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Questions tagged [derham-cohomology]

Better spelling "DeRham", not derham... I can't figure out how to change this... moderators? The cohomology of the complex of differential forms on a smooth manifold with differential given by exterior derivative.

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38 votes
4 answers

Relative De Rham cohomologies

as far as I know, there are two main ways to have a relative version of De Rham Cohomology for a pair (M,N), where M and N are smooth manifolds and N is a closed (as a topological subspace) ...
Taladris's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

naive de Rham cohomology fails for singular varieties

Let $X$ be a variety over a field $k$ of characteristic zero. If $X$ is smooth, algebraic de Rham cohomology defined as $$ H^n_{dR}(X / k)=\mathbb{H}^n(X, \Omega^\bullet_{X/k})\qquad (\star) $$ is a ...
dr91's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

De Rham via topoi

Étale cohomology of schemes $X$ is constructed as follows: one associates to $X$ the so-called étale topos of $X$, and then one just takes the sheaf cohomology of that topos. Is it possible to ...
user1022117's user avatar
18 votes
0 answers

Cycles in algebraic de Rham cohomology

Let $F$ be a number field, $S$ a finite set of places, and $X$ a smooth projective $\mathscr{O}_{F,S}$-scheme with geometrically connected fibers. For each point $t\in \text{Spec}(\mathscr{O}_{F,S})$, ...
Daniel Litt's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Can one glue De Rham cohomology classes on a differential manifolds?

Let $M$ be a differential manifold and $\mathcal H^k$ the presheaf of real vector spaces associating to the open subset $U\subset M$ the $k$-th de Rham cohomology vector space: $\mathcal H^k(U)=H^k_{...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Direct proof that Chern-Weil theory yields integral classes

Suppose $E$ is a complex vector bundle of rank $n$ on a compact oriented manifold (both assumed smooth). Let $h$ be a Hermitian metric on $E$, and let $A$ be a Hermitian connection on $E$ and $F_A$ ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

How does one compute the space of algebraic global differential forms $\Omega^i(X)$ on an affine complex scheme $X$?

In 1963 Grothendieck introduced the algebraic de Rham cohomolog in a letter to Atiyah, later published in the Publications Mathématiques de l'IHES, N°29. If $X$ is an algebraic scheme over $\mathbb C$...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
16 votes
0 answers

"Geometric" proof of Kunneth formula

The usual proof of the Kunneth formula (say for either the homology or cohomology of manifolds) is essentially pure homological algebra. I was wondering if there was a more geometric proof, i.e., one ...
Matt Larson's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

algebraic de Rham cohomology of singular varieties

Hi, Is there a simple example of an (affine) algebraic variety $X$ over $\mathbb C$ where the $H^*_{dR}(X/\mathbb C) = H^*(\Omega^\bullet_{A/\mathbb C})$ differs from the singular cohomology $H^*_{...
Nicolás's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Artin vanishing for Stein manifolds and restriction maps

In the setting of complex Stein manifolds $X$ of complex dimension $d$, the theorem of Andreotti--Frankel implies the vanishing of the singular cohomology group $H^i(X,\mathbb Z)=0$ for $i>d$. With ...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Monsky's proof of the finiteness of de Rham cohomology

I'd really like to understand the proof that Paul Monsky wrote about the finiteness of the de Rham cohomology of algebraic varieties. I'd like it very much because it seems to explain in concrete ...
Lierre's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Counterexample showing that G-invariant de Rham cohomology different from cohomology of G-invariant sub-complex?

If $G$ is a discrete or a Lie Group acting smoothly on a manifold $M$, we can define the algebra of $G$-invariant de Rham classes, $H(M)^G$, and we can also consider the cohomology of the sub-complex ...
ychemama's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

de rham model for relative cohomology

In GTM82, I read a model for the relative cohomology of (M,N) with N a submanifold of M. And in the page: Relative De Rham cohomologies, I got to know that there is another model for relative ...
Ryan Du's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Different definitions for integral de Rham cohomology classes

Suppose that $S$ is a compact orientable surface. In this case, the top de Rham cohomology space $H^2(S)\cong \mathbb{R}$, with the isomorphism given by integration on $2$-forms along $S$. Now, one ...
G. Gallego's user avatar
12 votes
0 answers

Is there a differential form which corresponds to an eigenvalue of the homomorphism in cohomology?

