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Torsion-free sheaf cohomology over discrete valuation rings

Let $R$ be a Henselian discrete valuation rings with algebraically closed residue field and $X$ be a regular, flat, proper $R$-scheme. Assume that the generic fiber to the natural morphism from $X$ to ...
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Cycle class map in non-smooth family of projective varieties

Let $\pi:\mathcal{X} \to T$ be a family of smooth projective complex varieties. Assume $T$ is quasi-projective, reduced, irreducible but not smooth and of positive dimension. Let $\mathcal{Z}$ be a ...
user46578's user avatar
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Deformations of associative algebras and Hochschild cohomology

I am studying the deformation theory of associative algebras (and Poisson algebras) and came across a question for which I cannot find an answer: Let $(A,\mu)$ be a commutative associative algebra ...
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