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Harmonic measure of a punctured disc

Let $D$ be a disc in $\mathbb{C}\cong\mathbb{R}^2 $ and $z_0$ a fixed point of $D$. Is the harmonic measure for $V=D\setminus\{z_0\}$ known? Any reference would also be welcome.
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Thinness and polarity

Let $D$ be a bounded open set in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ with $n\geq2$ and $E$ a subset of the boundary $\partial D$ of $D$. $D$ is said to be thin at a point $y\in D$ if there is a superharmonic function $u$...
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A question about Riesz decomposition theorem

Let $D$ be a domain of $\mathbb{R}^{m}$ and let $K(x)= \log|x|$ if $m=2$, and $K(x)=|x|^{2-m}$ if $m>2$. According to Riesz decomposition theorem (Hayman and Kennedy, "subharmonic functions", vol. ...
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Extension of a $\delta$-subharmonic function that is subharmonic on a reduced domain

Suppose $B$ is a ball in $\mathbb{R}^{m}$ and $u$ and $s$ are subharmonic on $B$. Suppose there is a closed subset $F$ of the closure of $B$ with no interior such that $v=u-s$ is subharmonic on $B\...
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Riesz measure of a smooth subharmonic function on a ball

Let $B(x_{0},r)$ be the ball of center $ x_{0} $ and radius $r>0$ in $ \mathbb{R}^{k} $ ($ k\geq2 $), and $u$ a subharmonic function on an open neighborhood of the closure of $B(x_{0},r)$. Let $\mu$...
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