Let $M$ be a closed manifold and $f:M\to M$ be a diffeomorphism. Suppose the homomorphism $f^*:H^k(M;\mathbb R)\to H^k(M;\mathbb R)$ has an eigenvalue $\lambda\in\mathbb{R}$. Note that $\lambda$ is ...
Andrey Ryabichev's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

algebraic de rham cohomology of a curve

Let $X$ be a smooth projective curve over a field $k$ of characteristic zero. The algebraic de Rham cohomology of $X$ is, by definition, the hypercohomology of the complex of Kähler differentials for ...
erik's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

how to see the Gysin map explicitly in an easy situation

Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve and let $U \subset C$ be an open affine subset, with closed complement $S$ consisting of a finite number of points. I am trying to see explicitly the Gysin map in ...
dR93's user avatar
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Countability assumption for good covers in Bott-Tu

In chapter II of their text Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology, Bott and Tu construct the Čech-De Rham complex with regards to an open covering indexed by some ordered and countable indexing set....
Amueller's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Hodge dual of de Rham cohomology and singular cohomology

We know that the de Rham cohomology is isomorphic to the singular cohomology, does the Hodge dual of differential forms induce a dual operation on de Rham cohomology, hence also on singular cohomology?...
wonderich's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Integrating hypercohomology classes

Let $X$ be a complex variety. By Poincare's lemma, its singular cohomology can be computed as hypercohomology of the holomorphic de Rham complex (viewing $X$ as a complex manifold) $$\text{H}^\cdot(X,\...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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9 votes
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Does Stokes theorem have anything to do with adjoint functors?

I notice some similarity between Stokes theorem in differential geometry and the definition of adjoint functors: in both cases, there is a 2-placed function (the $\operatorname{hom}$ functor, or the ...
Benaya's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

Is there a Hodge isomorphism theorem for part-tangential, part-normal, harmonic differential forms?

Let $M$ be an oriented compact Riemannian $n$-manifold with boundary $\partial M$. A differential $p$-form $\omega$ on $M$ is normal if $i^* \omega = 0$ holds, tangential if $i^* \star \omega = 0$ ...
Enok's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Degeneration twisted Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence

Let $X$ be a proper and smooth scheme over $\mathbf{C}$ and let $\mathbb{L}$ be a local system of finite dimensional $\mathbf{C}$-vector spaces. By the Riemann Hilbert correspondence, to $\mathbb{L}$ ...
franck's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Definition of algebraic de Rham cohomology of non-smooth affine variety

$\newcommand{\Hdr}{H_{\mathrm{dRh}}}$ $\newcommand{\spec}[1]{\mathrm{spec}(#1)}$ $\require{amsmath}$ Let $A = k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ the polynomial ring over a field $k$ of characteristic zero and $I \...
Jürgen Böhm's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

A variant on characteristic $p$ de Rham cohomology

I was thinking about de Rham cohomology in characteristic $p$, and in particular the recent question about Poincare residues, and I came up with the following construction. Let $k$ be a perfect field ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
8 votes
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Triple comparison of cohomology in algebraic geometry

Let $X$ be a smooth proper variety over $\mathbb{Q}$ and $p$ a prime number. For an integer $k$, we have: a finitely-generated abelian group $H^k(X^{\mathrm{an}}(\mathbb{C});\mathbb{Z})$ a finitely-...
David Corwin's user avatar
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8 votes
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Hard Lefschetz in De Rham cohomology

I'm looking for a reference for Hard Lefschetz theorem in algebraic De Rham cohomology. By this I mean the statement that If $i: Y \hookrightarrow X$ is a smooth hyperplane section of a smooth ...
vicban's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

On a mysterious reference of Grothendieck

These days I found a mysterious page on Google books describing a book entitled On the De Rham cohomology of schemes by Grothendieck, Coates, and Jussila. At once I thought this was an error and ...
Emily's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

De Rham isomorphism for noncompact manifolds?

Maybe someone has a quick answer. Thanks. For noncompact manifolds, is the De Rham cohomology isomorphic to the singular cohomology? Is the De Rham cohomology defined with the cochain of compactly ...
John's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is anything known about de Rham $K(\pi,1)$'s?

Let $X$ be a connected qcqs scheme. We say that $X$ is a (étale) $K(\pi,1)$ if for every locally constant constructible abelian sheaf $\mathscr{F}$ on $X$ and every geometric point $\overline{x}$ the ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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2 answers

Can one make sense of de Rham cohomology for the complement of a (dense) irrational flow on the torus?

Recent work has led me to consider whether one could define consider the complement of a dense irrational flow on the torus $P_\alpha \subset T^2$ as some kind of generalized smooth space, and ...
xir's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is the scope of validity of Kunneth formula for de Rham?

In books like Bott-Tu or all pdf texts I have found on internet, the Kunneth formula for manifolds $M$ and $N$ and their de Rham cohomology $$ H^{\bullet}_{dR}(M \times N) \simeq H^{\bullet}_{dR}(M) \...
ychemama's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Classification of line bundles by second cohomology of a manifold

In the book Loop spaces, Characteristic classes and geometric quantization by Brylinski I see following result when trying to motivate geometric description of $H^3(M,\mathbb{Z})$. $H^2(M,\mathbb{Z}...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Steenrod operations in algebraic geometry

What are some applications of Steenrod operations (or similar constructions) in algebraic geometry? I am dimly aware of the the use of these Voevodsky's work on motivic cohomology, and would be ...
Nikita's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Integration currents vs Poincaré dual

Let $M$ be a complex manifold of dimension $n$ and $S \subset M$ a closed complex submanifold of complex codimension $r$. Let $[S] \in H_{2r}(S)$ be the fundamental class of $S$. We have the ...
Student85's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Proof of Lefschetz-Hopf Fixpoint Theorem with de Rham cohomology?

Looking for a proof of the Lefschetz-Hopf Fixpoint Theorem with the de Rham Cohomology. (I´m more interestet in the Formula then just the simple statement that if the Lefschetz number is not zero ...
floating's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Künneth formula for de Rham cohomology with respect to an integrable connection

I am reading through which proves that for $X,Y$ schemes over some base $S$ and $X \times _S Y \overset{p}{\rightarrow} X$ resp. $X \times _S Y \overset{q}{\...
Joachim's user avatar
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6 votes
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De Rham's theorem for top-forms in manifolds with boundary

In page 79 of Bott-Tu, "Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology", they define the relative de Rham theory as follows: Let $f:S\to M$ be a smooth map. Define the complex $\Omega^*(f)$ by $$\...
Juan Margalef's user avatar
6 votes
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De Rham cohomology of Lie groupoid

Let $G$ be a Lie group acting on a manifold $M$. Consider the transformation groupoid $\mathcal{G}=(G\times M\rightrightarrows M)$. We have the notion of de Rham cohomology of a Lie groupoid by ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
6 votes
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Geometric theory for cohomology groups $H^p(M;\mathbb{Z})$

An excerpt from the book Loop Spaces, Characteristic Classes and Geometric Quantization by Jean-Luc Brylinski is mentioned below: Characteristic classes are certain cohomology classes associated ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
6 votes
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Lagrangian up to Hamiltonian in cotangent bundle

I want to understand the folklore conjecture that, in a CY manifold, Lagrangians up to Hamiltonian isotopies are represented by special Lagrangians by examining cotangent bundle and Hodge theory. ...
Mimi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Remove denominators in de Rham cohomology

Let $\omega = \mathrm d \eta$ be an exact rational $n$-form on $\Bbb P^n$. It may happen that the polar locus of $\eta$ is not included in the polar locus of $\omega$. But is it true that $\omega = \...
Lierre's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Exterior differentiation of foliations

Let $M$ be a differentiable manifold. Let $T^*M$ be the cotangent bundle of $M$. Consider the exterior differentiation $d: A^p(M)\longrightarrow A^{p+1}(M)$, where $A^p(M)=\Gamma(\...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
5 votes
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Which compact (finite dimensional) Lie groups have $H^1_{DR}(G)\neq 0$

In particular, I am wondering if $H^1_{DR}(G)\neq 0$ implies that the group can written as a semidirect product of $\mathbb{S^1}$ and something else, with the $\mathbb{S^1}$ factor being responsible ...
R Mary's user avatar
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Global Definition of the Dolbeault Complex of a Vector Bundle

For an $2n$-dimensional complex manifold $M$, and a smooth vector bundle $E$ over $M$, it is well-known (see Voisin, Huybrechts) that there exists an operator $\overline{\partial}$, built locally from ...
Jean Delinez's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

If a $d \log$ form is exact, is it zero?

Let $T = \mathrm{Spec}\ \mathbb{C}[x_1^{\pm 1}, x_2^{\pm 1}, \ldots, x_n^{\pm 1}]$ be an algebraic torus and $X$ a closed subvariety. Let $\eta$ be a differential form on $T$ of the form $$\sum_I ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
5 votes
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Most general "finiteness of de Rham cohomology" statement for holonomic $D$-modules in the algebraic case?

Let $X$ be a nonsingular algebraic variety over a field $k$ of characteristic zero. (We may assume $k$ algebraically closed if need be, but I want to avoid specifically demanding $k = \mathbb{C}$.) ...
Nick Switala's user avatar
5 votes
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Gysin isomorphism in de Rham cohomology using currents

I'd like to find a reference for the following fact. First, some background: we can define de Rham cohomology of a smooth manifold $X$ of dimension $d$ using the de Rham complex $$ \Omega^0_X\to \...
xir's user avatar
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Leafwise de Rham cohomology (A true definition of differential forms along leaves)

For a foliated space $(M, \mathcal{F})$, one associate a leafwise de Rham cohomology. This cohomology and trace-class operators on this cohomology and trace interpretations for closed orbits of ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
5 votes
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Nice proof that de Rham complex computes Lie algebra cohomology?

If $G$ is a nice enough group acting on a nice enough space $X$, then the relative de Rham complex $$\Omega^\bullet_{X/(X/G)}\ \simeq\ \mathcal{O}_X\otimes\text{Sym}\,\mathfrak{g}^*[-1]$$ is given by (...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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