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Can we define $\partial\bar{\partial}(\log|z_1|^2)\wedge \partial\bar{\partial}(\log|z_2|^2)$ as a current?

In complex analysis, by Poincare-Lelong theorem, we have $$ \frac{\sqrt{-1}}{\pi}\partial\bar{\partial}(\log|z|^2)=T_{z=0} $$ as currents, where $$ T_{z=0}(\eta)=\int_{z=0}\eta. $$ Now suppose we have ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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first order quasilinear partial differential equations

I am interested in understanding complex first-order quasilinear partial differential equations. In the real setting there is a huge literature dealing with such equations but in the complex setting, ...
Said Kamam's user avatar
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On convergence of entire functions

Suppose we have a sequence of entire functions $f_n$ such that $$\text{$f_n(z)\to0$ for each natural $z$}\tag{1}$$ (as $n\to\infty$). Is it possible to give general additional conditions on the ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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A question about Lelong number

If $f$ is plurisubharmonic (not identically $-\infty$) on a neighbourhood of $0$ then the Lelong number of $f$ at $0$ is defined by $$\nu_{f}(0) = \liminf_{|z|\rightarrow 0}\dfrac{f(z)}{\log|z|}.$$ My ...
JohnMed's user avatar
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unbounded power series

I want a reference to the literature of a power series convergent in the whole CLOSED unit disk,but unbounded there.
R B Burckel's user avatar
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Automorphisms of bounded symmetric domains

Let $D \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be a bounded symmetric domain. It is known that $D$ can be realized as the unit ball of some complex norm $||\cdot||$. Using the Bergman metric on $D$, one can define a ...
Jaikrishnan's user avatar
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methods for interpolating a function, holomorphic in the upper halfplane

Let $n,k\colon\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ be real functions such that function $N$ given by $N(x)=n(x)-ik(x)$ is a holomorphic function in the upper half-plane. Also I know some additional properties of ...
Fiktor's user avatar
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Inequality for generalized Laguerre polynomials

Please. Does anybody know a proof of this inequality $$\Big|\frac{n!\Gamma(\alpha+1)}{\Gamma(n+\alpha+1)} L^{\alpha}_n(x)\Big|\leq e^{\frac{x}{2}}$$ where $\alpha\geq0$ and $x\geq0$ and $L^{\alpha}_n$ ...
Kacdima's user avatar
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2 answers

Reference request for the integral representation of the Hadamard product of two infinite series

Define $F(x) = \sum_{n\geq 1} f_{n}x^n$ and $G(x) = \sum_{n\geq 1} g_{n}x^n$. Then the Hadamard product of $F$ and $G$ is $$H(x):=(F*G)(x) = \sum_{n\geq 1} f_{n}g_{n}x^n.$$ The author of Riesz ...
Name1's user avatar
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The spectrum and the tangent space of the algebra of holomorphic functions on a Stein manifold

Let $A$ be a Fréchet algebra over ${\mathbb C}$, and let us call the spectrum ${\tt Spec}[A]$ of $A$ the set of all characters, i.e. continuous multiplicative linear functionals $s:A\to{\mathbb C}$, ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
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Composite families of formal power series over $\mathbb C$ as algebraic variety

I was led to prove that the set of composite families $(f_j)_{j \leq k}$ of germs at $0\in \mathbb C^m$ of a holomorphic function (composite = sharing a common divisor belonging to the maximal ideal) ...
Loïc Teyssier's user avatar
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Queries about the Skolem-Mahler-Lech theorem (integer zeros of exponential polynomials)

The Skolem-Mahler-Lech Theorem says that the integer zeros of an exponential polynomial are the union of complete arithmetic progressions and a finite number of exceptional zeros. http://terrytao....
Vagabond's user avatar
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Schwartz's theorem without English language reference

I'm reading the paper "Spectral Synthesis And The Pompeiu Problem" by Leon Brown, Bertram M. Schreiber and B. Alan Taylor, Annales de l’Institut Fourier 23, No. 3, 125-154 (1973), MR352492, ...
Holden Lyu's user avatar
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Transformation of Julia set sequence emerging from meromorphic function

I consider a sequence of meromorphic functions on the Riemann sphere $f_k:\hat{\mathbb{C}} \to \hat{\mathbb{C}}$ for $k\in\mathbb{N}$ of the form $$f_k(z)=\sum_{j=1}^{n_k}\dfrac{1}{(z-p_j)^{c_j}}$$ ...
Jens Fischer's user avatar
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"Circulant-Vandermonde" matrix: in search of a formula

An $n\times n$ circulant matrix $\mathbf{X}_n$ has the form \begin{align} \mathbf{X}_n= \begin{bmatrix} x_1 & x_2 & \cdots & x_{n-1} & x_n \\ x_2 & x_3 & \cdots & x_n&...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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On tangential approach regions for general power series converging on the unit disk

Notation and premises. Here it is a list of notations more or less explicitly used in the question: If $z\in\Bbb C$ then $z = re(t)$ where $r\in \Bbb R_{\ge 0}$, $t\in [0,1]$ and $e(t)\triangleq \exp(...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
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On an exact expression for the squares of the distances of the critical points to a given zero of a polynomial

Let $p(z) = \prod_{j=1}^{l+1} (z - z_j)^{M_j}$ be a complex polynomial of degree $n$, where the $z_j$ are distinct for $1, \ldots, l+1$. The first $l$ entries in the list $\{z'_1, \ldots, z'_{n-1} \}$ ...
thomashennecke's user avatar
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Asymptotic Expansion of Seiberg-Witten Differential?

Nekrasov & Okounkov proved ( that the Seiberg-Witten prepotential can be given by \begin{equation} \mathcal{F}(\mathbf{a},\Lambda) = \lim_{\hbar\rightarrow ...
user113988's user avatar
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How to decide whether a power series is algebraic? [duplicate]

I vaguely recall that there is a theorem stating, a power series is algebraic iff the coefficients of the series is automatic over every finite fields. Could anyone give the article or the theorem ? ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Possible automorphisms of a Jacobian

If we consider automorphisms of the Jacobian $J(C)$ of a curve $C$ which are compatible with the canonical polarization, we can describe this automorphism group in terms of $\text{Aut }C$ (see ``On ...
modnar's user avatar
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Trace of a weighted composition operator on Bergman space

I am reading a series of papers by Pollicott, Jenkinson and coauthors which make use of the following type of result: Theorem: Let $\mathbb{D} \subset \mathbb{C}^d$ be a bounded, connected open set. ...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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State of the art for univariate complex polynomials factorization with algebraic coefficients

Let $\mathbb{K}:=\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ be the field of algebraic numbers. We choose to represent an element of $\mathbb{K}$ as its minimal monic polynomial, which is a vector in some $\mathbb{Q}^n$. ...
Loïc Teyssier's user avatar
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One-parameter groups acting on dual Banach spaces

Let $E$ be a Banach space, and $M=E^*$ (my application has $M$ a von Neumann algebra, but this is unimportant). Let $(\sigma_t)$ be a SOT cts one-parameter group on $E$: so for $t\in\mathbb R$, we ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Complex differential equations

I'm looking for a gentle an concise introduction to complex-variable differential equations. Eventually, I need to look at complex PDEs, but I assume one starts with complex ODEs. Mostly, I'm just ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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Size of $\zeta'(s)$ at its zeros

How large can the derivative of the Riemann zeta function be at its zeros? More specifically, let $\rho$ be a zero of the zeta function with $\Im(\rho)\in (0,T]$. What can we say about $|\zeta'(\rho)|...
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Groups of conformal isomorphisms of simply connected surfaces

By the uniformization theorem every connected and simply connected surface $M$ is conformally equivalent to one of the following three surfaces: open disk $D$, complex plane $\mathbb{C}$, or $2$-...
Sergiy Maksymenko's user avatar
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Planar polynomial vector field for a harmonic pair of polynomials

Has the system of ODEs $$\frac{dx}{dt}=P(x,y)\\ \frac{dy}{dt}=Q(x,y) $$ been studied for the special case of the polynomials $P$ and $Q$ being a harmonic pair, i.e. the real and imaginary part of ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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Asymptotic number of zeros for Dirichlet series with functional equation

I think the usual proof for the asymptotic number of zeros of the Riemann zeta function $$N(T) = \#\left\{\rho : \ \zeta(\rho)=0, \begin{array}{l}\scriptstyle Im(\rho)\ \in\ [0,T]\\ \scriptstyle Re(\...
reuns's user avatar
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When flatness of a morphism implies smoothness?

EDIT: Let $f\colon X\to C$ be a flat proper morphism of complex algebraic (or analytic) varieties. Assume the special fiber over a point $p\in C$ is smooth. Is it true that there exists a ...
asv's user avatar
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Exact reference for Liouville theorem

It seems hard for me to find that the solution of the following equation $$ \Delta u+e^u=0 $$ defined on a simply-connected domain $D\subset R^2$ must be of form $$ u(z)=\log\frac{4|f'|^2}{(1+|f|^2)^2}...
van abel's user avatar
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Length-preserving Analogue of Riemann's Mapping Theorem

The Riemann mapping theorem (cf e.g. essentially guarantees the existence of a biholomorphic mapping of a simply connected, open subset of the ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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$ 2|f^{'}(0)| = \sup_{z, w \in D} |f(z)-f(w)|$ if and only if $f$ is linear

I know the following is a well-known result. Let $D = B(0,1) \subset \mathbb{C} $ a disc, $f$ holomorphic on $D$. Show that $$ 2|f^{'}(0)| \le \sup_{z, w \in D} |f(z)-f(w)|$$ Furthermore, there is ...
user33122's user avatar
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How to find the almost period of an exponential polynomial

Let $u(t) = \Sigma_{k=1}^n c_k e^{i \lambda_k t} (c_k \in \mathbb C, \lambda_k \in \mathbb R) $ be an exponential polynomial of order $n$ with purely imaginary exponents. We can assume that the ...
Vagabond's user avatar
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Another combinatorial identity

Is it true that $$\sum_{r=0}^p \sum_{i=0}^r a_{n,p,r,i}=0$$ for all natural $n$ and all natural $p\ge2n$, where $$a_{n,p,r,i}:=\frac{(-1)^r (n+p-r-1)! (n p-i (r-i))}{i!(r-i)! (n-i)! (p-r+i)! (n-r+i)! ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Stoilow Theorem

I want to see the precise statement and a proof for a theorem of Stoilow on "inner" functions (I do not know what this exactly means, I suppose it is an open map with other natural properties). A ...
Eddy's user avatar
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Blaschke Condition for hyperbolic lattices

For $r$, $s$, small positive integers, do the complex numbers on the unit disc (without the hyperbolic metric) corresponding to the vertices of the hyperbolic tiling with Schläfli symbol $\{r,s\}$ ...
graveolensa's user avatar
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Jensen's Formula for Arbitrary Neighborhoods

The Jensen's formula says the following: Let $f$ be analytic on the disc $D$ of radius $R$ centered at the origin such that $f(0)\neq 0$, then \begin{align} \log(|f(0)|)+ \sum_{i=1}^n \log \left(\...
Boby's user avatar
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Entire composite square roots of functions of finite order

A composite square root of a function $g$ is a function $f$ such that $f(f(z)) = g(z)$. Not surprisingly, for arbitrary $g$ a function like this is hard to find. Specifically I am looking at functions ...
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Asymptotics of the derivatives of analytic functions

Are there sources that treat questions like the following ones? Suppose that $f\colon\mathbb{C}\to\mathbb{C}$ is an entire function such that $f(x)$ is real for all real $x$ and $f(x)\sim1/x$ as $x\...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Meromorphic Functions as Distributions

For the function $\frac{1}{x}$ on the real line, one can use a modified principal value integral to consider it as a distribution p.f.$(\frac{1}{x}),$ and one can do a similar construction to make $\...
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Brieskorn's proof of a theorem by Milnor about the Milnor number

I am looking for a reference or short explanation of a proof by E. Brieskorn. In his famous work "Singularities of complex hypersurfaces" Milnor proves that the (nowadays called) Milnor Number (in ...
Ben's user avatar
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Is it possible to define pseudodifferential operator $p(x,T)$ using Cauchy integral formula?

I was wondering how I can define a pseudodifferential operator using Cauchy integral formula. Consider a differential operator $p(T)$ ($p$ is a polynomial for instance). $p(T)$ can be defined as: $$\...
Mirar's user avatar
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Defining a map into $S^1$ as an "angle" in a non simply connected domain

Suppose that ambient space is $\mathbb R^2$, and $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2 $ is a smooth domain, non simply connected domain. To fix ideas,we can assume $$\Omega = \{(x_1,x_2) : 1< x_1^2+x_2^2 &...
username's user avatar
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Does the "Ohsawa-Takegoshi theorem without bounds" have a name?

There are many theorems which now could be called "The Ohsawa-Takegoshi" theorem. Of these, the most basic is roughly the following: Let $\Omega \subset \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be a psuedoconvex ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
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Roots for $p(w)=n+\sum_{j=1}^{m}\frac{v_{j}}{w-v_{j}}$

Let $v_{j}\in \mathbb{C}, 1\leq j\leq m$ and $w\in \mathbb{C}\setminus \{v_{j}\}_{j=1}^{m}$ and $n>0$. Q: Can we say anything about the m roots $w_{1},...,w_{m}$ of $$p(w)=n+\sum_{j=1}^{m}\frac{...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Existence of analytic continuation of Dirichlet series corresponding to the indicator sequence of a complement of a special multiplicative set

Let $K/ \mathbb Q $ be a finite Galois extension and let $X$ be a proper non-empty subset of the Galois group $G=Gal(K/ \mathbb Q)$ that is closed under conjugation. Consider a set of integer primes $...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
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Higher dimensional analogue of Ahlfors covering surface theory

It is well known that Ahlfors covering surface theory in one dimensional is very powerful in dealing with many problems. I wonder whether there exists some generalization of this theory into higher ...
google's user avatar
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The normal derivative of the Green's function

I was wondering if anything was known about the following: Let $\mathbb{D}^2=\lbrace x^2+y^2< 1 \rbrace \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ be the open unit disk. Consider now the Green's functions $G(z; p)$ ...
Rbega's user avatar
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Theta series of well-rounded lattices

I've started looking into well-rounded Euclidean lattices and I was interested in learning whether their theta series have any interesting properties, but haven't found much in terms of bibliography ...
JBuck's user avatar
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Computing a complex integral with many poles

For an integer $k\geq 1$, let $f:\mathbb{C}^k\to\mathbb{C}$ be such that $f$ is analytic in the region $\text{Re}(u_i) > -1$ (say) for each $1\leq i \leq k$, and decays rapidly on vertical lines (i....
Joshua Stucky's user avatar