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PageRank in directed graphs: equivalence of iterative and eigenvalue methods

Given a directed graph $ G $ with $ n $ nodes, we can represent this graph using an adjacency matrix $ A $. The stochastic matrix $ S $ can be derived from the adjacency matrix using the following ...
ABB's user avatar
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Compact objects in persistence modules and interval decomposition

$\newcommand\Mod{\mathrm{Mod}}\DeclareMathOperator\Fun{Fun}$If $k$ is a field, a persistent $k$-module is a functor $\mathbb{R}\to \Mod_k$ where $\mathbb{R}$ is a poset under the natural ordering of $\...
dicemaster666's user avatar
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Robustness of largest singular vectors with respect to noise

I would like to find a result that shows that the largest right-singular vectors of a data matrix are in some sense robust with respect to low-variance noise perturbations. Specifically, let $X = U D ...
foobar_98's user avatar
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Linear operator over a simplex space in a multinomial distribution parameter estimation problem

This is actually a variant of a well-known problem of how the parameters of a multinomial distribution can be estimated by maximum likelihood, and this arises from a final year project I undertook ...
Hephaes's user avatar
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Checking $f(x_1,y_1)f(x_2,y_2)-f(x_1,y_2)f(x_2,y_1) \ge 0$

I am working in data science and I have to deal with the following problem for which I would like to find a simplification: We call a function almost positive if $f(x_1,y_1)f(x_2,y_2)-f(x_1,y_2)f(x_2,...
Xing Wang's user avatar
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An exact fraction of a matrix

Let $A$ be a $n \times m$ real matrix with $n<<m$ and of rank $r<n$. It is known that $A$ has exactly two distinct non-zero singular values: $\sigma_{\max}$ and $\sigma_{2}$, and also that $\...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar