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2 answers

On finite extensions of the field of meromorphic functions

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be the field of meromorphic functions of one (complex) variable and $w = w(z)$ an analytic function satisfying a polynomial equation $P(w; z) := w^n + a_{n-1}(z) w^{n-1} + \cdots + ...
vassilis papanicolaou's user avatar
10 votes
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Bounded holomorphic functions on a Riemann surface separating points

Let $R$ be a Riemann surface that admits a non-constant bounded holomorphic function. Then is it true that any two points of $R$ can be separated by a bounded holomorphic function? This is easy to see ...
Jaikrishnan's user avatar
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Complex structures on topological surfaces

I am interested in the number of complex structures on a surface. More precisely, given a genus $g$ surface (topological manifold of real dimension 2) with $n$ punctures $X_{(g,n)}$, how many complex ...
Student's user avatar
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2 answers

Embedding open connected Riemann surfaces in $\mathbb{C}^2$

This question arises in the context of a question asked on MSE: Are concrete Riemann surfaces Riemann domains over $\mathbb{C}$. Part of the answer to that question is the question above which is ...
Kapil's user avatar
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Simple Closed Hyperbolic Geodesics on Punctured Spheres

Thinking of $\mathbb {CP^1}$ as the sphere $S^2\subset\mathbb R^3$, we can define the notion of a circle on it to be a subset that is got by a hyperplane section of $S^2$ inside $\mathbb R^3$. This ...
Mohan Swaminathan's user avatar
5 votes
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Unramified map of Riemann surfaces

Let $f:S \to T$ be a surjective, unramified, holomorphic map between connected Riemann surfaces. If $S$ is not compact is it always true that $f$ is a covering? This is of course true if $S$ is ...
Chitrabhanu's user avatar
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Reference request: basics about modular curves

Where can I find a reference (with carefully written proofs) for basic facts about modular curves? Namely: Congruence subgroups The open modular curve $Y_\Gamma$ admits the structure of a Riemann ...
modular's user avatar
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Equality on $\partial \mathbb{H}$ of lifts for isotopy to a conformal map

Let $\mathbb{H} \subset \mathbb{C}$ be the upper half plane. First recall the following statement: if $f^* \colon \mathbb{H} \rightarrow \mathbb{H}$ is quasi-conformal (qc), then there exists an ...
Florian R's user avatar
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Differentials on tori realised as double of annuli

In this question it was described how to realise a torus as the double of an annulus Explicit construction of mirror surface and complex double for an annulus. In short, the torus is realised ...
giulio bullsaver's user avatar
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The cohomology of meromorphic functions

Let $A$ be a sheaf such that $$A(U) = \{ f \in \mathbb M(U): f \in \mathbb{O}(U \backslash\{p_1,\ldots, p_n\}) \ \mbox{with at worst a simple pole at}\ p_i \} $$ where $\mathbb M(U)$ means the set of ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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2 answers

Defining “addition” on the Riemann surface of log(z)

The title of this question is a bit awkward, as adding two points together on a manifold is usually not considered possible, but in this case there appears to be a nice little hack. Consider the ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Riemann surfaces with an atlas all of whose open sets are biholomorphic to $\mathbb{C}$?

Is there a compact Riemann surface other than the sphere with an atlas consisting of open subsets biholomorphic to $\mathbb{C}$? Is there a compact Riemann surface other than the sphere which ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Image of boundary circle under map from punctured elliptic curve to ℂ

Let $E=\mathbb C/\Lambda$ be an elliptic curve, and let $D\subset E$ be a very small disc. ($D$ is round for the usual flat metric on $E$) By the main result of [1], there exists a holomorphic ...
André Henriques's user avatar
4 votes
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Shrinking the boundary of a Riemann surface

Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface with boundary. Let us shrink each connected component of the boundary into a point. We get a closed topological surface $Z$ with several marked points (which came ...
asv's user avatar
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11 votes
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Gluing Riemann surfaces

Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface with boundary $\partial X$. Assume (for simplicity only) that $\partial X$ has a single connected component. Let us fix an orientation preserving diffeomorphism $\...
asv's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Universal covering of a 2-sphere without $n$ points

Let $X$ be the $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^1$ with $n$ points deleted. Let $n\geq 3$. If I understand correctly, the universal covering of $X$ is isomorphic to the upper half plane as a complex analytic ...
asv's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Can the limit set of an infinitely generated Schottky group have positive area?

