$-module. Grothendieck had ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar