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Proving that $\lim_{j \to i} Z_{ij} = [\ln(\frac{\Delta s_i}{2})-1]\Delta s_i$

If I have the following integral equation $$\phi(\vec{x})=\frac{1}{\pi}\int [\phi\frac{\partial (\ln r)}{\partial n} -\ln(r) \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial n}] ds$$ An approximate solution of $\phi$ ...
Mahmoud Hassan's user avatar
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Analyze a function defined in terms of an integral

Here is a question that really has puzzled me for quite a while. I happened to see this function defined in terms of an integral $$f(x):=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{2e^{x+e^x\cos y}}{1+\left(e^{e^x\cos y}\...
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