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31 votes
11 answers

Introduction to deformation theory (of algebras)?

So I know that the idea of deformation theory underlies the concept of quantum groups; I haven't found any single introduction to quantum groups that makes me fully satisfied that I have some kind of ...
Harrison Brown's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

Almost Complex Structure approach to Deformation of Compact Complex Manifolds

I don't know much about the deformation of compact complex manifolds, I've only read chapter 6 of Huybrechts' book Complex Geometry: An Introduction. There are two parts to this chapter. The second ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Strict applications of deformation theory in which to dip one's toe

I hesitate to ask a question like this, but I really have tried finding answers to this question on my own and seemed to come up short. I readily admit this is due to my ignorance of algebraic ...
Dylan Wilson's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

Massey Products vs. $A_\infty$-Structures

Does anyone know a good reference for a proof of the fact that given a dga $A$, an $A_\infty$-structure on $HA$ is ''the same'' as coherent choices for all of the higher Massey products of $HA$? More ...
Steve's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

(An introduction to) deformation theory (written) for differential geometers

Question is as mentioned in the title: Are there any introductory notes on deformation theory that are easier to read for differential geometers? I am learning about differential graded Lie algebras (...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Cotangent Complex in Analytic Category

I am looking for a reference which develops the theory of the cotangent complex for complex analytic spaces. I need this to justify some computations I did assuming some formal properties which hold ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

A simple proof of the Weyl algebra's rigidity.

I am wondering if there is a nice presentation of the Hochschild cohomology of $A_n$ the Weyl algebra. It is known that $H^m(A_n,A_n)=0$ for $m>0$, and thus it is rigid. A proof can be found in ...
B. Bischof's user avatar
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8 votes
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Elementary (English) reference for the cotangent complex?

I'm trying to understand cotangent complexes and their role in deformation theory, and later the statement that they're somehow natural in a derived scheme/stack. I understand that the standard ...
Joseph's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

References for the moduli space of complex structures

I am looking for references where the moduli space of complex structures on a complex manifold is well explained: in particular the infinitesimal deformations, the obstructions, the elliptic complex ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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3 answers

Hochschild cohomology and A-infinity deformations

When we are dealing with ordinary things or dg things (where thing = algebra or category), I think I understand how HH^2 corresponds to 1st order deformations and HH^3 corresponds to obstructions. ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
7 votes
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Liftability of Enriques Surfaces (from char. p to zero)

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p > 0$, $X$ a variety over $k$. We say $X$ lifts to characteristic zero, if there exists a local ring $R$ containing $\mathbb Z$ with ...
Holger Partsch's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Pro-representability of deformation functor associated to a DG Lie algebra

Edit : There are several satisfying proofs in the case each $L^i$ is finite-dimensional. It is proven (for example, Hinich DG coalgebras as formal stacks) that for $A$ : local Artin ring then $\...
Louis-Clément LEFÈVRE's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Deformation Quantization

I am a beginner and I want to learn about deformation quantization. Please suggest me with which book or notes, I should start?
satyendra's user avatar
6 votes
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graded generalization of the Moyal–Weyl product

Has anyone written about the graded generalization of the Moyal–Weyl product/star product, that is, where the original algebra is already graded? Is it just a matter of signs?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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5 votes
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Links between tight closure and deformation theory

I am looking for links between tight closure and deformation theory. As a sample question: Question 1. Are there geometric interpretations in terms of deformation theory of Frobenius rationality? ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
5 votes
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Stacks and Maurer-Cartan elements

One can associate to any deformation problem a dg Lie or $L_{\infty}$-algebra $g$. For instance, in algebraic deformation theory, let's say the deformation theory of algebras over a Koszul operad $P$, ...
Sinan Yalin's user avatar
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One-parameter family of algebra structures: characterizing trivial deformation as adjoint 2-cocycle being a 2-coboundary

$\DeclareMathOperator\C{\mathbf{C}}$Motivation: this post discusses a simple criterion for a 1-parameter family of $n$-dimensional complex algebras to be a "trivial deformation", i.e., be ...
YCor's user avatar
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Poincare duality in families of smooth, projective curves

Let $f:\mathcal{C} \to \Delta^*$ be a family of smooth, projective curves over a punctured disc. Denote by $\mathbb{H}^1:=R^1f_*\mathbb{Z}$ the associated local system, such that for every $t \in \...
Chen's user avatar
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DGLA related to the deformation of hopf Algebras