Dear Mathoverflow Community, Suppose that $\Omega$ is a domain in the Riemann Sphere $\widehat{\mathbb{C}}$ with $\infty \in \Omega$, and assume that every connected component of $\partial \Omega$ is ...
Malik Younsi's user avatar
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Modulus of an annulus with a cut

Let $A_r$ be a complex annulus of modulus $r>0$ obtained from a $1\times r$ rectangle in $\mathbb C$ with vertices $A=0$, $B=r$, $C=r+i$, $D=i$, by identifying isomterically $AB$ with $DC$. Let us ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Vector bundles over Riemann surfaces of infinite genus

Has any work been done on the description of (finite rank) holomorphic vector bundles over Riemann surfaces of infinite genus? Is there a theory of moduli spaces of such objects? This question is ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Does every Riemann surface with boundary immerse in C?

Does every connected, compact Riemann surface $\Sigma$ with boundary, $\partial \Sigma\not =\emptyset$, admit a holomorphic function (smooth on the boundary) $f:\Sigma\to\mathbb C$ whose derivative is ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Stoilow Theorem

I want to see the precise statement and a proof for a theorem of Stoilow on "inner" functions (I do not know what this exactly means, I suppose it is an open map with other natural properties). A ...
Eddy's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

Elementary proof of Riemann-Roch for compact Riemann surfaces

I am supposed to give a talk about the Riemann-Roch theorem to a seminar of first and second year graduate students. I want to do Riemann-Roch for compact Riemann surfaces, but I am open to perhaps ...
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Equivariant meromorphic functions

Let $G \subset \rm{PSL}_{2}\mathbb{C}$ be a subgroup of the Mobius group of the 2-sphere $S^2$, and suppose that $G$ also acts on a second surface $M^2$ by automorphisms. Does there exist a ...
mbd's user avatar
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Finite covers of punctured Riemann surfaces

Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface, i.e. compact smooth complex analytic (hence automatically algebraic) curve. Let $A\subset X$ be a finite subset, and $X_0:=X\backslash A$. Let $Y_0$ be a smooth ...
asv's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Is a one-dimensional compact complex analytic space necessarily projective?

Let $X$ be a compact complex analytic space with singular locus $X^{\mathrm{sing}}$. Suppose that $X\setminus X^{\mathrm{sing}}$ is a Riemann surface. If $X^{\mathrm{sing}} = \emptyset$, then $X$ is ...
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Branches of the tetration function

Letting $\eta = e^{1/e}$ where $e$ is Euler's constant, there exists a function $F(z)=\, ^z \eta$ with the following relevant properties. (I won't bother showing the existence of this function, or the ...
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7 votes
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Embed a bordered Riemann surface into punctured Riemann surfaces?

Let $U$ be a bordered Riemann surface of genus $g$ with $n -1$ punctures and one hole (i.e., the border has one connected component). For any punctured Riemann surface $\Sigma$ of genus $g$ with $n$ ...
user89402's user avatar
7 votes
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Criterion for deciding the conformal class of a metric on a complete surface

For orientable closed Riemannian surfaces $(S,g)$, there is a constant curvature metric $\overline{g}$ on $S$ that is conformal to $g$ in the sense that $\overline{g} = e^ug$ for some smooth function $...
jef808's user avatar
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2 answers

Complex structure on a punctured torus giving a complex structure on the torus?

Can anyone provide an idea of the proof or a reference of the fact that a complex structure on the once punctured torus extends to one on the torus? In other words, the Teichmuller space of the ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Is there a proof of the uniformization theorem using circle packing?

In this paper: Rodin and Sullivan show that circle packings converge to the Riemann map. Later, Scharmm and He found another proof of the same ...
Alfredo Hubard's user avatar
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A question on Ahlfors covering surface

Given a transcendental entire function $f$, and three Jordan domains $D_1$, $D_2$, and $D_3$ such that the closures of the three Jordan domains do not intersect with each other. Then from Ahlfors ...
yaoxiao's user avatar
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criterion for a differential of the third kind to be a logarithmic derivative of a function

Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface of genus $g\geq 1$. If $f$ is a meromorphic function on $X$ then, the meromorphic differential $\omega=\frac{df}{f}$ is a differential of the third kind with ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
8 votes
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Equivalence of definitions of quasiconformal surfaces?

