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On a question relating integral equation:

I don't know if the following question qualifies as research level. If it isn't, sorry. Set the following terminology: $ \alpha_1 =\alpha_1(t,x)=t(\tan^{-1}(x)+c)$ $\alpha_2=\alpha_2(s,x)=s(\tan^{-1}(...
GSA_1's user avatar
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integral over the unit sphere of $\Bbb C^n$

Please, is there a way to calculate this integral $$\int_{S_{2n-1}} \frac{e^{a \langle z, \zeta \rangle}}{|z - \zeta|^{\beta}} \, d\sigma(\zeta)$$ where $ z $ is a fixed point in the complex unit ball ...
zoran  Vicovic's user avatar
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Zeroes of Mellin transform

There exist a "standard" or canonical way to construct a real valued function whose Mellin transform has a prescribed set of zeroes? Clearly for some set of zeroes this could be impossible ...
MathG's user avatar
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Solving an equation containing Laplace transform

Consider the equation \begin{equation} \frac{f(p)}{f(s_{1})}\mathcal{L}(y)(s_{1})+\frac{g(p)}{g(s_{2})}\mathcal{L}% (y)(s_{2})=\mathcal{L(}y)\mathbf{(}p), \end{equation} where $\mathcal{L}$ is the ...
Goga's user avatar
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Inverse Laplace transform of a non-negative function

Consider an entire function $f$, which is real for real arguments and satisfies $f(s)\geq 0$ for all $s\in\mathbb{R}$. Furthermore, assume this function is a Laplace transform, $$ f(s)=\int_0^\infty e^...
Peter Kravchuk's user avatar