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Is every endomorphism of the sheaf of holomorphic functions on a disk a differential operator?

Let $D= \{z\in \mathbb{C}:|z| < 1\}$ be the unit disk. And consider the sheaf of holomorphic functions $\mathcal{O}_{D}$. Question (?) : Is there a sheaf endomorphisms $\phi : \mathcal{O}_D \to \...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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glue together a sequence of holomorphic forms

hallo, my problem is the following: i have a finite sequence of holomorphic $k-$forms $\alpha_{k}$, each defined on open subsets $U_{k} \subset M$, where $M$ is a complex $n$-dimensional manifold, ...
dimitry's user avatar
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biholomorphism complex manifold induced structure

Let $X$ be a $n$ dimensional complex manifold with complex structure $I$ and assume one has a diffeomorphism $f : \mathbb{C} \rightarrow X$ of some open set $U$ in $\mathbb{C}$ into its image $f(U)$. ...
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