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Has the Weierstass transform been used to give Hermite series representations of the Riemann zeta function?

The inverse of the Weierstrass transform expands a function as a series of Hermite polynomials $H_{n}$. There are several ways to invert the Weierstrass transform which led me to the following ...
Craig Calcaterra's user avatar
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Does there exist a rational polynomial $P(x)\in{\mathbb Q}[x]{}$ such that $P(\zeta(s))=\zeta(P(s))$?

let $P(x)\in{\mathbb Q}[x]{}$ be a rational polynomial with $P(1) >1$ and $\zeta $ be the Riemann zeta function , I want to know if there exist a rational polynomial such that $P(\zeta(s))=\zeta(P(...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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Is Riemann zeta function injective in some strips $a<\Re(s)<b$, where $0\leq a<b \leq 1$?

Or more generally, are L-functions injective in some strips $a<\Re(s)<b$, where $0\leq a<b \leq 1$?
Milin's user avatar
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On a possible equivalent of Riemann hypothesis

I've read in a Bombieri's paper on official problem statement of Riemann hypothesis for Clay Math institute's millennium problems, a statement and what I understood of it is the following : The ...
TPC's user avatar
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Double sum over zeros of Riemann zeta-function

In a paper by Saffari and Vaughan there appears a complicated-looking double sum $$\Sigma_1=\sum_{\rho_1}\sum_{\rho_2}\frac{(1+\theta)^{\rho_1}-1}{\rho_1}\cdot \frac{(1+\theta)^{\bar{\rho_2}}-1}{\bar{\...
Daniel Johnston's user avatar
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A question on the use of fractional derivatives in Riemann Hypothesis

We already know that Riemann-zeta function on the critical band is defined as follows: $$(1-2^{1-\alpha})\zeta(\alpha) = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{k+1}k^{-\alpha},\quad \Re(\alpha) \in ]0, 1[ $$ Is ...
Tahar Nguira's user avatar
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Explicit bounds on gaps between zeros of $\zeta^\prime(s)$

In $\S$9.1 of "Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function", Titchmarsh uses Borel-Carathéodory and Hadamard Three Circles to show that every circle of radius 6 and center $3+iT$ contains a zeros of ...
Stopple's user avatar
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One of the numbers $\zeta(5), \zeta(7), \zeta(9), \zeta(11)$ is irrational

I am reading an interesting paper One of the numbers ζ(5), ζ(7), ζ(9), ζ(11) is irrational by Zudilin. We fix odd numbers $q$ and $r$, $q\geq r+4$ and a tuple $\eta_0,\eta_1,...,\eta_q$ of positive ...
Max's user avatar
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Order of growth of $\left|\frac{1}{\zeta’(\rho)}\right|$ as $\Im(\rho)\rightarrow\infty$?

Let $\zeta$ denote the Riemann zeta function, and let $\rho\in\mathbb{C}$ be a variable that takes its values among the zeros of the zeta function, so that $\zeta(\rho)=0$, and write $\rho=\sigma+it$. ...
EGME's user avatar
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Question about a paper by Franca and LeClair in analytic number theory

I am reading an article "Transcendental equations satisfied by the individual zeros of Riemann $\zeta$, Dirichlet and modular L-functions" by G. Franca and A. LeClair (2015) see here. The ...
Williams's user avatar
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Four infinite series involving Riemann zeta function

Can you provide a proof for at least one of the claims given below? It is known that $\pi=\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{3^n-1}{4^n} \cdot \zeta(n+1)$ where $\zeta$ denotes Riemann zeta ...
Pedja's user avatar
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What is the closed form of this integral?

Consider the Chebyshev first function $\psi(y):=\sum_{p^j \leq y} \log p$, where $p$ is a prime. Define $$F(s, k) = s\int_{1}^{\infty} \psi(x + x^k)x^{-s-1} \mathrm{d}x$$ for $ \Re(s) >$ max $(1, ...
user156584's user avatar
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Do all rigorous proofs of Euler's product for $\zeta (s)$ use infinitude of primes?

There are two proofs of $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^s}=\prod_{p \text{ prime}}\frac{1}{1-p^{-s}},\quad \Re (s)\gt 1$$ which I'm aware of. I'll call the first one the Sieve proof and the second one ...
Vestoo's user avatar
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On the upper bound for $|\zeta(s)|$ near the zeta zeros

Let $T \in \mathbb{R}$ be large and $\rho$ be a non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function. Assume that $|\rho|=|\rho_T| \approx T$ and let $\varepsilon_T \approx \frac{\log \log T}{\log T}$. Is it ...
Q_p's user avatar
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On the Dirichlet series for $1/\zeta(s)$ for real $s$ and the zeros of zeta

For $\Re(s)>1$, it is well known that $$\frac{1}{\zeta(s)} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{\mu(n)}{n^s}$$ where $\mu$ denotes the Mobius function and $\zeta$ is the Riemann zeta function. I have heard ...
Rafik1's user avatar
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Asymptotics for $\int_{0}^{T} \zeta(\sigma+ it) \mathrm{d}t$

Denote by $\zeta$ the Riemann zeta function. It is known that $$\int_{0}^{T} \zeta(1/2 + it) \mathrm{d}t = T + O(T^{1/2}).$$ But is a similar result for $\int_{0}^{T} \zeta(\sigma + it) \mathrm{d}...
sigma's user avatar
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Does the Riemann Xi function possess the universality property?

Here is the question.   Does the Riemann Xi function possess the universality property,  or something similar to Voronin's universality property?  Here is why the answer to this question is important. ...
Cristian Dumitrescu's user avatar
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Residues and values of Riemann Zeta function at some points

I need the following computational results for proving something. Let $1/2 + i\gamma_0$, be the first nontrivial zero of Riemann zeta function, $\zeta(s)$, i.e. $\gamma_0\sim 14.134...$. 1) what is ...
Kamalakshya's user avatar
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Series of the inverse quadratic trinomial

Maybe it's a very simple question, but I have a problem with the following series $$\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^2+pn+q},$$ where $p, q \in \mathbb{R}$. I know about five ways how to calculate ...
Mariarty's user avatar
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On the series $\sum_{\rho}x^{\rho}\Gamma(\rho)/\Gamma(\rho+k),\,0<k<1$

Let $x>1$ be a real number. For a work I need to find an uniform estimation of the series the series $$\sum_{\rho}x^{\rho}\frac{\Gamma\left(\rho\right)}{\Gamma\left(\rho+k\right)}\tag{1}$$ where $\...
User's user avatar
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Zeros of the derivative of $\xi$

In his paper on Zeros of derivatives of Riemann $\xi$-function on critical line Brian Conrey mention that It can be shown that the Riemann hypothesis implies that all zeros of $\xi (s)$, the ...
Tokita Ohma's user avatar
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Proof of Euler's reflection formula via rapidly decreasing Fourier series

Story I want to prove Euler's reflection formula by showing that \begin{equation*} f(s) = \sin(\pi s) \Gamma(s) \Gamma(1 - s) \end{equation*} is constant, where $s = \sigma + it$. It's easy to see ...
fje's user avatar
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Derivative of the Riemann zeta function at $z=-2$

I have a question regarding the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function. It is known that $\zeta'(-1)=\frac{1}{12}-\ln A$, where $A$ is the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant (which is an elegant ...
L.L's user avatar
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Laplace transform of power of zeta function

Let $s$ is the complex variable. I would like to figure out the region of absolutely convergency of the following integral $$ e^{\frac{is}{2}}\int\limits_{\frac{1}{2}-i\infty}^{\frac{1}{2}+i\infty}\...
Mark's user avatar
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Characterizing essential singularities

In the paper Picture of an essential singularity, an analogy is made between the multipolar moments of infinitesimal charge distributions and the lines of constant modulus/argument around an essential ...
Victor Liu's user avatar
2 votes
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Size of $\zeta'(s)$ at its zeros

How large can the derivative of the Riemann zeta function be at its zeros? More specifically, let $\rho$ be a zero of the zeta function with $\Im(\rho)\in (0,T]$. What can we say about $|\zeta'(\rho)|...
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Bounds for Dirichlet L-functions

Let $L$ denote a Dirichlet L-function attached to the primitive character $\chi$. What are the best known bounds for $L(\sigma+it, \chi)$? PS: For $L=\zeta$ and $0\leq\sigma\leq 1$, i'm aware of a ...
Q_p's user avatar
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Analytic continuation and convergence of a Riemann zeta related function

The functions in question are $$L(s)=\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\lambda(k)}{k^s}=\frac{\zeta(2s)}{\zeta(s)} \mbox{ and } L^*(s)=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{\lambda(k)+(-1)^{k+1}}{k^s}=\frac{L(s)+\...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Asymptotic number of zeros for Dirichlet series with functional equation

I think the usual proof for the asymptotic number of zeros of the Riemann zeta function $$N(T) = \#\left\{\rho : \ \zeta(\rho)=0, \begin{array}{l}\scriptstyle Im(\rho)\ \in\ [0,T]\\ \scriptstyle Re(\...
reuns's user avatar
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Is there a scalar product which makes orthonormal the family of complex functions $ (f_n)_{ n \geq 1 } $?

Let $ (f_n)_{ n \geq 1 } $ be a family of complex functions defined as follow, $ \forall n \geq 1 $, $$ f_n (z) = \dfrac{1}{n^{z}} $$ I would like to ask you if it is possible to construct a ( non-...
Angel65's user avatar
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A expression for the tangent function involving $\zeta(n),n=2,3,\ldots$

A few procrastinal computations motivated by Four infinite series involving Riemann zeta function suggest the identity $$\tan\left(\frac{\kappa-1}{\kappa+1}\frac{\pi}{2}\right)=\frac{1}{\pi}\sum_{n=1}^...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
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Can infinite polynomials be expressed as a product of its linear factors?

Background: In the 1700s, Euler solved the Basel Problem, which was to solve $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{1}{n^2}$ in closed-form. Euler showed that it was equal to $\frac{\pi^2}{6}$ by first expressing $\...
Gabriel Benamy's user avatar
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Books on complex analysis for self learning that includes the Riemann zeta function?

I am searching for an introductory book in the field of complex analysis for self learning, that would contain the following: Analytic number theory : the connection between complex analysis and ...
user144435's user avatar
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Is $|\zeta(e^{ni})|\leq \log(n)$ true for $n > 19$ and how do i can show it if it is?

I performed some computations in wolfram alpha looking at the behavior of the values of $|\zeta(e^{ni})|$ trying to predict a lower bound. I have got the following result: For $n > 19 :|\zeta(e^{...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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Is this a valid method of extending convergence of the Maclaurin series for $\frac{x}{x+1}$ from $|x|<1$ to $\Re(x)>-1$?

I originally asked this question on Math StackExchange a few months ago and no answers or even comments have yet been posted, so I'm asking this question again here on Math OverFlow. This Math ...
Steven Clark's user avatar
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Prove that the real part of this limit converges to $\frac{1}{2}$

Let $s= 1/3 + 14i$. Prove that the real part of this limit converges to $\frac{1}{2}$: $$ \Re\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \left( \left[ 1- \left( \sum _{k=1}^n \frac{(-1)^{k-1} \binom{n-1}{...
Mats Granvik's user avatar
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Zeta function associated with a function $f$

Let the function $f(t) = \cos(at)$, where ($0 < a < 1$). Let us define $$\zeta(z, f) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(z)} \int_0^{+\infty} \frac{t^{z-1}\cos(at)}{e^t-1}\, dt. $$ Is there a general formula that ...
L.L's user avatar
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Binomial transform of Dirchlet series (2)

