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polynomial relations between modular functions

$\newcommand{\Qbar}{\overline{\mathbb{Q}}}$ We define a modular function to be a meromorphic modular form of weight 0 for some subgroup (not necessarily congruence) $\Gamma\le\text{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Analytical predicate for integers over complex numbers

A complex number $z$ is an integer if and only if $\sin(\pi z)=0$. It follows that a complex number $z$ is an integer if and only $\sin^2(\pi z) = 0$. So for a real analytic function $f$ and any real ...
Stephan Wehner's user avatar
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What, exactly, has Louis de Branges proved about the Riemann Hypothesis?

I know this is a dangerous topic which could attract many cranks and nutters, but: According to Wikipedia [and probably his own website, but I have a hard time seeing exactly what he's claiming] Louis ...
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