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Computing $\int^{4b}_0 {e^{-tx}\biggl(\frac{\sqrt{4bx-x^2}}{(2b-2c)^2+4cx}\biggr) dx}$

I am a PhD student working on complex analysis. After integrating over a keyhole contour to obtain the inverse of a particular Laplace transform, I ended up with the following integral: $$\frac{1}{\pi}...
Eduardo's user avatar
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How to find or approximate (e.g. using method of steepest descent ) integral?

Can you give any advice on how to find or approximate the following integral $$ F(t,y) = \int_{0}^{y}\frac{i e^{-\frac{3 t^2 \left(x^2+1\right)}{2 \left(9 x^2+1\right)}-i \frac{4 t^2 x}{9 x^2+1}}}{\...
InchyChyn's user avatar
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Variation of steepest descent/Laplace methods for non-exponential integrands

I was wondering if versions of the Laplace/steepest descent methods exists for integrals of the type $$\int_C f(z) M(\lambda g(z)) dz$$ for $\lambda >>0$ functions $f(z), g(z): \mathbb C \...
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