Referring to this MO question, i managed to do the following : We denote by $J(k+1,z)$ the sum : $$J(n+1,z)=\sum_{k=0}^{n}(-1)^{k}\binom{n}{k}\frac{\theta(k+1)}{(k+1)^{z}}$$ and by $S(k+1,z)$ the sum :...
mohammad-83's user avatar
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Multiple zeta values related to fractional calculus and an Appell polynomial sequence

There is an Appell sequence of polynomials $p_n(z)$ related to an infinitesimal generator for one rep of the fractional calculus that have coefficients involving the Riemann zeta function values at ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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multiplicative sequences $b(n)$ such that $F(s)$ is meromorphic

Is it possible to describe the set of sequences $a(n) = \mathcal{O}(1)$ such that $$\frac{F'}{F}(s) = \sum_{p^k} a(p^k) p^{-sk} \ln p \qquad (Re(s) > 1)$$ is the logarithmic derivative of a ...
reuns's user avatar
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computing a certain contour integral [closed]

I want to compute an integral along a vertical line segment. The function I'm integrating involves the zeta-function, and usually the way such integrals are done treats the line segment as one side ...
B.W.'s user avatar
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Mellin inverse of the Hadamard product rep. of the Riemann zeta function?

The floor function is given - by Perron's formula - as a Mellin inverse of the zeta function. namely : $$\left \lfloor x \right \rfloor=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{c-i\infty}^{c+i\infty}\zeta(s)\frac{x^{s}}{...
mohammad-83's user avatar
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On infinite sum containing logarithmic derivative of Zeta function and Möbius function:

Consider the following function: $$F(s)= \sum_m \mu(m) \sum_n \frac{e^{-n/2}\zeta^\prime (mns)}{n \zeta(mns)}$$ Now, we can see, that function has simple poles ${\left[\frac{1}{n}\right]}_{n=1}^\...
Zaza's user avatar
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An integral involving the argument of the Gamma function and the Riemann Hypothesis

Evaluate $$I=\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{t\arg \Gamma(\frac{1}{4}+\frac{it}{2})}{(\frac{1}{4}+t^2)^2}\mathrm{d}t$$ where $\Gamma(s)=\int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-x}x^{s-1}\mathrm{d}x.$ Note that $I$ converges ...
OneTwoOne's user avatar
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Bounds of zeta function near $\Re(s)=1$

Richert proved in that $$ \zeta(s) =O\left( |\Im(s)|^{100(1-\Re(s))^{3/2}} (\log |\Im(s)|)^{2/3}\right)$$ uniformly in the region $\Re(s)\in [1/2,1]...
Dr. Pi's user avatar
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What is the order of the kth derivative of Riemann zeta function?

The order of f(z) is the infimum of all m such that f(z) = O(exp(|z|^m) as z → ∞.
Waterman's user avatar
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Are there any known statistics on the sign of the Stieltjes Constants?

The Stieltjes Constants $\gamma_n$ arise from considering the laurent series of the Riemann Zeta function at $s=1$ $$ \zeta(s) = \frac{1}{s-1} + \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^n \frac{\gamma_n}{n!} (s-1)^n $...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Function involving argument of the Riemann zeta function

When $t$ is an ordinate of a zero of Riemann zeta function, we define \begin{equation} f(t):=\frac{t}{2\pi}\log\left(\frac{t}{2\pi e}\right)+S(t)-\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{48 \pi t}+\frac{7}{5760 t^3}+...
Steve's user avatar
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Convergence of zeta Euler product with additional term

Let's consider the following Euler product ($s=\sigma+it)$: $$ P(s)=\prod_{p \; \text{prime}} \frac{1}{1-p^{-s}} \; e^{-p^{-s}}$$ So for $\sigma>1$, it is clear the product converges and we have: $$...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Analytic continuation of Euler product $\phi(s)=\prod_p(1+p^{-s})^{-1}$

I am actually interested in the analytic continuation of $\phi_w(s)=\prod_p(1+w\cdot p^{-s})^{-1}$. Here $w$ is rational, or the imaginary unit multiplied by a rational. Consider for now that $w=1$. ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar