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Are there any known statistics on the sign of the Stieltjes Constants?

The Stieltjes Constants $\gamma_n$ arise from considering the laurent series of the Riemann Zeta function at $s=1$ $$ \zeta(s) = \frac{1}{s-1} + \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^n \frac{\gamma_n}{n!} (s-1)^n $...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Lindelöf hypotheses for derivatives of zeta

The Lindelöf hypothesis says that if we have: $$\zeta(\sigma+iT)=\mathcal O(T^a)$$ Then if one considers $\sigma=1/2$ then $\inf a=0$. Further, from convexity and the functional equation this implies ...
psubodiosa's user avatar
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On the asymptotic behaviour of the series $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left ( \frac{\zeta(ns)}{n}+\frac{s}{1-ns}\right )$ near $s=0$

I am interested in determining the behaviour of the the series/function $$f(s)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left ( \frac{\zeta(ns)}{n}+\frac{s}{1-ns}\right )$$ near $s=0$. It is clear that $f(0)$ is undefined....
Tian Vlašić's user avatar
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On reasonable asymptotic estimates for some integral involving the logarithm of the Riemann zeta function

Let $$I(T) = \int_{-T}^{T} \frac{\log|\zeta(\frac{1}{2} + it|)|}{\frac{1}{4}+t^2}\mathrm{d}t$$ where $\zeta$ denotes the Riemann zeta function. What are the reasonable asymptotic estimates for $I(T)...
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Error term in França-LeClair approximation of zeta zeros

The imaginary part of the $n$th critical zero of the Riemann zeta function with positive imaginary part (in increasing order) is asymptotically $$ t_n \sim 2\pi\frac{n}{\log n} $$ and has been ...
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About the logarithmic derivative of the Riemann zeta function

Let $\rho=\beta+i\gamma$ a non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function and $s=\sigma+it$ a complex number. It is possible to prove that $$\frac{\zeta'}{\zeta}\left(s\right)=\sum_{\left|t-\gamma\...
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