Recently I was considering Hopf algebras and Drinfeld's twists. I stumbled upon a certain DGLA one can associate to a Hopf algebra (unital bialgebras actually) by copying the formulas obtained by ...
Niek de Kleijn's user avatar
5 votes
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Deformation theory with a view toward GW theory and DT theory

I am studying GW theory (and DT theory) in algebraic geometry. I now understand the heuristic "Aut, Def, Obs" argument written in Mirror Symmetry book (by Hori et al.), but it is too hard for me to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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A moduli problem inspired by Stein factorization

Let $f:X \to Y$ be a proper, birational morphism with connected fibers, $X$ is non-singular and $Y$ is normal. Does there exist a moduli space parametrizing all invertible sheaves $\mathcal{L}$ on $X$ ...
Ron's user avatar
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Reference request: Schlessinger's Thesis

Does anyone have a copy of Schlessinger's Thesis (not his paper "Functors of Artin Rings") As other posters have mentioned, this document is cited in Deligne-Rapoport's "Les schemas de ...
Ben C's user avatar
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Being Cohen-Macaulay open in Hilbert scheme?

Let $H$ be the Hilbert scheme of closed subschemes of $\mathbb{P}^n$ with a given Hilbert polynomial. I would like to have a reference (preferably from a published paper or book, not stacks project) ...
Hans's user avatar
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Schlessinger's thesis

In Deligne-Mumford's "The irreducibility of the space of curves of given genus", the authors use the "Schlessinger's theory", and refer his "thesis". Where can I read it? It seems to be different from ...
k.j.'s user avatar
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Reference request for an introduction to deformation theory in algebraic geometry

I'd like some introductory references for deformation theory in algebraic geometry. I'm interested in survey articles too but I primarily want references which give all the definitions and go through ...
Siddharth Venkatesh's user avatar
4 votes
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English reference for Douady/Grauert construction of versal deformations of compact complex spaces

I'm trying to learn about the deformation theory of compact complex spaces. I'm familiar with the case of compact complex manifolds from the paper "On the Locally Complete Families of Complex ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
4 votes
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What does "control of a deformation problem" mean?

Is the expression "control of a deformation problem' ever defined? There are of course many examples relating a dg-Lie or L-infty algebra to a deformation problem, and the phrase is evocative. Is it ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Deformation of modules over noncommutaitve rings

Let $M$ be a finitely generated module over a commutative ring $R$. The first order deformation of module $M$ is parametrized by $Ext^{1}(M,M)$ and the obstruction is parametrized by $Ext^{2}(M,M)$. ...
user2013's user avatar
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Local to global deformation of invertible sheaves

Let $\pi:X \to S$ be a flat, projective morphism, $S$ irreducible. Suppose that for all $s \in S$, the fiber $X_s$ satisfies $h^2(\mathcal{O}_{X_s})=0$. This means in particular that given an ...
user43198's user avatar
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Why should we study deformations of perfect complexes

What are the advantanges of studying deformation of perfect complexes over the classical theory of deformation of coherent sheaves? Any references which elaborates on the applications on deformation ...
Chen's user avatar
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Degeneration of cycle class map

Let $f:\mathcal{X} \to \Delta$ be a flat family of projective varieties, smooth over the punctured disc $\Delta^*$ and the central fiber is a simple normal crossings divisor. Let $\mathcal{Z} \subset \...
Chen's user avatar
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Representability of Flattening stratification functor

Let $f:X \to Y$ be a projective morphism between noetherian scheme. Is there any know condition under which there exists a functorial stratification of $Y$ i.e., there exists a filtration by locally ...
user43198's user avatar
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Vanishing of space of first order infinitesimal deformations for irreducible algebraic stack

This question has a few bits, and apologies if some questions are phrased poorly since I am not knowledgeable on the language of stacks or deformation theory. Suppose $\mathscr{X}$ is an algebraic ...
Daniel Levine's user avatar
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English reference for Fischer-Grauert theorem and its generalization by Schuster

From this MSE question and its answer, and from this MO question I have learned of the following remarkable theorem of Wolfgang Fischer and Hans Grauert. Theorem. A proper holomorphic submersion with ...
Arrow's user avatar
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2 votes
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Infinitesimal deformations and moving cycles

The wonderful responses to an earlier question Self-intersection and the normal bundle motivated me to ask the following question: Let $Y \subset X$ be a subvariety of a variety $X$. Infinitesimal ...
LMN's user avatar
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Deformations of a complex trivial up to quasi-isomorphism

