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72 votes
9 answers

Why do functions in complex analysis behave so well? (as opposed to functions in real analysis)

Complex analytic functions show rigid behavior while real-valued smooth functions are flexible. Why is this the case?
Yoo's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Is this function concave?

Let $$h(u):=u^3 \left|\int_u^\infty \frac{e^{-i t}}{t^3} \, dt\right|$$ for $u>0$. Is the function $h$ concave on $(0,\infty)$? (For context, see Proposition 4.4.4 and formula (4.4.21) in this ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Quantitative analytic continuation estimate for functions small except on a small set

This question arises as a variation of this question, which was helpfully answered in the negative. It turns out that for my application, a substantially weaker conjecture suffices, which fails to be ...
Keefer Rowan's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Quantitative analytic continuation estimate for a function small on a set of positive measure

The following conjecture about analytic functions arose as a way to show the asymptotic growth for certain PDE solutions. As I am unfamiliar with any results of this type, I thought I'd ask here. In ...
Keefer Rowan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Roots of rational function

Sorry, I asked a similar question yesterday which contained a mistake in the question posed, here is the real question. Let $(x_n)_{n=1}^N$ be a sequence taking values in $[1,2]$ with the property ...
Guido Li's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Meromorphic extension of solutions to ODEs

I encountered the following question in my studies: Let us assume we have a real anlaytic solution to an ODE on $\mathbb{R}$ of Schr\"odinger type $-\psi''(x)+V(x)\psi(x)=\lambda \psi(x)$ but we ...
Zehner's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Bringing a Heun equation into canonical form

It is a well known fact that any second order Fuchsian differential equation on the complex plane $$u''(x) + p(x)u'(x) + q(x)u(x)=0$$ with exactly $4$ regular singular points may be suitably ...
Max's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Zeros of entire functions with parameter

Let $f_w:\mathbb C \to \mathbb C$ be an entire function with $f_w(0)=1$ and at least one root for any choice of $w \in (0,1)$. Assume further that for a dense set of $w$ the function $f_w$ has ...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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