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Finding a real-analytic diffeomorphism

Let $U_1\subset \mathbb R^3$ be a simply connected bounded open set with a smooth boundary and let $U_2$ be a neighborhood of $U_1$. Does there exist a real-analytic diffeomorphism $\psi: U_2 \to W_2$ ...
Ali's user avatar
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Differentiable functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$ whose derivative is everywhere a scalar multiple of a special orthogonal matrix

The Cauchy–Riemann equations say that if $u : \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ is holomorphic then, regarded as a linear transformation of $\mathbb{R}^2$, its derivative is either zero or, up to a ...
Mark Wildon's user avatar
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Is it possible for all of the smooth/continuous curves in $R^3$ to form a Hilbert space? [closed]

Under which condition can it form a Hilbert space? Or what space can it form? You can write down certain condition to make it to be a Hilbert space, e.g., Let $$p(t)=[x(t),y(t),z(t)]^T\in \text{R}^3$$ ...
Nan Zhang's user avatar
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Can the potential of a complete Kahler metric be bounded?

Let $X$ be a complex manifold and $\omega$ a Kahler form on $X$. A smooth function $\rho$ is called a potential of $\omega$ if $i\partial\bar\partial\rho=\omega$. By intuition, it seems that $\rho$ ...
Entaou's user avatar
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Sequence of smooth maps converging to the identity [closed]

Let $\{g_{n}:B_{1}(0) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{2}\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of smooth maps where $B_{1}(0)=\{x\in \mathbb{R}^{2} \mid |x|<1\}$ is the unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^{2}$. Assume ...
Martin's user avatar
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Conformal Extension from a closed set to open

Let $Q = \{(x,y): x,y\geq 0\} $ be the 1st quadrant of $\mathbb R^2$, and $f$ is a function defined on it such that all the partial derivative(any order) of $f$ exists and continuous. By Whitney ...
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