Let $(C, d_0)$ be some cochain complex over commutative ring $R$ and $R$ is an algebra over a field $k$, then I could consider complex $(C[t], d_0+td_1)$ over ring $R \otimes k[t]$ where $d_1$ is some ...
Sasha Pavlov's user avatar
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Formal neighborhood of isolated singularity via DAG

I work over a field of characteristic $0$, denoted $k$. Let $f:\mathbf{A}^{d+1}\rightarrow\mathbf{A}^{1}$ have an isolated singularity at $0$, and let $\widehat{Z}$ denote the formal neighborhood of $...
EBz's user avatar
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Period map on non-Kähler manifold

Is there a theory of period map on non-Kähler manifolds that has Hodge decomposition? Any reference is helpful. Thank you.
Peter Liu's user avatar
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versal deformation ring of a p-divisible group with some tensors

I'm trying to read Kisin's paper about the Integral model of Shimura varieties. In section five he discusses versal deformation ring of a p-divisible group. Assume that $K$ is a number field with ...
ali's user avatar
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Examples of semi-stable models of curves

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field $K$ of characteristic zero and residue field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. Assume $k$ is algebraically closed. I want to produce examples of ...
user45397's user avatar
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Fiber of the specialization map of Picard groups

Let $R$ be a Henselian discrete valuation ring with residue field $k$ of positive characteristic and fraction field $K$ of characteristic zero. Let $\pi:X_R \to \mathrm{Spec}(R)$ be flat, projective ...
user45397's user avatar
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Quantities associated to deformed sheaves

I am trying to figure out what happens to "quantities" associated to a sheaf when one deforms it. I am actually interested in deforming a bounded complex of coherent sheaves but I want to make the ...
mGb's user avatar
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Residual scheme to local complete intersection schemes in the projective space

Let $A$ be an integral Noetherian $\mathbb{C}$-algebra. Denote by $\mathbb{P}^3_A:=\mathbb{P}^3_{\mathbb{C}} \times_{\mathbb{C}} \mathrm{Spec}(A)$. Let $X,Y$ be closed local complete intersection ...
Ron's user avatar
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Assumption of genus at least $2$ for stable curves

In the article "The irreducibility of the space of curves of given genus" by Deligne, Mumford, the definition of stable curves start with the assumption that the genus is at least $2$. Why is this ...
user43198's user avatar
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Infinitesimal deformation of strict transform

Let $X$ be an affine, complex surface with isolated singularities and $\pi:\widetilde{X} \to X$ be a resolution of singularities (not necessarily minimal) i.e., $\widetilde{X}$ is non-singular and $\...
Ron's user avatar
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Does $\delta$-invariant give a sufficient condition for flatness for plane curve singularities?

Let $\pi:\mathcal{C}\to S$ be a morphism of schemes such that $\mathcal{C} \subset \mathbb{C}^2 \times S$ with the inclusion map commuting with the natural projection to $S$ and for all $s \in S$, $\...
Ron's user avatar
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Homological dimension of pure coherent sheaves and specialization

Let $X$ be a projective variety, not necessarily smooth, $R$ a DVR with residue field $k$ (assume char$(k)=0$). I am looking for examples of a pure coherent sheaf, say $F$, on $X_R:=X \times_k \mathrm{...
user45397's user avatar
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Obstruction map for local singularities via tangent (Andre-Quillen) cohomology

Let $R$ be a local singularity (for example $R=\mathbb{C}[[x_1, \ldots , x_n]]/I$) ring over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $\mathbb{L}_{R}$ be a cotangent complex of $R$, then one can define tangent (Andre-...
Sasha Pavlov's user avatar
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Perfect complexes in a family

Consider a simple normal crossings variety $X=\bigcup_{i=1}^k X_i$ over $\mathbb{C}$ where $X_i$ are smooth projectiv and a flat family $\mathcal{X}\xrightarrow{\pi}\mathbb{A}^1_{\mathbb{C}}$ with $\...
TheWildCat's user avatar
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Absolute irreducibility implies free action on framed universal deformation ring

Let $\overline{\rho}: G\longrightarrow \text{GL}_n(\mathbb{F}_p)$ be a residual representation of the Galois group of a number field. Let $R_{\overline{\rho}}^{\square,\text{univ}}$ be the universal ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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