I have been reading John H. Hubbard's book Teichmüller Theory vol. 1 and I am a little bit concerned with his definition of quasiconformal surface. Definition: A quasiconformal surface $S$ is a ...
Maxime Scott's user avatar
5 votes
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Structure of the automorphism group of a Riemann surface

I was wondering if anything is known about the possible structure of $\mathrm{Aut}(S)$ for a Riemann surface $S$. More precisely, are there known obstructions for a finite group $G$ to be such an ...
Selim G's user avatar
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Coordinate charts on converging Riemann surfaces

Let $S$ be a $2-$dim manifold and $q \in S$. Furthermore, let $j_{n}$ be a sequence of complex structures on $S$ converging in $C^{\infty}_{\text{loc}}$ to a complex structure $j$ on $S$ as $n\...
Tobias's user avatar
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existence of positive curved line bundles on a compact Riemann surface

Can anyone suggest a proof of the existence of positive line bundles on a compact Riemann surface, avoiding Hodge decomposition. (I am aware of the method in Dror Varolin's book, but I consider that ...
Koushik's user avatar
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Marten's proof of torelli theorem

I am trying to read the proof of torelli theorem by Henrik H.Martens "A new proof of torelli's theorem" Annals of mathematics vol78 no. 1 .The proof seems to me like using mysterious combination of 3 ...
Koushik's user avatar
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searching for an elementary proof a complex analysis result

Given a function $ g $ entire on the whole complex plane $ C $, it is possible to find an entire function $f $ such that $ f(z+1) -f(z)=g(z) $. The proof can be given using riemann surface,automorphy,...
Koushik's user avatar
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Spicing up Riemann surfaces course (revised)

I am a master's student planning to write a master's thesis on Riemann surfaces. I plan to study Forster's Lectures on Riemann surfaces. What side topics could one study to spice up the thesis? I am ...
Koushik's user avatar
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A question for hyperbolic metric in the proof for Bohr's lemma

Recently I was reading an interesting proof for Bohr's lemma by the tool of hyperbolic metric, however I have a following question: Given a holomorphic map $f$ on $D$, $f(0)=0$, and $|f|<1$ on $D_{...
yaoxiao's user avatar
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Uniform estimate for the Cauchy-Riemann equations on a hyperbolic Riemann surface

I have been trying to find the answer to this question in the literature, but have not succeeded. The question is as follows. Suppose $X$ is a Riemann surface that admits a green's function (i.e. ...
Dror's user avatar
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Use of Jensen's inequality on a Riemann surface

Let $f:\mathbb{C}\to \mathbb{C}$ be entire and consider the composite function $g(z):=f(\sqrt{z^2 - 1})$ on $\mathbb{C}\setminus \big ((-\infty , -1]\cup [1,\infty )\big )$ on the branch of the square ...
flavio's user avatar
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Subharmonic function on a twice punctured complex plane

is the twice punctured complex plane parabolic or hyperbolic? In this sense: does $\mathbb{C}-\{0,1\}$ admit a nonconstant, negative, subharmonic function? Thanks,
Joseph Pyncer's user avatar
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How to find number of points at infinity of a Riemann surface

Let $X \subset \mathbb C^2$ be a Riemann surface with boundary $\partial X \subset \mathbb C^2$ and without compact components. Let $\bar X = X \cup \{p_1,\ldots,p_N\} \subseteq \mathbb CP^2$ be its ...
Appliqué's user avatar
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Residues and Mittag-Leffler sequence

Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface, $\omega$ a meromorphic differential on $X$ and $f$ a meromorphic function on $X$ with poles only over the points $P_1,\dots,P_d$. The product $\;f\cdot\omega\;$ ...
Abramo's user avatar
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Inverse "Riemann mapping" [closed]

The Riemann mapping theorem states, that any simply connected domain $U \subset \mathbb C$ can be conformally mapped to the open unit disk $D$. I.e. there is a Diffeomorphism $\Psi: D \to U$ such that ...
twch's user avatar
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Fixed points on Riemann surface

It is well known theorem that for a conformal mapping $\phi$ from a bounded and planar domain $\Omega$ to itself has three fixed points , then it must be identity mapping. However, I cannot find a ...
yaoxiao's user avatar
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Approximation Runge's Theorem

Let $X$ be a Riemann Surface and $K$ a compact subset of $X$. Every holomorphic function in $K$ be uniformly approximable on $K$ by holomorphic functions on $X$ if $X-K$ have no connected component ...
James's user avatar
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Trivial Line Bundle-Riemann surfaces

What are the Hermitian metrics in a trivial line bundle on a Riemann surface X? I read that a Hermitian metric in the trivial line bundle is equivalent to a $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$ weight function $\...
James's user avatar
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Green's function - Hyperbolic Riemann surface

A Riemann surface is said to be: -Potential-theoretically hyperbolic if it has a non-constant bounded subharmonic function. -Poincaré hyperbolic if it is covered by the unid disk. Are this ...
James's user avatar
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